Two Hopper 3 Install is Scheduled

Seems he could have bypassed the dp42, used a dph lnb and let the receivers download 1 at a time. Then once they were downloaded hook them back to the switch.
We tried that. He hooked the DPP44 switch back up and then connected port one to the Solo Hub and port two to the other Solo Hub and still wouldn't download. I think the issue is the 1000+ dish.
Yeah that's the issue. Needed to be a 1k2 with a dph lnb, wouldn't have took but just a few mins to temp a dish like that. At least it's over with.
Yep, day of hell. My poor wife was here too with no TV. She is home on summer break from school. Every thing is suppose to be on one account too.
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Yep, he was on phone several long times because work order was screwed up. If anyone purchases a Hopper 3 from retailer, make sure it is pre-loaded software model for DPH42 switch.

Guess I got lucky on that one. My installer mentioned that the new switch required pre-loaded software and that's what he brought. My install took about 3 hours, maybe a bit less. I'm liking the new receivers so far, especially the speed of the new CUI compared to the HWS.

Glad you got everything sorted. If you're anything like me its a bit annoying having somebody else poking around your stuff. I had to stop my installer from trying to set up the remote for other equipment. I use a Harmony and he was just wasting his time.
We tried that. He hooked the DPP44 switch back up and then connected port one to the Solo Hub and port two to the other Solo Hub and still wouldn't download. I think the issue is the 1000+ dish.

That wouldn't work. Hopper 3's need Hybrid.

If you disconnect the jumper between the 2 solo hubs then the Hoppers won't see each other any more. Still wondering if that duo hub works?
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The new CUI is not faster, the H3 is significantly faster than the H2.

If the H3 had the old interface on it, it would scream.

Sort of like running Windows 98 on a Core i7, if it would run it would be extremely fast, but so passe..
Guess I got lucky on that one. My installer mentioned that the new switch required pre-loaded software and that's what he brought. My install took about 3 hours, maybe a bit less. I'm liking the new receivers so far, especially the speed of the new CUI compared to the HWS.

Glad you got everything sorted. If you're anything like me its a bit annoying having somebody else poking around your stuff. I had to stop my installer from trying to set up the remote for other equipment. I use a Harmony and he was just wasting his time.
Thanks. Do you have a jumper coax connecting your two Solo Hubs together client port to client port? I don't think you do but I can't find your pic anymore.
I forgot to mention that if the Hoppers are connected by ethernet then you don't need the hub jumper but then all that traffic goes over your home network instead of the MoCA on the coax where it belongs.
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That wouldn't work. Hopper 3's need Hybrid.

If you disconnect the jumper between the 2 solo hubs then the Hoppers won't see each other any more. Still wondering if that duo hub works?
Yep, I wonder too. With wife home from school, I don;t know when I will be able to try to swap over to the Duo Node. It sure did work good with the HWS and one Joey. Everything could see everything.
I forgot to mention that if the Hoppers are connected by ethernet then you don't need the hub jumper but then all that traffic goes over your home network instead of the MoCA on the coax where it belongs.

Originally I had my h3 and joey connected via ethernet, the joey would occasionally pixelate. Hooked it up with a hub and done away with the cat5 and it hasn't done it since.
I forgot to mention that if the Hoppers are connected by ethernet then you don't need the hub jumper but then all that traffic goes over your home network instead of the MoCA on the coax where it belongs.
Well, when I had four HWSs and a Joey all connected by Cat5 direct to my router, I removed the coax between the the Duo Nodes and everything was no longer able to see each other.
Yep, I wonder too. With wife home from school, I don;t know when I will be able to try to swap over to the Duo Node. It sure did work good with the HWS and one Joey. Everything could see everything.

I have my 2 single hubs connected with a jumper and have no interest in trying a duo hub. It works great this way and it's the way DISH says it should be done.
Well, when I had four HWSs and a Joey all connected by Cat5 direct to my router, I removed the coax between the the Duo Nodes and everything was no longer able to see each other.

Maybe the software was different? Don't know. I just know what I know. :)
Thanks. Do you have a jumper coax connecting your two Solo Hubs together client port to client port? I don't think you do but I can't find your pic anymore.

No, the hubs aren't connected to each other. As we rarely if ever share recordings between the two is there any benefit in connecting them? And if so, is it as simple as hooking one of the ports labeled Client/HVN from one hub to the other?
No, the hubs aren't connected to each other. As we rarely if ever share recordings between the two is there any benefit in connecting them? And if so, is it as simple as hooking one of the ports labeled Client/HVN from one hub to the other?
Yep, that is how mine is connected. Do your Hopper 3s see each other?
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Oh, this is interesting. When I checked earlier they could see each other. I just selected the other H3 source and selected a recording. It brought up the description of a different recording and froze. Backing out my list of sources went from 3 (including external drive) to 2. So, I guess I can't see the other one. Looks like I need to rummage through storeroom for some R6 tomorrow.
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