G10r will end this weekend ! (swapping to new bird)

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I lost all the channels on 11800, a few days ago, I still had 11720, anyone else have this or did I just have my own personal failure?

Previously, if I peaked my dish for the absolute maximum on 11720 (for WNGS) then my reception of 12114 (RetroJams) was extremely weak and not reliable on a 1m dish. When peaked on 12114 and 11800, then 11720 went down some, but was still reliable.
Im noticing that 11720's quality is really stable now. Very little fluctuation. Also it was pouring buckets earlier today and even though the signal dropped in the 30's it didn't break up or go away at all. I have really had trouble for the last couple month's keeping anything there when it rained heavily. All in all Im pleased with the performance. I guess I won't need that dish tune up after all :)
See definite improvement on 11720, (but still down from from when it was close to 11800 late last year/early this year).

Same here it's back more or less where it was at last summer although less fluctuation. I wonder what caused the thing late last year where it was right up there with 11800. I really was hopeing for that.
Went out and did a re-point of the dish and with a slight increase in elevation was able to boost 11720 from 45 up to 60 and 11800 went up from 60 to around 75! Much better!
Went out and did a re-point of the dish and with a slight increase in elevation was able to boost 11720 from 45 up to 60 and 11800 went up from 60 to around 75! Much better!

That may be because you did a touch up a while back when everything was dropping and the old G-10 was drifting. That's why I held off (as much as I didn't want to) Im sure when I did my last alignment it was still in the box since it was last year. I may try touching up my dish this summer but after today with the great performance in the rain I don't know what I would gain.

BTW is your G-10 lnbf at boresight? And is your dish pointed with that lnbf at G-10? Just curious since your signature is showing 3 sats for your G-10 dish. Or are you compensating any with the dish for those other bird's? Mine is boresighted at G-10 with G-27 off to one side.
That may be because you did a touch up a while back when everything was dropping and the old G-10 was drifting. That's why I held off (as much as I didn't want to) Im sure when I did my last alignment it was still in the box since it was last year. I may try touching up my dish this summer but after today with the great performance in the rain I don't know what I would gain.

BTW is your G-10 lnbf at boresight? And is your dish pointed with that lnbf at G-10? Just curious since your signature is showing 3 sats for your G-10 dish. Or are you compensating any with the dish for those other bird's? Mine is boresighted at G-10 with G-27 off to one side.

I think it very possible that adjustments I made in February compensated somewhat for the problems and drift with G10R and gave me a better centre point for the satellite to fluctuate in. The adjustment today was very minor, but very effective! I hadn't attempted any adjustment in the last few weeks as I knew G10R was soon to be replaced (I am rather pleased how I was able to restrain myself, as it does go against my natural instinct).

Yes, the LNB pointed at G10R is at the centre of the dish while the other two LNBs are both off-centre, and is used as the boresight for the dish. I get good signals on both of the other LNBs so no compensation is necessary for them.

After my re-point today, signal levels on Echo7 (119) also increased slightly (an added bonus). G27(129) may have gone down a little and need an adjustment, but it was hard to tell as the signal was already lower than normal and fluctuating either due to the weather (very cloudy) and/or uplink problems. When I was checking to see if it needed any adjustment, I only had time for a quick re-point (not too effective) as rain was imminent (it started raining as I was putting the ladder, coax, and TV away) so will re-check levels and re-adjust on a sunny day if necessary.
Some TP's were in the 60% and the other half were in the 90's. As of 2 days ago all of my TP's are in the 90's,, right across the board.
How everyone's reception of the ABC station on 12110 V? All others have improved significantly,except this transponder. Very marginal here, usually breaking up reception.
How everyone's reception of the ABC station on 12110 V? All others have improved significantly,except this transponder. Very marginal here, usually breaking up reception.

I am only registering 2-7%Q on 12110 V 3400, but KATV is coming in good on 11800 V 26657 @ 82%Q here. I'm not sure what I was getting on 12110 V before.
I think Equity might use that as a secondary TP incase the main one goes out...and as we all know...TV stations don't use 30"-36" dishes to get the signal :D

The bigger dish probably picks it up just fine
Well I thought it was time for me to weigh in on the signal fest. :)

12107 V 3400 is 45% SQ
11720 V is 75%
11800 V is 99%
11731 H is 99%
11805 H is 75%

From my solid Birdview using my Pansat 3500

Wasn't a lot of change for me, but the signal seems more stable. :cool:
For the last 3 days everything shot up to 90% + across all channels. Before 10-15 or so of the lower channels used to be in the 60+ % and the rest in the 90's. Today, I secured the pole as we expect severe thunderstorms this weekend and only getting marginal signals. 60% + on all. All other sats. are coming in as usual? To say, the pole hasn't moved. I simply added a few screws. The best I could get today was a very "jumpy" 65-85%. Tonight all channels are in the margin of pixelation 60+-%. I see from the radar that some bad weather is about 100-200 KM away (Yes I am in Canada, LOL) in that direction but it hasn't affected the 90% + channels before. Just wondering if anyone else is getting lower than normal signals? I see Krapola is reporting the transition is complete?
I'm looking at about 55% on my 80 cm dish and Merc II. That's about 25 points above pixelation, and a very good signal for the 11720 transponder. It's 9:30 PM EDT here in Holland.
No problem that I can see.
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Channel Master Export Problem

LNB Recommendation

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