hi guy i got the viewsat max hd but i can't get the canel in hd fron the satelite galaxy 23 121W tr 8 (3851 V 14360 ? ) mpeg 2 hd QPSK , the satelite AMC 1 103W tr 7 ( 4040 H 26681 3/4 ) mpeg 2 hd ,tr 20 (4091 V 14029 ) mpeg 2 hd.
i use a 10 ft c band whit dmx 242 lnb, can some one help me or it is sonthing in mi sisten that do not work. thank
i use a 10 ft c band whit dmx 242 lnb, can some one help me or it is sonthing in mi sisten that do not work. thank