It appears that Enigma2 plugins are always written in Python. So, if you (we) want to create/code your own, or make changes to one and know what you are actually doing, you'd need to learn that coding.
Here's a start, for anybody interested (and I hope there is some interest here):
Python (programming language) - Wikipedia
Welcome to << main site
Download Python << download for all Os's to get started.
Python For Beginners << Python for beginners
The Python Tutorial — Python 2.7.16 documentation << Tutorial
Welcome to << documentation << FREE online tutorial training
Here's a start, for anybody interested (and I hope there is some interest here):
Python (programming language) - Wikipedia
Welcome to << main site
Download Python << download for all Os's to get started.
Python For Beginners << Python for beginners
The Python Tutorial — Python 2.7.16 documentation << Tutorial
Welcome to << documentation << FREE online tutorial training