I tried Ubuntu but it didn't play nice with my network. I have since changed my router so it may be fun to try it again. If you've never seen it "Ubuntu Ultimate Edition" is interesting.
I use Puppy Linux on a more regular basis. There are many different flavors of Puppy known as Puplets that people have customized. You burn the version of puppy to a disc and then boot from it. Once you get past the initial setup you have a windows-like os running solely from the cd which is very responsive even on old equipment. Mac Pup has a mac feel to it. Retro Pup has a bunch of old school puppy OSs on it for old equipment. EduPup is for toddlers.
I still use XP, and Windows 7 for everyday use. A few puppy disks are good to have on hand for testing computer equipment or to breathe life back into defunct computers.
Recently I installed edupup on a laptop with a 233mhz cpu and 64mb of ram. The cd drive was dead and I was having a bear of a time getting an OS on the thing but didn't want to throw it away. I put the drive in another computer, installed edupup to it, put the drive back in the elderly laptop and gave it to a local daycare.
I originally heard about puppy from someone who investigates billing fraud. People using windows passwords think their crime is safe. He pops in puppy, ignores windows altogether and goes straight to their files. Busted.
I primarily use Ubuntu because it seems to have the best driver support, and the fact that I like aptitude. The start up time since 9.04 has dramatically improved, and from what I hear and have seen with the Alpha version of 10.04, it will be even faster.
At work we use CentOS on one server, Ubuntu on several others, and Windows on a few others...along with desktop versions of Mac OSX, Windows, and Linux. We're working on a VMWare server that we'll be able to install just about every OS on for troubleshooting and testing purposes.
Avg1joe, have you looked into BackTrack?
I used to use on my old Atari back in the 1980's (smile) a great distro.I use Mint Linux on my netbook. I love it.
I'm downloading Mint via Torrent right now and will give it a try.
Not having much luck finding a Fedora USB download site? Can anyone help?
I installed Ubuntu 7 ( Hardy Heron edition) and it would not work my wireless so i dint use it much as the laptop was dual boot with Vista. Well Vista crashed at the last update so I went to Ubuntu and updated to 9.04 and that works my wireless. So I never looked back. Still missing half my HD that has vista but no biggie it will be replaced in 6 months anyway. Wanted to buy a new one but none of the big names offer Ubuntu only Windoze. I am in no way a computer guru but I love Ubuntu and will never go back to Windoze.
Wanted to buy a new one but none of the big names offer Ubuntu only Windoze. I am in no way a computer guru but I love Ubuntu and will never go back to Windoze.
Tracker, what are you looking for in your distro? That may help us in pointing you to something that will fit your needs, especially since there are so many different distros out there.