Waiver Denied

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Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jan 18, 2004
I mentioned this in here one other time I think, but regardless I thought you folks might find it interesting.

I was told by my D* HDTV installers, two customer service reps during the setup, and a plethora of forums that if I lived in the Minneapolis area I would qualify for CBS HD (preferably out of NY was how it was explained to me). I called D* about a month ago (just after the install really), and they told me I had to wait for the waiver (another fact I was told I wouldn't have to do previously), so I figured what the heck. It wasn't like I needed CBS NY since I already get CBS WCCO HD up here locally. But I was kind of hoping for CBS LA, but that's neither here nor there.

Today I received a note in the mail from DirecTV and apparently the local CBS station (there is only one that I am in the spot beam for) denied me. I guess we shouldn't take DirecTV for their word in the press release they handed out. Also it says on the note I would have had to pay $2.25/month for BOTH NY and LA CBS HD feeds when I was told by everyone at D* (and on their press release) that if I was paying for DirecTV locals (which I am for the non-HD receivers), I wouldn't have to pay for the CBS HD from NY or LA.

Just my $0.02.

BTW, I do pay for the HD package as well though I did find out D* doesn't actually penalize people for cancelling it under commitment. I am fan of HDnet now, go figure.
OK, as luck would have it I called an complained about this today and while the lady was talking channel 80 came online. I literally watched it go from a black screen with a message at the bottom to CBS NY. Oddly she sounded as if she didn't do it and said it should have been there since the beginning. It's nice because I get to have an Eastern Timezone CBS HD.

So situation resolved, though oddly a month after it should have been.
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