The term "testing" FTA is synonymous with hacking.
So, get your terminology straight.
We have no
testers here.
Warning... only partially serious rant follows...
Well we DO have testers here. I consider myself to be a tester.
And we DO have hackers here. I have considered myself to be both a tester and a hacker LONG before I ever got into TVRO stuff, and before TV was even sent via satellite.
I know what you're trying to say though, and I tend to use the same terminology myself, however it really bothers me that people have taken the term hacker (and now tester) and turned it from a good thing into a bad thing.
To me, a hacker is just someone who reverse engineers a device and figures out how it works, and finds ways of using it for purposes other than it was designed for. Nothing wrong with that. And without hackers, the current computer industry would still revolve around mainframes.
It is true that most of the people that do the DN/BEV pirating are also hackers, but only a small percentage of hackers are involved in any illegal activity. It is just as true that they are mostly all programmers, or GEEKs, or several other terms, and we wouldn't want to suggest that programmers are BAD because a few of them are pirates. It just seems unfair to characterize hackers as being bad people based on the activities of a small percentage of them. They are NOT.
My tendency is to use the word Pirate, instead of hacker, except when I do that, then I feel bad about my grandson, who goes around dressed up as a pirate, with a sword and eye patch and everything. Don't want to make him think he's a bad person. Or even the Pgh baseball team.... well I guess they ARE a bad team, at least now. Or the Portland, Me hockey team... they're not TOO bad.
Anyway, yes, the word "tester" told me that at a minimum, there is a pretty good chance that the person has been reading the ??pirate?? sites (or FTA sites as THEY call themselves). I just wish that there was some way to describe these people without taking the name "hacker" in vain.
Sorry for getting off track. Waiting to hear what the explanation of "testing" will be.