Manhattan Update 3.4 thread

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I posted this in both the 3.4 and 3.3 threads because its still doing the same issue on 3.4...and I know some folks asked about it after the game last week. Well the feed is up from now until at least 5:00 Central time to test out

If someone has a hard drive set up can you run a test for me and see what results you get

Ever since I got the Manhattan I have tried to record the Montana football games (since it records HD fine normally and the azbox doesnt). When I try to play them back after a specific time (may be 10 seconds in, may be 2 minutes) the picture example I recorded a 5 minute segment and when I play it back at 1:45 it goes back to 1:43 and continually plays 1:43-1:45 then goes back. This is the only feed I've seen it on (all 3 or 4 weeks now). Sometimes it does it within 10 seconds of the beginning of the feed. If I FF past it a little bit later it will do it again.

Can someone verify it does it to them too?

This week its 85W 12111 V 13000..again logs as Truck I
Manhattan RS 1933 Firmware 3.4

Hi All--

New to forum. Have a new RS 1933 and am positioning dish with my DSR 922. Several questions:

-- does the firmware need to be decompressed before loading to the 1933; my computer does not seem to think that the file needs decompressing

-- will version 3.4 wipe out all of my scan data as earlier versions are said to do

-- C band is working pretty well but so far cannot get any Ku band. Does the 922 put lnb power out on both C and Ku ports at the same time? If not, is there a way to get the 922 to switch power to the Ku port without moving the dish to a bird that the 922 knows is Ku?

Hi All--

New to forum. Have a new RS 1933 and am positioning dish with my DSR 922. Several questions:

-- does the firmware need to be decompressed before loading to the 1933; my computer does not seem to think that the file needs decompressing

-- will version 3.4 wipe out all of my scan data as earlier versions are said to do

-- C band is working pretty well but so far cannot get any Ku band. Does the 922 put lnb power out on both C and Ku ports at the same time? If not, is there a way to get the 922 to switch power to the Ku port without moving the dish to a bird that the 922 knows is Ku?


The answer to question one...... Yes the file needs unzipped. (it is compressed). After unzipping, you will see a file named "Product_glass....." that is 4 meg in size. Load that one.

For question two, Every time you flash the receiver it will wipe out the settings. That said, If you have recent enough firmware, You can save the sat data before you flash. Go to the "tools" menu and look for "dump to USB". Have a USB stick plugged in. In that menu, at the top you will see "dump mode". Scroll to the right till you see "User DB" label. Go to "start" and save the info. The receiver will tell you when it is done. Then you can load the new file. Do that through the "upgrade" area in the usb menu. Pick the "all code" option for the firmware update. After the receiver flashes, it will reboot. After rebooting, then go back to the same "upgrade" area and this time select the "userdb" option by scrolling to the right. Again the receiver will do its thing and reboot. Now you should have your settings back. You will have to reset the DVR settings but the channels and antenna settings will be back after loading your data that you saved.

To answer question three..... Yes the lnb power covers both lnbs at the same time. That said, how are you hooked up? Does the 922 get used to watch tv? Does the 922 just move the dish and isn't hooked up? I use a 922 for a mover only. I did use it along with my FTA for the free digicipher stuff at one time, so either way the problem you are having can be figured out. But need to know how you are using the 922.

Have a great day! :)
And I learned about it from SatTalk radio show when it was mentioned that 3.4 was out. I came here first and didn't see it but found it on the Manhattan site.

This was my first big feeds weekend on 3.4 and I found something interesting. After most blind scans looking for feeds, I'd tune one of the found channels and there was a black screen (and it was there for minutes, not just moments). Figuring somthing was flakey and it wasn't the feed, I turned off and back on the manhattan and the video popped right in. I did a blind scan later on a satellite with known 24/7 feeds and was able to see this black screen upon tuning a signal after blind scan on a service I know never has black screens. I turned off and on the manhattan and it worked fine after that. I don't know of any way to duplicate the issue to try to help in problem solving. I just know it happened probably half the time that I did blind scans today while looking for feeds. Thinking back on things, it might be related to the fact I prematurely ended some blind scans while in progress because I knew from a spectrum analyzer prescreen that the Manhattan had tried all the unknowns I was looking for it to try. I would hit "exit" and then the Manhttan would give me the blind scan done OSD box and then I'd tune one of the channels it found. I've done premature blind scan endings before in 3.2 and 3.3 with no issues playing a channel right afterward.

I also am trying to figure out something else. Mike Kohl announced on SatTalk that the Manhattan has the undocumented ability of tuning 16APSK signals. I've tried a few signals reported to be 16APSK and never got any locks on them (they are all data anyways). Has anyone been able to lock onto 16APSK signals with their manhattan or is Mike mistaken based on a user report he received?
Connect a 22 KHz switch to two lnbs. Scan a few satellites that use 22KHZ off. Then scan a few satellites that use 22KHz on. Try to watch some tv channels and change between satellites that use 22KHz and some that use 22KHz off. The Manhattan loses tv signal when you change form a satellite that uses 22KHz ON to one that uses 22KHz OFF. The dish moves to the correct orbit location but you lose signal. You can get the signal back by going into the antenna setup and then exiting back out. It acts like something is sticking. This problem is easy to see. GregH

Sometimes channels are there sometimes not. This problem has a strange footprint, I came in here wondering how I was even going to describe it's nature.

My setup..
Universal lnb.
Motorized dish, V box, using 1.2 (not usals)
direct coax, no switches
FW ver 3.3

I was watching 72w 11710 V 3978 live feed of Martin Luther King memorial.
I go out to the sat list using the size button.
I select 50w, motor swings over to that position.
I select 11050 V 27900 "Enlace ch" which is on the lower Ku band (22k off needed)
No signal.
If I go in to the motor setup and just look at the settings, I see the S and Q pop in.
Now when I go back to 72w the signal is still there.
It seems that the receiver remembers the setting you last looked at, rather than what that sat is set up for.
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This was my first big feeds weekend on 3.4 and I found something interesting. After most blind scans looking for feeds, I'd tune one of the found channels and there was a black screen (and it was there for minutes, not just moments). Figuring somthing was flakey and it wasn't the feed, I turned off and back on the manhattan and the video popped right in. I did a blind scan later on a satellite with known 24/7 feeds and was able to see this black screen upon tuning a signal after blind scan on a service I know never has black screens. I turned off and on the manhattan and it worked fine after that.

yep I've seen that happen after a bunch of blind scans being done and its random. A simple power off/power on with the remote fixes it
The report came from a very reliable observer on the East Coast, who found a feed on AMC-3 C-band.
There are no fulltime feeds that I know of in this format, but I put a great deal of trust in this person's abilities and if he says that it was 16APSK, it probably was without a doubt.
New Manhattan 1933 and firmware/ setup questions


Thanks for your reply. I have a couple more questions:

-- In the tools menu, the USB functions are greyed out. Do I need to have a USB flash drive in the port for them to show?

-- Also, I do not see a 'dump to USB' function listed. Does that mean I have an older firmware? Is there any way to find the firmware version?

-- Re my setup: I previously had a Pansat 2800 fta using splitters and a DiSEqC switch. (how do you pronounce that, anyway?) I now have just replaced the 2800 with the 1933, connecting the splitter output to the 1933 SAT IN port. I don't think I ever did get any Ku on the 2800 either. I did get Ku on the 922 though when there was some to get. I am using the 922 for dish positioning and am viewing the few clear channels just to confirm my dish position.

-- Another thing: I have turned off the lnb power in the 1933 and several channels went blank but not all. Peculiar. Any thoughts?

Thank you for your time and counsel--

The report came from a very reliable observer on the East Coast, who found a feed on AMC-3 C-band.
There are no fulltime feeds that I know of in this format, but I put a great deal of trust in this person's abilities and if he says that it was 16APSK, it probably was without a doubt.

I'll do some true investigations when I get my PCI card in that does 16APSK and 32APSK.
<br /><br />
I checked four signals that were reported to be 16APSK by someone tuning them with this same model PCI card that I am getting and I couldn't get the Manhattan to lock on with that freq/sr/polarity and it wasn't found with the blind scan either. We'll know more in about a month or so when I get the card, get it installed and learn how to use software to communicate with it.

Thanks for your reply. I have a couple more questions:

-- In the tools menu, the USB functions are greyed out. Do I need to have a USB flash drive in the port for them to show?

-- Also, I do not see a 'dump to USB' function listed. Does that mean I have an older firmware? Is there any way to find the firmware version?

-- Re my setup: I previously had a Pansat 2800 fta using splitters and a DiSEqC switch. (how do you pronounce that, anyway?) I now have just replaced the 2800 with the 1933, connecting the splitter output to the 1933 SAT IN port. I don't think I ever did get any Ku on the 2800 either. I did get Ku on the 922 though when there was some to get. I am using the 922 for dish positioning and am viewing the few clear channels just to confirm my dish position.

-- Another thing: I have turned off the lnb power in the 1933 and several channels went blank but not all. Peculiar. Any thoughts?

Thank you for your time and counsel--


The answer to question one is.....; Yes. You need a USB connection, either stick or hard drive for the menu options to light up.

The answer to question two is ..... The dump feature was added later. If you have never updated, then the original "May" firmware does not have that feature. You will loose the sats when you flash and will need to reload them. After updating to the latest firmware, then you will have the "dump" option. You can find the firmware version in the Tools area. go to "Information" at the top of that screen.

Question three.......

Diseq-c is pronounced as (Die--- Sek--- See) It sounds like you have the Manhattan slaved to the 4D. I was hooked up the same way. The splitters should be power pass on one side only. That side is what the 4D is hooked to and the 4D controls the polarity. I took my 4D out of the picture. But since the 4D provides power and control to the lnb for the most part, You could have some bleed over in the power department when shutting off the lnb power at the Manhattan. I had noticed something similar with my setup. That is why I took the 4D out and hooked the Manhattan direct. Now the 4D only moves the dish.
I will play with my setup and do what you are to see if I can expand on this issue. Also maybe someone else here has noticed the same thing. Have a great day! :)
Manhattan RS 1933 Firmware 3.4 & DiSEqC switch control


Thanks for the info re the firmware update. I will get on this soon as there is no sense in scanning in channels only to lose them in an update.

Re the setup and Ku band, I have discovered that if I connect the Ku lnb line directly to the SAT IN port on the 1933, I do, indeed, get Ku programming :) But, I cannot get it when the lnb is connected to the filter. I have checked the Ku filter output for lnb power and find that there is 20V there, so that should not be the problem. Seems like the DiSEqC switch is faulty or the 1933 is not controlling it as wanted.

My Ku lnb is connected thru the filter to port 3 on the DiSEqC switch and I have the 22khz tone ON for port 3 and this is not working. I have also tried having the tone off and tried all of the other ports with no Ku luck. So, do you think there is a chance that the 1933 DiSEqC control is not working? Seems like the other choice is that the DiSEqC switch is not working. Possibly, if the 1933 is at fault, the new 3.4 firmware would cure this problem?


Even with the latest software , there is a 22khz switching problem, which is being addressed, but version 3.4 is MUCH better than the software you are using. You should load it. :)
Anyone having 12V/18V voltage polarity switching issues or weirdness in 3.4?

This weekend, I was putting orthomode LNB lines into the manhattan during my big day of skyscanning while using version 3.4.

Today, I used my 1.2meter dish's voltage switched invacom LNBF for the first time using 3.4. I looked at AMC-16 Ku-band. I have the Manhattan set up for fixed dish. I had to select AMC-16 in the sat list, set it up for auto polarity. I wiped out the one transponder in the Manhattan memory (since I use a custom 10000 Local oscillator freq) and I went to blind scan AMC-16 using auto polarity in the blind scan screen. The H's were done and then the V's mirrored the H's. I knew something was funky because the services (especially the echostar s.a.c. id screen) are not mirrored on both polarities. The linear polarity coax from the invacom that I used with the manhattan does not go through a diseqc switch.

I hooked up that line to an analog receiver and watched the spectrum analyzer as I put 12V and 18V on the LNBF from the analog receiver. Polarities switched fine on that line so I ruled out a bad invacom or LNBF switching mechanism in that LNBF on that port.

Back to the manhattan. I kept the "satellite setup" polarity to AUTO and in the blind scan screen, I did H polarity. H's showed up fine. I switched the polarity to V in the blind scan screen and the V's showed up fine. I went to tune the ID slate on H polarity and got no signal. I noticed in the "satellite setup" screen that polarity got changed to V. I set that back to AUTO in the "satellite setup" screen and the ID slate popped in. Just for kicks, I went back to blind scan screen and did an AUTO scan and both polarities scanned properly that time.

I don't know how one can reproduce my findings other that maybe there is an occasional problem with the voltage sent out to the LNB. I'll have to keep monitoring things to see if my messing around might have fixed something or if it will return occasionally.
Please reply by conversation.


Weird transponder.

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