to FTA, equipment issues!

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Original poster
Sep 30, 2011
Las Vegas
Greeting everyone…Eugene here, I am a beginner in the FTA world and I am stationed in Korea right now and I decided to buy a 39”motorized dish with an Invacom quad polar 40mm LNB, and an OpenBox S10 HD receiver. Having all kind of issues…Question 1. What do the C and L stand for on the LNB and which terminal should I put the coax on to the LNB to receiver? Question 2. My location is N35.8 by E 126.6 and the OpenBox S10 receiver has a preloaded list of 20 satellites like W 43.0 to W 139.0. There is no list of east satellite birds in the receiver’s memory…again I am at E 126.6. I cannot figure out how to manually find any satellite in the sky using the LCD TV as a meter or locator of sorts on a blind search mode on the receiver. I tried swinging the dish Lat/Lon with no results. I cannot find any page in the menu of the S10HD receiver to help me find anything in a manual mode instead of picking from a list…any ideas out there!? Is the receiver only good for the North/Central American Continents? And if not how can I use what I have to locate a satellite at my geographical location? If the receiver is the problem what kind of receiver should I be looking for…Thank you
Question 1. What do the C and L stand for on the LNB and which terminal should I put the coax on to the LNB to receiver?

The "c" stands for circular and the "L" stands for linear. There are two types of "polarised" signals. Linear and circular. Satellite info can be found at You can pick where in the world you want satellite info. That site has all kinds of info for the newby including weather it is circular or linear signal.

Question 2. My location is N35.8 by E 126.6 and the OpenBox S10 receiver has a preloaded list of 20 satellites like W 43.0 to W 139.0. There is no list of east satellite birds in the receiver’s memory…again I am at E 126.6. I cannot figure out how to manually find any satellite in the sky using the LCD TV as a meter or locator of sorts on a blind search mode on the receiver.

Visit lyngsat for a list of birds that are there. When you find one, go to the antenna setup menu and set the receiver for your setup. lnb settings ect. ect. At the bottom of that menu you should see a meter. Signal and quality. You want the quality to be as high as possible. Set the dish for the proper elevation and skew for linear signals, (rotate the lnb in the mount), and sweep the sky ever so slowly and not by very far until you locate the sat you are looking for. I would start here....Koreasat 5 at 113.0°E - LyngSat and here Asia & Pacific - LyngSat
The last page linked has all the asian and Pacific birds for you. Being a newby I would simply rename entries that you don't need and use them for the birds on the list.

So to recap.... Make sure the dish pole is plumb.... Set the elevation and skew, pull up the ant settings menu and set that,( I would start hooking up the "L" side of the LNB and set the LO freq at 10750,) leaving that menu up, look for the satellite. That should get you started! Have a great day! :)
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I'm confused as to your location. Your profle loc says Las Vegas yet 35N 126E is South Korea
Heck 35N 126W puts you off the left coast in the ocean

So are you in Vegas or somewhere else? That makes a difference when setting up
Hi, one of the first things you are going to need to do is to setup on your due south satellite (or one that is close) I just checked Lyngsat and found JCSAT 3A at 128E is close and has some FTA on it. Perhaps the thing to do is to hook up the receiver to the motor and zero it then un-hook the receiver from the motor and hook it to one of the L port on the LNB. Does your receiver have anyway to scan a TP frequency? If so set it up to try and get one of the open TP on JCSAT. Something like the shop channel on 12583/H/21096 might get you started. If you can receive that TP or any on JCSAT you would then peak on it. Setting the dish and motor on the due south satellite is very important, because there is no satellite at 126.6E you would need to drive the motor a tick to the east from the due south zero. That should get you started. DC
Hi, do you have the .pdf manual for the receiver? I just google "OpenBox S10 HD receiver .pdf manual" and found "OpenBoxS10_v1.0.pdf" Near the bottom of page 17 it covers how to do a manual TP entry. Hope this helps, DC
I thought putting my home town location would confuse the issue...At this time I am in South Korea...N35d 53m by E126d 37m I have my reasons for not listing my exact location. But I have accounted the spot on GPS location. My target at this time is Koerasat5...the receiver will not give me a signal quality or signal indicator without listing or picking an Western hemisphere bird...Can you use a signal meter for another bird for Koerasat5? Would the frequencies be the same. Again; I have a openbox S-10 HD...thank you for your reply...
I'm confused as to your location. Your profle loc says Las Vegas yet 35N 126E is South Korea
Heck 35N 126W puts you off the left coast in the ocean

So are you in Vegas or somewhere else? That makes a difference when setting up

I thought putting my home town location would confuse the issue...At this time I am in South Korea...N35d 53m by E126d 37m I have my reasons for not listing my exact location. But I have accounted the spot on GPS location. My target at this time is Koerasat5...the receiver will not give me a signal quality or signal indicator without listing or picking an Western hemisphere bird...Can you use a signal meter for another bird for Koerasat5? Would the frequencies be the same. Again; I have a openbox S-10 HD...thank you for your reply...
Sounds like you need to get the asia sats in the data base of the S-10 I think that you may be able to get that from the dnld section here for the S10. Also you can use Dish Pointer at the top of the page to find the sat and then get your pointing angles for the dish.
I'm confused as to your location. Your profle loc says Las Vegas yet 35N 126E is South Korea
Heck 35N 126W puts you off the left coast in the ocean

So are you in Vegas or somewhere else? That makes a difference when setting up
His coordinates are in a town on the W side of S. Korea. Anyway I just did a look up of your location on dish pointer and will get you the angles you need to get you close to where the sat is located in the sky. Good Luck with your project. :welcome to forums.
I thought putting my home town location would confuse the issue...At this time I am in South Korea...N35d 53m by E126d 37m I have my reasons for not listing my exact location. But I have accounted the spot on GPS location. My target at this time is Koerasat5...the receiver will not give me a signal quality or signal indicator without listing or picking an Western hemisphere bird...Can you use a signal meter for another bird for Koerasat5? Would the frequencies be the same. Again; I have a openbox S-10 HD...thank you for your reply...
Hi, if all you want for now is Koerasat5 then it might be best to just do a fixed install for now. Setting up a motor is rather involved and you would have to get the correct satellite list for the satellites that you can see from your location. A quick and dirty way to get you up on Koerasat5 would be to select a satellite on your current list - best if Ku band and then do a manual TP scan by entering the frequency, polarity, and signal rate for one of the TP from Koerasat. That would get the signal meter built into the receiver up and running. Then find the signal and peak on it - make sure you set the skew. After you get one of the TP dial it then do a blind scan and you should have all the TP on Koerasat up and running. Hope this helps, DC
You have received alot of information but for a neebie, unless you have a working knowledge of dish installation much of what has been posted here won't help you much. If your receiver has western satellites listed you can go to and click on downloads. You may find a firmware version there with eastern satellites. ( open box S9 firmware usually will work fine in a S10) I have even tried skybox in and open box and it worked.

You must make sure the pole holding the dish is bang on level. I'me assuming your dish is an offset dish so the only adjustment for now is to set the elevation for your location. This information can be found at or or Any of these will give you your Latitude and Longitude and your elevation for the dish. Once you have this information, make sure your motor is in the center position and adjust the motor inclination to your latitude, be accurate. Mount your dish making sure it is 90 degrees to the motor mounting post and set the elevation on the dish, be accurate. Mount your quad invacon so that the cable connectors are pointing towards the bottom of the dish.(You are trying to set this up 90 degrees to the dish) Once done point your dish south and snug to the pole( don,t over tighten) Connect your cable from the receiver to the motor and then from the motor to the L side of the LNB. Connect the cable to your receiver. Turn on receiver and go the antenna installation and satellite quick settings. Fill in the lines for your latitude and your longitude, be accurate tot the decimal nearest decimal point and then go down and click on set motor on all satellites to USALS. Exit here and go to satellite list. Fine your most southern KU band satellite and click on it. Exit here and go to antennae setup. The only satellite that should be listed is the one you just picked, go down to LNB setting and make sure it is set to 10750.

If you have been accuratre with your setup the dish will automaticly move to your satellite and you should have signal and quality. Now you can return to the dish and fine tune the dish for the best signal. Once this is done lock it and start programming in satellites. The next satellite you choose the motor will automatically move to correct location.

That's It.

Happy Hunting.
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The "Farm" Grows, and with it, a question or two...

The right receiver

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