Wow!!! It is Eerily quiet on this board today

I think the board members are all sitting around a computer in the board room reading this thread and laughing their asses off since they decided to let Chuck have Voom anyway, ... hours ago.
wtped64 said:
"To Voom or not to Voom, --that is the question:--
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of the Dolans
Or to take arms against a sea of HD troubles,
And by opposing end them?"
Actually, several Shakespeare quotes could apply:

"Now is the winter of our discontent." (King Richard III)

"To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day" (Macbeth)

"Beware the Ides of March" (Julius Caesar)

"This thing of darkness" (The Tempest)

And of course...

"Voomio, Voomio, wherefore art thou Voomio?"
What is cnbc saying right now? My GF is sleeping next to me and i cant turnt he TV!!!!!!
Cablevision stock was up 0.80 today, tomorrow is where it will really change.
bruce said:
Cablevision stock was up 0.80 today, tomorrow is where it will really change.
The market has factored in the divestiture of VOOM. CVC stock will go back up to the $32 range (where it was a week ago) when the dust settles.

But if C. Dolan decides to sell off the company to fund VOOM, then watch out.
these talks can go on forever or atleast make it feel that way. Maye Sean and Scott have the right idea. Take a break and come back after dinner or something. The board has also probably breaked or is on break currently so I doubt if we'll hear anything between now and say 7pm?
I can't take it any more. For every 10 minutes that elaspe, i am going to play russian roulette with my colt 45.

Bang!!!, Damn, not a good idea to play russian roulette wth a pistol that has a clip, the house always wins on shot 1, Ouch!!!!