Thunderbolt FTA box??

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Nov 29, 2006
Hi all,
I need some clarity: I've got a Dreambox 7020s connected to a 1.8meter c-band dish. I mostly use it to pick up FTA channles of Pas10 on 68.5E.
I'm situated in South Africa so my choices are limited.
I recenlty had a look at the W2 satallite footprint and noticed that I might be able to allign to it as footprint reaches my location at about 38db.
I've checked the content availible on W2 and noticed that the French pay TV provider (Parabole Reunion) is also availible on it. I then read that SS3 (supersport 3) is coming through as a FTA. I found this hard to believe as SS3 is normally a pay channel. The guy who wrote it, said he is using a Thunderbolt FTA box (never heard of such a box) with a version 2 Irdeto card. Apparently SS3 comes FTA because of the version 2 card configuration and the Thunderbolt's firmware. Please understand that I don't condone hacking at all, but I was just wondering (seeing that I'm a sports fanatic) if anyone out there could confirm this "story" before I atempt to alling my dish to W2.
If I can receive SS3 LEGALLY as a FTA I would love to but hopefully with my dreambox (unless I can get a Thunderbold box real cheap :)

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