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  1. B

    Looks like Physical Movie Rental are almost gone

    You have the licensed to watch them until what ever company you bought them threw decides they will no longer offer some episodes because in their opinion you shouldn't see them.
  2. B

    Potential changes in AT&T's ownership of DirecTV

    I will drop DIRCTV if I am ever forced to switch to the sever set up. I have a hr54 and 5 hr24's with 4 kids there is no way we will share play list. To many different type of shows that every one likes to record and the ones that multiple family member's like would defiantly lead to problems...
  3. B

    What makes you stay with Directv?

    I keep DIRECTV because I am grandfather in to the east, west, and Chicago networks.
  4. B

    Is there new DirecTV equipment on the way?

    Family video held on as long as they did renting games and starting their own fiber internet in places. They sold off the internet business and with all the games going on line finally killed them off. Towards the end they rented out part of their stores to pizza place. Now they are in the...
  5. B

    Mobile DVR

    Still setting up and running fine on IP clients (i.e., smartphones and tablets) here on my HR54. Can you watch your recorded show by streaming or do you have to download them?
  6. B

    Mobile DVR

    Did they discontinue the mobile DVR? Just replaced a HR 34 with a HR 44 and I do not see anything for setting it up.
  7. B

    Is there a DVR/ Gene upgrade in the future?

    I am currently running 21 tuners, each kid plus my mother have their own HR24, Gene plus 3 hr24's in the theater, living room, rec room, and master bedroom. The kids and my mothers are all isolated so nobody deletes some one else program
  8. B

    Moving Question

    Are you staying in the same local area,
  9. B

    What department to ask for when calling in to lower bill

    Already get almost all the games, Have Chicago locals plus I have the New York and LA big four
  10. B

    What department to ask for when calling in to lower bill

    Just got $63.00 credit for the next 3 months, then $30.00 a month for the next 18. Was also offered season ticket for $100.00 but turned that down.
  11. B

    What brought you to get DirecTV?

    For me it was a two tuner DVR, had the original Tivo and upgraded to 4 two tuner Directv Tivo's. Also to get home town local channels "moved". What is keeping me is having the Chicago locals with the addition of the New York and LA big 4.
  12. B

    NYC Locals question

    That's the only reason I keep the New York ones. Don't really use them but I know the second I drop them I would need one of them.
  13. B

    NYC Locals question

    I am grandfathered, have Chicago locals and DNS they are $3.50 per network for a total of $14.00 a month.
  14. B

    NFL Season ticket on a laptop?

    Is it possible to watch the season ticket games on my laptop when I am on the road out of state?
  15. B

    How many people here are "moved"? Where are you and what market did you "move" to?

    When I first picked the address I use, I was able to get both Chicago and the distants this was long before directv had HD , their was a short period of time where I lost the La HD stations (6 mo to a year) but then they came back on.
  16. B

    How many people here are "moved"? Where are you and what market did you "move" to?

    Grand Fathered in from about 10 years ago. Same here I must do all upgrades and trouble shooting my system on my own, don't want to lose my distant's.
  17. B

    How many people here are "moved"? Where are you and what market did you "move" to?

    I live in the same market and "moved". I get Chicago, New York and LA
  18. B

    Total numbers of receivers on one account

    I currently have 12, never had a problem adding any.
  19. B

    long timer - update to HD-tivos deal..

    You can still get a HD Tivo threw DirectTV, although it will not have the whole home option.
  20. B

    DTV and tvs

    I have 12 and did all the installs after the first 4.
  21. B

    HR34 MRV issues

    I just wish I could get mine authorized again.
  22. B

    DIRECTV HR34 Home Media Center

    I am starting to regret buying this one. The MRV has only worked about 10% of the time. Last Saterday the box came up with not authorized for MRV, this is the only box it showed on. Spent over a hour on the phone with three different reps could not get working. Later on I tried a software down...
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    February 2011 Price Increases

    12 receivers total HBO, and a grandfathered package.
  24. B

    February 2011 Price Increases

    Looks like my bill is going up $15.00. If my memory serves me right this is the largest increase for me since being with Direct.