Hey Arlo, Thanks for the info. Since a lot of the feature set is over my head, is there a difference in blind scan functionality between the say TNAP and OpenVix? I'd like to think I can make my own satellite.xml file or export one from one version to another so just trying to understand advantages of TNAP without any disrespect to the developer
Let's see how wordy...or granular I can get on the subject.
Most any image I try. If I do a blindscan and sat charts are. Let's say. 3980, 30000.
Results can show as 3978, 29999. No biggie. LNB drift? Tuner differences? I dunno.
I do what you hinted you would like to. Take your blindscan results for a sat. They are in the temp directory. And are volatile. When you reboot the receiver, they are gone.
You can surely FTP them to offload them from the receiver. Then the fun begins.
Open the blindscan .xml file in notepad++. Open your etc/tuxbox/config satellites.xml file in notepad++ too.
Move one to a new instance. Then arrange them side-by side. on your desktop.
Scroll to the receiver's xml for the sat you just blindscanned.
Got me so far?
Compare the blindscan with your receiver satellite/tp listing. Differences?
Copy that new line from the blindscan file. Exactly. No extra spaces, etc. Exactly.
Put your cursor at the end of the line of the receivers xml where you wish to enter the copied line.
Hit <enter> on your keyboard. You have a new blank line. Paste (ctrl-V) the copied line into the blank space.
Verify it looks entered exactly like the previous and next line.
Do as many as you like. Then save the file. The FTP (Filezilla) window will alert you to changes. Yup.
This satellites.xml file can be stored on your pc as a backup. I put mine in dated subdirectories like:
Reboot the box, restart GUI. Future blindscans can be hastened up. And readily copied into a new image if you install one.
To answer the core of your question. I use tvrosat charts. Pretty updated for the usa. If there are any differences now in blindscan results. Yes. no, maybe? The 4 MHz spacing issue seems to be minimal in Vix.
But I quickly plugged in the xml file, transferred my E-Channelizer bouquet list, and a few other trixx like opening the enigma2/settings file and pasting my tuner nims lines into it then saving into a new image of ViX, atv.
Gosh. I wouldn't think EB would take any offense. He's done a great job and is brilliant. Take your new receiver out of the box and watch satellite in a very short while. That's the whole idea. After using other images-a-mundo, some aspects seem a little 'klunky'. Probably not if that's all you use and have ever used.
I have a Zgemma H7 upstairs. I wanted to use it as a client of my mio4k. Just a wireless connected, no coax connected receiver. Kind of like you do with a pc and webif and VLC.
ViX has client mode configuration 'in your face' and had it running in a few minutes.
OpenATV, pretty much the same.
I was kind of stupid because I didn't read the fine print. Could only receive channels on the transponder the mio was tuned to. Figured it must be the image. So I started to "roll" them.
PureE2, pli, openblackhole, opendroid. Hated them. But got a taste of them.
A lot of techs say that if you have a piece of equipment and you have to read page after page of a manual to do the simplest things. You know the rest.
To me (said it before) ViX, Openatv. Put a TV remote on the coffee table. Put a dishnet, etc. remote beside it.
And your HT system remote there too. Put the mio there and show the wifey how to change channels and satellites. Go grab a 12 pack at the store and come home. She'll be happy with a few questions.
Without you having to remap the whole remote control to work like the TV remote does.
Because some Sinatra wannabe braintrust decided to map the video format, bouquet (satellite) selection buttons to the flush handle in the bathroom. And did it his way.
All I had to do was put the mio in standby and all channels come in on the client receiver.
You can open this in notepad++ and take a peek of my satellites.xml for awhile back.
Compare it to what you have on your box.