5-G interference solutions from Norsat

My plugins prevent me from getting to that link. Anyway, I haven't experienced any 5G interference here.
Sounds to me like some people are still running Norton or McAfee and get positive results from any downloaded file. And they pay for it to.
I've got CrapAfee LiveSafe that came bundled with Windows 10 in my new Dell laptop last year. Can't figure out how to remove it. When I tried, it hosed my system big time. So, I ended up restoring it. Though the subscription ends in like 40 days, and they want $70 to renew it for a year.

I hate it, but not sure what I'm going to do. I hate the thought of paying $70 for this garbage, but the install holds you hostage...
Sounds to me like some people are still running Norton or McAfee and get positive results from any downloaded file. And they pay for it to.
ublock origen browser plugin is blocking it.
I've got CrapAfee LiveSafe that came bundled with Windows 10 in my new Dell laptop last year. Can't figure out how to remove it. When I tried, it hosed my system big time. So, I ended up restoring it. Though the subscription ends in like 40 days, and they want $70 to renew it for a year.

I hate it, but not sure what I'm going to do. I hate the thought of paying $70 for this garbage, but the install holds you hostage...
I removed it from my brother's win10 Dell after he got it and replaced it with free avast.It was a while ago so I don't remember what I did but I don't recall it causing any problems.Maybe a little googling is in order.
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Yep same here I removed it from a new Dell Win 10 machine last year. I do remember going to Google to make sure I didn't goof something up. I get rid of that crap really fast, most of those "anti-virus" is just to steal money from people using scare tactics anyway....AND to slow your system down. I run Malware Antibytes and it does not slow things down, and does a great job of catching anything; at least, so far in the last several years I have ran it.
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I am not running any antivirus that you have to pay for, but I am running uBlock Origin in my browser, so that may be what's blocking it.
Actually, I couldn't stand reading all the warnings and begging to renew the subscription, so I removed it using Windows Programs & Features removal tool a little prior to expiry. I did this on two Dell computers. Though I have a relative years ago who said the same as you: he couldn't elegantly delete McAfee from his computer back then.
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I've got CrapAfee LiveSafe that came bundled with Windows 10 in my new Dell laptop last year. Can't figure out how to remove it. When I tried, it hosed my system big time. So, I ended up restoring it. Though the subscription ends in like 40 days, and they want $70 to renew it for a year.

I hate it, but not sure what I'm going to do. I hate the thought of paying $70 for this garbage, but the install holds you hostage...
You probably need to edit the registry to get rid of it - which can be hazardous to your Windows OS.
Huh, I'm running that and it doesn't block it here...
Maybe it operates differently on the Windows version. I run the Ubuntu linux version. Firefox 94.0. Ubuntu 20.04.3


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    Screenshot from 2021-11-04 08-46-50.png
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I am not running any antivirus that you have to pay for, but I am running uBlock Origin in my browser, so that may be what's blocking it.
If it is you should get a new browser tab or window saying that it is blocking the connection.
I often wonder if Norton and McAfee actually start little viruses just to sell their product. It’s good for business, or am I just being paranoid?

On my mother’s Windows 10 computer I delete what she doesn’t need (files and apps), empty the trash then run the disk cleanup in the Windows administrative tools. I then run the
free CCleaner then the free Spybot Search and Destroy which seems to find any missing links in the registry and finally back to the Disk Defrag in the Windows admin tools. I finally went in and removed the Spybot app because if you don’t do an update after a while a box comes up that it is out of date and at 91 she gets worried when something out of the ordinary pops up.
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