I have a 9 foot C-Band dish I've been using for months. On 4/1/23, we had a wind storm that blew it off track. It is one of 8 dishes I have in use. There aren't all that many channels on the satellite it was aimed at, so I took my time realigning it. The other day, I decided to take the time and ran into something odd.
Using an Amiko Mini, I set up the equipment in my van in order to have everything there. I hooked my meter to the feed line going to the cabinet containing an 8 way switch. I had signal on every satellite across the arc. When I hooked a receiver to the feed line, did a scan, nothing. No signal, no video or audio. So I decided to break out the spectrum analyzer.
After hooking it up, it showed I was on Galaxy 13. I hooked up the receiver, let it search the channels, nothing. It never found a single transponder. No radio, FTA or encrypted channels. After double checking my scan settings, I scanned it again. Nothing. So I went to the shop, pulled out another receiver. Same results. I moved the dish to another satellite, went through the same steps and the spectrum analyzer showed it was on SES 1.
Hooked up 3 different receivers, nothing. Scan results..Zilch. I even manually enter the transponder information, nothing. I've installed hundreds of dishes and never ran into anything like this. I'm leaning toward a bad LNBF. Maybe Titanium could shed a little light on this one.
Using an Amiko Mini, I set up the equipment in my van in order to have everything there. I hooked my meter to the feed line going to the cabinet containing an 8 way switch. I had signal on every satellite across the arc. When I hooked a receiver to the feed line, did a scan, nothing. No signal, no video or audio. So I decided to break out the spectrum analyzer.
After hooking it up, it showed I was on Galaxy 13. I hooked up the receiver, let it search the channels, nothing. It never found a single transponder. No radio, FTA or encrypted channels. After double checking my scan settings, I scanned it again. Nothing. So I went to the shop, pulled out another receiver. Same results. I moved the dish to another satellite, went through the same steps and the spectrum analyzer showed it was on SES 1.
Hooked up 3 different receivers, nothing. Scan results..Zilch. I even manually enter the transponder information, nothing. I've installed hundreds of dishes and never ran into anything like this. I'm leaning toward a bad LNBF. Maybe Titanium could shed a little light on this one.