Help with viewsat extreme

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Original poster
Sep 25, 2006
I see there are lots of issues with the viewsat extreme. I thought it was all me. What a piece of crap! I'm so frustrated!

Can I ask you guys to answer three questions?

1- Where I select the Diseq port in the setup menu the Diseq tab reads "Diseq 1." Should this read Diseq 1.2?

2 - The viewsat is not user friendly, probably due to its electronics issues! Is there a way of setting this up so that I have no issues down the road?

3 - If not, is there a receiver out there that I can hook up, set up and live happier ever after? User friendly with no problems!

I have QPH031, 33" Fortec dish and SG2100 motor.

I will appreciate any and all advice. Thanks, Tim
1/ This refers to the DiSEqC switch, DiSEqC 1.2 is what moves the dish

2/ Don't have one (Thank Goodness)

3/ The Traxis DBS 3500 works GREAT with the Moteck SG2100 and the Invacom QPH-031 LNBF. Thats what I use!
Viewsats are know to have a lot of issues with a Dish & motor setup. A friend of mine had one and got so frustrated he sold it on Ebay and picked up a Pansat2700a like mine cheap and now is much happier. There are some cheaper priced receivers out there like the Traxis mentioned above that will work much better with a dish & motor.
There is a section with reviews on this site, including receivers.

The Fortec Lifetime Ultra is probably outdated, but was very easy to set up for a motor using 1.2 or USALS or both. Menu is fairly decent and intuitive. The manual is a little weak though, but not horrible. Has blind scan and dolby output.
PSB said:
3/ The Traxis DBS 3500 works GREAT with the Moteck SG2100 and the Invacom QPH-031 LNBF. Thats what I use!

I have heard you and others say alot of good stuff about Traxis 3500. Is Channel Master suppose to support it soon? Is there a format that you can convert the channel list too, and then get it into CM, and then convert it back into something the 3500 can use? The Blind Scan is very important, but if you can't use things like CM, that stinks....
TiminMb said:
There is a section with reviews on this site, including receivers.

The Fortec Lifetime Ultra is probably outdated, but was very easy to set up for a motor using 1.2 or USALS or both. Menu is fairly decent and intuitive. The manual is a little weak though, but not horrible. Has blind scan and dolby output.

Thanks, Is there a newer model?
Setting up the viewsat is a pain with a motor.

My VS finally let out the smoke, and I am back to my Fortec.

But I did like the reciever. It scanned pretty darn quickly.
TimB said:
I see there are lots of issues with the viewsat extreme. I thought it was all me. What a piece of crap! I'm so frustrated!

Can I ask you guys to answer three questions?

1- Where I select the Diseq port in the setup menu the Diseq tab reads "Diseq 1." Should this read Diseq 1.2?

2 - The viewsat is not user friendly, probably due to its electronics issues! Is there a way of setting this up so that I have no issues down the road?

3 - If not, is there a receiver out there that I can hook up, set up and live happier ever after? User friendly with no problems!

I have QPH031, 33" Fortec dish and SG2100 motor.

I will appreciate any and all advice. Thanks, Tim

I have a viewsat extreme with a cheap motor attached. I thought the same as you when my stab motor bit the dust shortly after swaping out my Pansat 2500
with the viewsat. But what I found was a bad cable that was getting wet when it rained and was slightly corroded, I changed it out and replaced a lot of connectors
with Snap N Seal ones. Now I am very happy it works well although it does have
some bugs. But so did my pansat.
My system has a universal linear lnb and a standard circ lnb on the the motorizied dish and 3 fixed lnb's on another dish and I am using STB >> Motor >> SW-21
sat1 >> DiSecqc switch >> 4 other lnb's
sat2 >> Universal lnb
And it is working Flawlessly The motor is accurate and reliable. Before I found the cable it seemed to have a mind of its own and the diseqc switch only worked when it wanted.
Not saying this is your problem but it shure was mine.
Why it was not evident on my pansat I don't know. It may be the DiSEqc signals are weaker on a viewsat.
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Thanks guys for all the feedback and help. I took the receiver on the roof with new cables and still the same issues, I have rid myself of that frustration.

I am wondering if someone would provide some guidence with "General Instruments" receivers, are they compatable with these systems? Thanks, Tim
Thanks guys for all the feedback and help. I took the receiver on the roof with new cables and still the same issues, I have rid myself of that frustration.

I am wondering if someone would provide some guidence with "General Instruments" receivers, are they compatable with these systems? Thanks, Tim
General Instruments (now Motorola) made analog receivers and now makes digital 4DTV receivers that use the Digicipher II standard. DCII is not compatible with DVB, which is the standard that FTA receivers use.
Lost with my new Viewsat Extreme

I just received this Viewsat extreme.. What do I do???? the dish is already setup but how do I setup this FTA receiver??? does it need a download???:confused:
I see there are lots of issues with the viewsat extreme. I thought it was all me. What a piece of crap! I'm so frustrated!

Can I ask you guys to answer three questions?

1- Where I select the Diseq port in the setup menu the Diseq tab reads "Diseq 1." Should this read Diseq 1.2?

2 - The viewsat is not user friendly, probably due to its electronics issues! Is there a way of setting this up so that I have no issues down the road?

3 - If not, is there a receiver out there that I can hook up, set up and live happier ever after? User friendly with no problems!

I have QPH031, 33" Fortec dish and SG2100 motor.

I will appreciate any and all advice. Thanks, Tim

I will trade you a Fortec Ultra for the Viewsat . The one I presently have slaved to the C band dish . I use the analog C band receiver to move the motor .

PM me if you are interested .

Reading this makes me feel better that I am not the only one with problems with my Viewsat Xtreme.

What is the best FTA receiver to purchase?

The number 1 question we get on live chat and on our toll-free sales and information line is, "What is the best receiver to purchase?"

This is a great question!

We carry North America's largest selection including: Viewsat, Coolsat, SonicView, Pansat, NEOsat, and many others.

Based on our own research, model comparison, and discussions with our customers, we have narrowed it down to few models:

1. Viewsat Ultra (32MB flash ROM, 1GB USB stick included, USB upgradeable plus CD-ROM) <-- BEST DEAL on the market, read why below.

2. Viewsat Xtreme (with CD-ROM)

3. Coolsat 6000 Premium (with CD-ROM)

4. CaptiveWorks CW600S Premium (with CD-ROM)
I bought this off of the recommendation of
I believe they are one of the sponsors here.
They even said it was the one running in their offices at the time, so I figured why not go with one that is recommended like that.
I didn't know it would be so much trouble.
I just figured it was because this was all new to me. But now it won't even move the motor at all.

I think I am going to get a Fortec.
Next time, I will take recommendations from actual users and not a SELLER.
I have a Viewsat Extreme with the SG2100 motor and it works great. Its been about 2 months now with no glitches. Setting up with USALS was easy and I really like the blind scan, I use that alot. Just my 2 cents.
not so sure any more

Until maybe first quarter this year, it was my opinion that the Viewsats appealed more to the hackers than the true FTA users.
That was borne out by their lack of proper motor control and the fact they never fixed it.
But, I thought at least one model overcame that a few months ago.
(I read about it here on SatGuys) ;)

Do you have the current firmware and set-up procedures??
I have a Viewsat Extreme with the SG2100 motor and it works great. Its been about 2 months now with no glitches. Setting up with USALS was easy and I really like the blind scan, I use that alot. Just my 2 cents.
Then you can probably expect me to be bugging the crap outta you with PM's!
I am determined to make this thing work!

That was borne out by their lack of proper motor control and the fact they never fixed it.
But, I thought at least one model overcame that a few months ago.
(I read about it here on SatGuys) ;)

Do you have the current firmware and set-up procedures??
That is next on my list!
And as for the proper motor control I hope BarneyBean can teach me how to do it the right way!
Anyways- I ordered a Fortec Mercury II since it has received many recommendations with people here as for running with a motor.
But I would also like to get this one up and running!
More is better if they work!
Please reply by conversation.

sg2100 motor problem

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