Thinking of going full time D*, but need 5 receivers

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HDTV Rookie

SatelliteGuys Pro
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Dec 1, 2003
I currently get all of my regular programming from E*. (Look at my signature for my receivers.) But I am really getting fed up with all of the issues I have been having lately with E*

I currently only subscribe to the NFL ticket with D* and have done so for the last 3 years. If I come to D* I would need (like to have), 1 HD receive, 2 SD Tivo's (1 with 40 hours and the other with at least 80), and 2 regular SD receivers, or possibly 1 HD receiver, 4 SD Tivo's (3 w/ 40 hours, 1 w/ 80 hours)

I have tried to get the $99. offer from D* but they keep saying the best they can give me is $199.00, but I have not mentioned the requirements for additional receivers, maybe that will sweeten the pot and get them to give me the $99 deal

Anyway, I am trying to find out if there are any specials going on for the equipment I am looking for, any kind of 5 room setup.

I guess another option, since I would not be considered a new customer would be to establish services in my wife's name (we moved from one state to another and have a new #)

Any help would be appreciated
I don't know of any deals with 5 receivers, but I would like to say- you have made a good choice, you will not be dissapointed with going full time D*.
Through the 17th of July 40 gig TiVo's are $99.99 under Truth or Dare promotion for new or existing customers. HDTV receivers should have a starting price of about $400 for existing customers. You will have to decide what you want for receivers so you can determine how many outputs you will need, 8way 12 way multiswitch.
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I get a lock but no signal???

Anyone from Grand Forks ND?

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