Agree, the reported problem sure sounds like the "0" skew stamp is aligned with the vertical axis of the reflector and not the horizontal axis.
Damaged coax or fitting.
If it is intermittant, check for voltage chaNges at the LNBF.
Direct connection from the meter to the LNBF? No other switches, barrels or ??? Try a short jumper to test?
Measure the voltage at the LNBF. With the XR-3 on a vertical transponder, what is the measured voltage? With the XR-3 on a horizontal transponder, what is the measured voltage?
Place your XR-3 on a vertical transponder. Verify lock and CNR. Now, change the LNB type to Fixed 18Vdc. Is this vertical transponder still locked and showing SNR?
Happy to test and if defective, replace under warranty. If the voltage polarity switching has failed on a C138 or C238, there will always be a first!