Yay that they are moving it, but darn it with the 2010well at least there's a date for espnu hd even if it's in 2010
And just in time to miss the SECs transition to the ESPN networksits obvious espnuhd will be one of the 40 or 50 national hd channels that will get turned on when dtv 12 goes live, hopefully next january. but by then football season will be over AGAIN!
its obvious espnuhd will be one of the 40 or 50 national hd channels that will get turned on when dtv 12 goes live, hopefully next january. but by then football season will be over AGAIN!
This is unfortuate for people tied to ESPN Classic.
D* had to do something here, with the SEC coming in for football this fall on ESPNU.
What kind of crap move is that? I watch classic more than the other ESPNs AND what about those few times they put a game on Classic due to other games going over their estimated time?The DIRECTV Group, Inc. - DIRECTV TO OFFER ESPNU IN ITS CHOICE<font size="-1"><sup>™</sup></font> PACKAGE
ESPN Classic will be repackaged into the DIRECTV SPORTS PACK
if there is going to be a big hype over the SEC shed starting september, i don't understand why espnuhd can't go live at the same time. it's my understaning, there are still a few hd slots available on dtv 11.
How does this move make ANY damn sense? Why would you swap out one sports channel for another? I'm not a huge fan of ESPN Classic or ESPNU, but if it was between one or the other I'd pick Classic in a heartbeat. Why do we have to gain one channel but lose another?? This move sucks.
How does this move make ANY damn sense? Why would you swap out one sports channel for another? I'm not a huge fan of ESPN Classic or ESPNU, but if it was between one or the other I'd pick Classic in a heartbeat. Why do we have to gain one channel but lose another?? This move sucks.