NXT rookies invading RAW

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

- This could change before tomorrow’s pay-per-view but the decision was made this past week to take the World Heavyweight Title from Jack Swagger at Fatal 4 Way. Likely candidates to take the belt from Swagger this weekend are CM Punk or Rey Mysterio.
Spoiler on Bret Hart, the NXT Rookies & Tonight’s Fatal 4 Way PPV

- The booking for tonight’s WWE Fatal 4 Way pay-per-view does have time allotted for a segment with Bret Hart and the NXT Season 1 Rookies.

On Monday’s RAW, the NXT Rookies demanded contracts from Bret Hart and said they will give him until this Sunday for an answer. source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

–- Shawn Michaels, who believed Bryan Danielson’s termination from WWE to legitimate, was said to be furious upon learning the news. For those unaware, Michaels is Danielson’s original wrestling trainer.
I would be VERY upset if Mysterio won the title. He is almost as annoying as Cena these days. I would really enjoy seeing CM Punk win the title, he has been nothing but entertaining.
heres the results from the fatal 4 way ppv..The opening video package focused on the main events, but then switched into a package on Kane's search for the Undertaker's attacker and his promise of "vengeance" tonight.

Vince McMahon came out to open the show. Vince apologized for starting the show on a "somber note" and said Raw General Manager Bret Hart would not be here tonight. They showed the Team NXT attack on Hart from last week's Raw. Vince said he was meeting with "Bret's representatives" later to determine when Bret would be able to return to his duties, and what action would be taken against Team NXT. There was an audible "Daniel Bryan" chant during Vince's promo.

Drew McIntyre came out and shook hands with Vince McMahon before heading to the ring. The McIntyre-Long match from Smackdown this past week was recapped.

Vince McMahon was shown getting in his limo and leaving, so I guess the meeting isn't taking place at Nassau Coliseum.

Drew McIntyre got on the mic and said that Teddy Long, under orders of Mr. McMahon, has to come out right now. Long came out, while McIntyre insulted him, calling him "pathetic" and said he had "no pride" but at least he still had a job. McIntyre said when he wins back "his" Intercontinental Title, Long would have to hand it to him.

Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston vs. Drew McIntyre.

Kofi looked angry coming out, and the referee had to hold him back during the introductions. Kofi immediately began throwing kicks at the legs and body at the bell. McIntyre fought back with punches and threw Kofi down by the hair and stomped his head. They slugged it out, then Kofi hit a monkey flip and a dropkick. Kingston clotheslined McIntyre to the floor. Kofi hit a tope, then rolled him back in the ring. McIntyre rolled back out, then clipped Kofi's leg as he came out after him. Back in the ring, McIntyre threw Kofi shoulder first into the ringpost and got a two count. McIntyre pounded Kofi with forearms, then pulled him across the ring apron and pounded him across the chest. Kofi kicked Drew from his back, and they fought on the outside, with Drew whipping Kofi's arm into the ringpost.

Back in the ring, McIntyre got a two count, then applied an armbar. Kofi armdragged out of it, then slid under McIntyre, but Drew hit him with a shoulderblock. Drew stomped the arm, and Kofi tried to fight back, but Drew stomped him down in a corner. Drew flipped Kofi to the mat with an armwringer, then applied a overhead wristlock. Drew yanked Kofi to the mat by the hair and continued to work on the arm. McIntyre mocked Kofi's "Boom" claps, and it allowed Kofi to throw some kicks from the mat, but Drew pounded him back down. Drew returned to the armbar, but Kofi fought up and went for a sunset flip. Drew tried to punch out of it, but Kofi moved and Drew punched the mat. Drew came right back with a kick to the injured arm for a two count.

Drew clotheslined Kofi twice in the corner. Drew went for a short-arm clothesline, but Kofi floated over it and hit a DDT. Kofi elbowed Drew, then hit some kicks to the legs. Kofi punched Drew in the head, then hit a series of chops and a dropkick. Kofi missed a clothesline, then Drew missed with one and Kofi rolled up Drew for a two count. Kofi hit a reverse bodypress out of the corner for a two count, but Drew hit the arm again and delivered a neckbreaker on the knee for a two count. Drew went for a slam, but Kofi floated out of it and hit a legsweep. Kofi hit the Boom Drop legdrop, then began to clap. Drew backed away from the Trouble In Paradise kick, and backdropped Kofi to the ringapron. Drew hit some punches and went to back suplex Kofi into the ring, but Kofi shifted his weight and landed on top of Drew for a two count.

Drew hit a running kick on Kofi, then went for the Future Shock DDT, but Kofi broke out and hit a Tornado DDT off the middle rope. Drew got his foot on the bottom rope to stop the count. Kofi mounted Drew in the corner for punches, but Drew walked out of it with a powerbomb on Kofi for a near fall. Drew complained about the count. Drew picked up Kofi off the mat, but Kofi hit the SOS for a two count. McIntyre tripped Kofi into the turnbuckles, but Kofi grabbed a headscissors. Drew stood up in the headscissors and threw Kofi into the referee, knocking him out.

Drew threw Kingston shoulder first into the ringpost and hit the Future Shock DDT, but there was no referee to count. McIntyre tried to revive the referee, then went outside and threw Teddy Long in the ring, demanding he make the count. McIntyre even ripped the shirt off the unconscious referee and ordered Long to put it on. Long did so, and McIntyre made the cover. Long counted two, then stopped and shook his head no. The fans chanted for Long. McIntyre glared at Long, and backed him in a corner. McIntyre told Long he needs to count him, or he would "drop him." McIntyre went to pick up Kofi for another DDT, but Matt Hardy ran in from the crowd and gave McIntyre a Twist Of Fate. Long just watched. Kofi then gave McIntyre a Trouble In Paradise kick and Long counted the pinfall for Kofi at the 17-minute mark.

Winner: Kofi Kingston.

Backstage, Savannah interviewed the Hart Dynasty, who apparently are wrestling in a six-person tag team match on the show. Natalya said it was a tough week, but they would make Bret proud tonight. Kidd said they were going to take care of the Usos tonight in the ring. Smith said Bret has been like a father to him, and that he signed the Usos so the Hart Dynasty would have to earn everything they achieve. He said tonight they would fight.

Divas Champion Eve vs. Alicia Fox vs. Maryse vs. Gail Kim.

Eve and Maryse paird off at the bell, while Kim and Alicia did the same. Gail got kicked in the shin by Fox, who then hit a Northern Lights suplex, leading into a sequence where everyone was breaking up pins and going for covers. Fox gave Kim a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Eve gave Maryse and Fox forearms and dropkicks. Fox and Maryse double-teamed Eve. Kim got on the apron and gave Fox a headscissors while Eve put Maryse in an armbar. Kim let go of her headscissors to break up Eve's hold on Maryse. Kim put Maryse in an armbar of her own, then Fox broke it up and she put Maryse in an armbar. Maryse escaped to the floor. Eve put Fox in a camel clutch, while Kim put Fox a Boston Crab at the same time. Maryse tossed Eve and Kim out of the ring, leaving her to face off with Fox.

They argued, then Fox shoved her. Maryse hit some forearms and a side kick for a cover, but Eve broke it up. Kim came in and dropkicked Eve and Maryse. Kim hit Maryse with a shoulderblock, then a missile dropkick for a one count, as Eve broke it up. Kim got yanked down off the apron by Alicia, who dropped her face first on it Eve gave Maryse a neckbreaker in the ring, then went to the top rope and hit a moonsault. Fox broke up the cover, throwing Eve to the floor, and Fox covered Maryse for the pin at the six minute mark.

Winner and new Divas Champion: Alicia Fox.

Backstage, Rey Mysterio was praying. Big Show said that while Rey is a "man of faith" some things are "too big" to overcome. Rey said he is a former World Champion with 20 years experience, and he is always the underdog, but he will be champion again. Show said they are friends, but he will knock him out of he has to, holding up his fist. Rey said his heart is bigger than Show's fist. Rey walked off, and Show wished him luck.

Chris Jericho came out and cut a promo about how he is the reason fans watch WWE, which got an ovation from the New York crowd. Jericho said he is not getting the attention he used to, noting that even his rookie Wade Barrett gets more attention than him. Jericho said that the reason is because his whole career he has been trying to knock someone else off the mountain, and now he was on the top of the mountain with others trying to knock him off. Jericho said he has a target on his back. Jericho noted that last week on Raw, Evan Bourne gave him a shooting star press after their match was over, and he didn't deserve it. Jericho said he wants restitution, and has challenged Bourne a match tonight. Jericho ripped on Bourne, saying his career would "fade away" like a shooting star tonight. The fans seemed mostly pro-Jericho, even when he called them parasites.

Chris Jericho vs. Evan Bourne.

There was a loud "Y2J" chant at the start. They locked up, and Bourne shoved Jericho. Jericho whipped Bourne into a corner and clotheslined him. Jericho punched Bourne, calling him "Shooting Star" while hitting him. Bourne ducked a clothesline and hit a rana, then a dropkick to the face for a two count. Bourne ran the ropes, but Jericho hit a clothesline for a two count. Jericho pounded Bourne in a corner. Jericho missed a charge and fell to the floor. Bourne went to the top rope and hit a bodypress on Jericho on the floor. As they got back in the ring, Jericho kicked Bourne on the apron, then hit the springboard dropkick, knocking Bourne to the floor.

Back in the ring, Jericho kicked Bourne in the gut. Bourne fought back with some kicks, but Jericho floored him with a dropkick for a two count. Jericho snapmared Bourne and kicked him in the back. Jericho put Bourne in a chinlock, but Bourne fought up in it. Jericho went for a back suplex, but Bourne floated over it and hit some kicks to the body, then a spinkick. Bourne hit a running elbow, then a dropkick in the corner for a two count. Bourne hit some kicks to the leg, but missed a roundhouse and Jericho hit a German suplex for a two count. Jericho put Bourne in a corner and went for a whip. Bourne reversed it, but Jericho hit a back elbow. Jericho got on the second rope, but Bourne leaped up and pulled him down with a rana for a two count.

Bourne went for his double kneedriver, but Jericho caught it and slowly dropped to the mat, rolling Bourne into the Walls Of Jericho, to a pop. Bourne struggled in the hold, and made the ropes for a break. Bourne got up on the apron, and Jericho shoved him off the apron and into the announce table. Jericho went outside and rammed Bourne into the table. Jericho went for a clothesline on the floor, but Bourne dodged it and tripped Jericho into the ringsteps. Back in the ring, Bourne hit a top rope kneedriver for a two count. Bourne hit a kick, but Jericho blocked one and hit a double underhook backbreaker. Jericho went for a Lionsault, but Bourne moved. Jericho landed on his feet, and Bourne kicked him. Bourne went for a Shooting Star Press, but Jericho moved out of the way. Bourne landed on his feet, but Jericho hit a Codebreaker. Jericho covered, but Bourne got his foot on the ropes. Jericho yelled "Stay down you idiot!" and pounded him in the corner.

Jericho missed a charge in the corner, and Bourne rolled up Jericho for a two count. Jericho grabbed the legs and went for the Walls Of Jericho, but Bourne hooked his head. Jericho stood up with Bourne holding onto his head, and Bourne swung around into a DDT. Bourne went to the top rope, but Jericho met him there. They fought on the ropes, and Bourne punched Jericho to the mat. Bourne got ready to jump, but Jericho got back up and crotched Bourne on the top rope. Jericho went for a superplex, but Bourne tossed Jericho back to the mat, gourdbuster-style. Bourne hit the Shooting Star Press to Jericho's back and got the pin at the 12-minute mark.

Winner: Evan Bourne.

A video package on the Undertaker situation and the World Title Fatal Four Way match was shown.

World Champion Jack Swagger vs. Big Show vs. Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk.

Big Show came out first, then CM Punk, who sent Luke Gallows & Serena to the back after hugging them on the stage. Rey Mysterio then entered, then Jack Swagger, and they did the big match introductions.

At the bell, no one went for the immediate lockup. Swagger and Punk then went after Rey, but Big Show grabbed them and tossed them away. Show chopped Swagger, and Punk jumped on Show's back for a sleeper, but he flipped him off. Rey dropkicked Punk and went for his mask. Rey used a headscissors to send Punk out of the ring. Show tossed Swagger out of the ring, leaving Rey and Show to face off. Rey went on the attack, but Show shoved him away. Show got ready for a punch, and Rey slid to the floor. Show reached out of the ring and pulled Rey back in, then threw him into Swagger, who was on the apron. Show covered Rey, but Punk broke it up. Show chopped Punk down and covered him, but Swagger broke it up. Show dominated, just knocking people around.

Show held Rey for a slam with one arm, and pushed around Punk and Swagger with the other, until Rey hit Big Show with a DDT out of the slam. There was a sequence where everyone tried to cover Show and pulled each other off. Swagger gave Show a splash out of the corner, but Punk and Rey pulled him off and kicked him. Rey and Punk kicked Show out of the ring, then began going at it with each other. Swagger knocked Punk out of the ring and focused his attack on Rey, hitting a belly to belly suplex for a two count. Swagger put Mysterio in a double chicken wing, but Rey fought out of it. Rey set up Swagger for a 619, but Punk hit Rey with a springboard bodypress for a two count, then covered Swagger for a two count.

Punk shoved Swagger out of the ring and worked over Mysterio in a corner. Punk hit a backbreaker on Rey for a two count, then pulled Swagger into the ring and blasted him with a spinning backfist. Punk kicked Rey in a corner, then gave Swagger a jumping knee in the opposite corner. Punk went for a German suplex on Rey, but Swagger grabbed Punk and we had a double German suplex. Swagger covered both men, but couldn't get a pinfall. Swagger went for a powerbomb on Punk, but Punk blocked it. Punk kicked Swagger in the head, but Rey hit a headscissors on Punk and went for a 619. Big Show, from the floor, grabbed the attempt and dropped Rey face first on the announce table.

Big Show got in the ring and pounded Swagger and Punk, including an avalanche on both men and a double clothesline. Swagger and Punk bailed out to the floor. BIg Show went out after Punk, but Rey kicked the ring steps into Show's legs. Mysterio gave Show a 619 around the ringpost. Punk hit a springboard dive on Show on the floor. In the ring, Rey went for a bodypress on Swagger, but Swagger kicked Rey down. Punk ran in and gave Swagger a GTS, but apparently hurt his knee on the move.

The lights turned red, and Kane came out, wheeling a casket. Kane went after CM Punk and threw him out of the ring. Kane chokeslammed Punk into the casket and went to close it, but Punk used his leg to keep it open. Luke Gallows ran out and kicked Kane, then helped Punk to the back, with Kane in pursuit.

In the ring, Rey gave Swagger a 619 and a springboard splash for the pin at the ten minute mark.

Winner and new World Champion: Rey Mysterio.
Backstage, Josh Mathews interviewed John Cena. When asked about Team NXT attacking, Cena talked about how it has "solidified" the WWE locker room, and that there is an "unspoken agreement" to work together if they show up. When asked about the odds in a Fatal Four Way match (we've had two title changes already), Cena said whoever walks out the champion tonight, will have to earn it.

They reviewed how Miz won the U.S. Title in a Fatal Four Way match on Raw last week.

Miz came out, and did a version of R-Truth's entrance music with new lyrics about himself, replacing "What's Up" with "The Miz". Truth then came out to the original version.

U.S. Champion The Miz vs. R-Truth.

They locked up at the bell, then Truth hit a shoulderblock. They locked up again, and Truth hit another shoulderblock, then a third. Truth ducked a clothesline and hit another shoulderblock, sending Miz to the floor. Truth clotheslined Miz on the floor, then tossed him into the ring for a two count. Truth went for a leapfrog, but Miz kicked him in the gut, then stomped him in the gut. Miz hit some elbows, then applied a trapped arm chinlock. Truth elbowed out of it, then hit a hiptoss. Truth was backdropped to the apron, but he slugged Miz and rammed him into the top turnbuckle. Miz rolled to the apron as well, then shoved Truth into the ringpost. Truth fell to the floor, and Miz told the referee to count for a countout.

Truth got in the ring at nine, and Miz stomped him. Miz worked over Truth with bodyshots in the corner. Miz hit the through the ropes clothesline and got a two count. Miz applied a bodyscissors, but Truth turned over in it and hit some punches to break the hold. Truth was favoring the ribs. Miz hit a kick to the head for a two count. Miz stretched Truth in the ropes and pounded him with forearms. Truth punched and kicked for a comeback, but Miz landed a knee to the ribs, then stepped on his face. Miz hit a kick to the ribs, then they exchanged punches. Truth got the better of it, but Miz hit a back elbow and went for an armbar, while driving an elbow into the ribs. Miz then applied a modified bow and arrow, but Truth broke out and hit a back suplex for a two count.

Miz kicked Truth in the head and stomped him, then hit a vertical suplex. Miz played to the crowd, and it allowed Truth to hit some punches and a gourdbuster for a two count. Miz grabbed Truth by the pants and pulled him face first into the turnbuckles. Miz punched Truth on the ropes and went for a superplex, but Truth knocked him away and hit a second rope dropkick. There were some "This is boring" or "Miz is boring" chants. Truth rallied with punches and kicks, then hit a flapjack. Truth hit a Flatliner for a two count. Miz kicked Truth, but Truth returned fire and hit a suplex stunner for a two count. Truth charged Miz, and Miz dropped him gut first on the top rope. Miz hit a backbreaker/neckbreaker combo for a two count.

Miz missed a clothesline in the corner, and got tangled in the ropes. Truth legdropped him out of the corner and got a two count. Miz hit a shot to the gut and threw Truth out of the ring. Truth landed on the apron and went to the top rope. Miz stopped him and they battled on the ropes. Truth knocked Miz into the ring, but missed a top rope bodypress. Miz went to pick him up off the mat, but Truth grabbed a small package for two. Miz went for a running kick, but Truth rolled him up for two. Miz whipped Truth into the ropes, but Truth grabbed a bodyscissors and went into a Victory Roll, but Miz dropped down on it and got the pin at the 14-minute mark.

Winner: The Miz.

Todd Grisham interviewed Edge. Edge talked about how John Cena had to watch every other Four Way match end in a title change, how Randy Orton can't be recovered from his shoulder injury, and that Sheamus knows he doesn't belong in the ring with men who have main evented Wrestlemania. Edge said the only thing on his mind was winning the WWE Title.

The Hart Dynasty (Tyson Kidd & David Hart Smith & Natalya) vs. Jimmy & Jey Uso & Tamina.

Tamina started off with Natalya, with Tamina shoving Natalya. They traded holds, with Natalya getting a two count with a cradle. Smith and Jey Uso tagged in and Smith took Jey down with a keylock. Smith tripped him and grabbed a jackknife rollup for two. Smith armdragged out of a hiptoss attempt and hit a belly to belly suplex. Smith put Jey in the Tree Of Woe, then whipped Kidd into him with a dropkick. Kidd scored a two count on Jey, then applied a side headlock. Jey backed him into his corner and tagged Jimmy, who slammed Kidd. Kidd springboarded out of a wristlock and hit a spinkick, but Jimmy hit a back elbow.

Jimmy tossed Kidd to the floor, then went for a dive, but Kidd kicked him from the apron. Back in the ring, Kidd battled both Usos from the apron, but got caught while diving on Jimmy and was Samoan Dropped on the floor. Jey rolled Tyson into the ring and put him in a chinlock. Tyson kicked away a backdrop attempt, but Jey hit a side kick for a two count. Jimmy tagged in for a double back elbow, then a double elbow drop. Jimmy suplexed Tyson Kidd and put him in a chinlock. Tyson armdragged out of it and went for a tag, but Jimmy stopped it and hit a right hand for a two count.

Jey tagged in and hit a running posterior shot in the corner for a two count on Kidd. Jimmy tagged in for a top rope kneedrop for a two count, then another chinlock. Jimmy choked Kidd down in the corner, but missed a charge. Jey tagged in and stopped a tag at first, but Natalya got the tag, forcing Tamina in the ring. Natalya suplexed Tamina and dropkicked her in the back. Natalya hit a driver, but Jimmy broke up the cover. The match broke down, with the men on the floor. Kidd hit a springboard somersault dive on both Usos. In the ring, Tamina hit Natalya with a Samoan Drop, but missed a superfly splash. Natalya hit the discus lariat for the pin at the nine minute mark.

Winners: The Hart Dynasty.
A video package on the main event was shown.

WWE Champion John Cena vs. Sheamus vs. Randy Orton vs. Edge.

They did the "big match" introductions after all the entrances were done. They all stared at each other at the bell, then Cena went after Sheamus and Orton went after Edge. Edge and Sheamus were thrown out of the ring, and we had Cena and Orton facing off. Orton missed a punch, then both men teased their finishers before Edge pulled Orton to the floor and Sheamus ambushed Cena from behind. Sheamus pounded Cena, then Edge joined him, having disposed of Orton on the floor. Edge and Sheamus hit a double back elbow on Cena. Loud "Cena Sucks" chant. A "Let's Go Cena" chant started up in response.

Sheamus and Edge took shots at Cena, with Sheamus landing a clothesline. Edge then rolled up Sheamus from behind for a two count. Sheamus clotheslined Edge and began punching him in a corner. We saw some of the babyfaces in the back watching on a monitor. Edge fought back against Sheamus and hit a clothesline for two. Cena broke up the cover, but Edge tossed him out of the ring. Edge went to the top rope, but Orton ran in and crotched him. Orton went for a superplex on Edge, but Sheamus stopped it. Sheamus went to powerbomb Orton out of the corner, but Orton slugged him away. Orton got off the ropes. Edge went for a bodypress, but Orton ducked and Edge hit Sheamus. Orton broke up the cover.

Edge kicked Sheamus out of the ring, then Orton clotheslined Edge out of the ring. Cena was on the ring apron, and Orton suplexed him back in. Orton worked over Cena with kicks, then stomped him. Orton missed a kneedrop, and Sheamus ran in and hit Orton with a double axhandle. Sheamus and Cena slugged it out, and Cena hit a vertical suplex. Cena went for an Attitude Adjustment, but Sheamus elbowed out and hit the Irish Curse backbreaker for a two count. Sheamus went for a crucifix bomb, but Edge ran in to break it up with a spear. Sheamus sidestepped it, sending Edge back to the floor after hitting the ringpost. Cena rolled up Sheamus, but he kicked out and hit a clothesline. Orton then hit Sheamus with a clothesline, and Orton hit a double elevated DDT on Sheamus and Cena. Orton covered Sheamus and got a two count. Edge blasted Orton with a kick to the head.

Edge measured Cena for a spear, but Cena moved out of the way and Edge hit the corner. Cena hit the shoulderblocks and back suplex, then did the "You Can't See Me" and hit the Five Knuckle Shuffle fistdrop. Orton came in and hit Cena with a neckbreaker, then gave Edge a powerslam. Orton measured Edge for an RKO. Sheamus came in and tried to pump kick Orton, who dodged it, but Sheamus managed to throw Orton to the floor. Sheamus stomped Edge, then punched Cena. Cena backdropped Sheamus to the floor.

Cena punched Edge, then went after Sheamus on the apron. Orton tripped Sheamus off the apron, sending Sheamus to the floor and clotheslining Cena on the top rope. Orton got on the apron, but Edge shoulderblocked him off. Edge grabbed Cena, but Cena tripped him and applied an STF. Edge struggled in the hold, and almost had the ropes, but Cena pulled him back away and reapplied the hold. Sheamus broke up the hold, then covered Edge for a two count. Sheamus kicked Cena, then pulled him across the apron and elbowed him repeatedly in the neck. Sheamus then went after Edge, hitting a short arm clothesline for a two count.

Orton got on the apron, but Sheamus knocked him back down. Sheamus then knocked Cena off the opposite apron. Sheamus went to slam Edge, but Edge floated over and hit a headcrusher. Sheamus rolled to the floor. Cena got in and went to give Edge an Attitude Adjustment, but Edge escaped and Orton slid in and hit Cena with an RKO. Sheamus ran in and shoved the referee away to break up the count. Orton kicked Sheamus out of the ring, but Edge nailed Orton with a spear. Sheamus got back in and hit Edge with a pump kick, sending him from the ring. Sheamus covered Orton, but Orton kicked out. Edge pulled Orton to the floor, but Orton unloaded with right hands. Sheamus came outside, but Orton shoved him into the announce table, ending the announcing for the night. Edge speared Orton on the floor, into the guardrail.

Backstage, the NXT rookies attacked The Hart Dynasty, Evan Bourne and R-Truth. They also wrecked the set and the monitor.

In the ring, only Cena was in the ring, seeing what was happening. The NXT guys headed to the ring, beating up production people along the way. Darren Young hit the ring first, and Cena gave him an Attitude Adjustment, but the rest of the NXT rookies ambushed him. Edge then started to fight with them on the floor, and he got beaten down. All of the NXT guys were on the floor beating on Edge, so Sheamus rolled into the ring and covered Cena for a three count at the 17-minute mark.

Winner and new WWE Champion: Sheamus.

Sheamus immediately ran off into the crowd after his pinfall. The NXT rookies went back to beating on Cena in the ring. Sheamus emerged on the stage with the WWE Title, then the NXT rookies chased after him into the back.

They showed Cena down in the ring, Edge down on the floor, and Orton (from the Edge spear) down on the floor. There was no announcing, and as all the top stars were laid out, all you could hear was the fans chanting "Daniel Bryan".

That ended the show at 10:36pm. After the PPV went off the air, John Cena took the house mic and addressed the crowd. Cena said that it appears there is a very black cloud shadowing over The WWE.

Cena said he will go home angry and upset, not because Sheamus is the champion because titles come and go. He's angry that the company and universe he fights for have been taken over on television and now a PPV. He said they think they can do whatever they want. He said he's still here and so are the fans.

Cena said there are fans here who have strong opinions on his ability to wrestle. He said all the noise is the noise everyone in the company have fought for over the years. He said that no matter what you think of him, he can fight. He promised to take on all seven each week until every single one of them fall.

Cena said he believes in WWE and all the stars who have earned the right to be here and he will not have that taken away. He said he will stay and fight and tomorrow is another day to fight. He said he prays those sons of bitches show up tomorrow, threw down the mic and left.
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John Cena wrote the following on Twitter last night after Fatal 4 Way: “CeNation. Dark cloud now looms over WWE. For the first time I feel as if I am fighting a battle that is unwinnable. I need some rest.” Apparently supporters of Rob Simmons’ Senate campaign will be in attendance at tonight’s WWE RAW in Bridgeport, Connecticut. They will be looking to get some dirt on WWE while they’re in the state. Simmons shares the ballot with Linda McMahon in the Connecticut Senate race. Don’t be surprised if WWE doesn’t do anything too outrageous on tonight’s show.
Chris Jericho wrote the following on Twitter last night after his match with Evan Bourne: “Had the best match I’ve had in months tonight. Bourne is the real deal…and I must destroy him.”

- Tonight’s RAW will take place from the Arena at Harbor Yard in Bridgeport, Connecticut. No matches have been announced and it appears that there will be no guest host this week as WWE still hasn’t announced one. Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak was previously rumored to host tonight’s RAW. WWE is teasing consequences for the NXT Rookies on tonight’s show. John Cena & Randy Orton vs. Edge & Sheamus is being advertised locally.
Why Mysterio Won The Title, TNA Launches New Website
by Nick Paglino
Jun 21, 2010 The Wrestling Observer is reporting that WWE decided to give Rey Mysterio the World Title at last night's Fatal Four Way PPV for several reasons. The first is that the company was reportedly unhappy with Jack Swagger as the current Champion. It's also being said that Mysterio takes great pride in being the Champion, and with reports of him being unhappy in WWE lately, this was a way for management to appease him. Additionally, it's being said that plans for a month long vacation for Mysterio were scrapped when The Undertaker was side lined with an injury, so giving him a title run probably helped persuade him to stick around.
A British Point of View: Danielson - Release or Suspend?
by Martyn Nolan
Jun 21, 2010 We have recently seen one of the more shocking endings to a Monday Night RAW. The NXT Season 1 Participants stormed the arena and attacked anyone and everyone within the area.

This segment was particularly shocking as it was something I did not expect to see at all. For far too long have we watched shows go off the air with the usual endings and usual storylines. This RAW saw something of a turn. However, there have been consequences. Brian Danielson AKA Daniel Bryan has been released from the WWE.

For a long period of time it was unsure whether this was a work or whether he had been actually released. Now it seems that it has been confirmed that Danielson was released from the WWE for his actions placed upon the announcer Justin Roberts. If you have not had chance to see what Danielson did to Mr. Roberts then let me explain.

Justin Roberts was graphically chocked by Danielson with his own tie. Now my first reaction when I saw this was of general shock as I didn’t think Danielson realised how hard he was choking Roberts. Roberts genuinely looked scared and was grasping for air when this was taking place, and for good reason. If Danielson had pulled any further I would have expected Roberts head to land on the third row.

It seems to have come to light through one report that WWE felt the need to release Danielson due to the relation that may be drawn to the tragedy of the Chris Benoit deaths. However, WWE may take it upon themselves to re-hire Danielson once his 90 day no compete clause expires. So I ask, why bother firing him?

WWE will say that they punished him fully to within their policies. But what does that say if they re-hire him? People could view this as taking back the person who has gone too far. If somebody wants to relate what he did to Chris Benoit then what is stopping them from doing that upon his return?

Also if this was related to the Chris Benoit tragedy then why did WWE repeat the whole segment on the following nights NXT and on Friday with Smackdown?

So I ask, why not just suspend him and WWE can make the statement that this was due to excessive force used upon a member of staff. This way they don’t have to wait for 90 days to expire, the suspension could be for 30 or 60 days, so they can use him again sooner on television. The man can still provide for his family if he isn’t suspended without pay or if they feel the need to suspend his pay at least he knows he still has a job to go back to at the end of all this.

Either way, when I watched what Danielson did, the last thing that entered my mind was the Chris Benoit tragedy. To be honest it was most probably the furthest thing from my mind.

Brian Danielson made a mistake. He was trying to make something look realistic and make an impact within a very hard industry, which I can appreciate. Brian Danielson showed really good promise in the WWE and has been involved in an original storyline with Michael Cole which I would have liked to have gone further in some fashion. With this massive heel turn for the rookies of NXT season 1 I was interested to see what direction they would take Danielson with this but I guess we may not find out now.

With that being said he did cross a line when he hurt someone who is not used to that environment. So should he really be released for this one mistake?

Email me at beansontoastuk@msn.com with your opinions and I’ll try to get some feedback up within the next few days.

By Dave Scherer on 2010-06-21 19:19:22
PETA, The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals activist group, has chimed in on Daniel Bryan's controversial firing from PGWWE. They are trying to start a grass roots effort to get WWE to hire him back as he is a vegan. They have sent Vince McMahon a letter, which you can read by clicking here. June 21, 2010
Vince McMahon
Chairman and CEO
World Wrestling Entertainment
1 page via fax: ___-___-____
Dear Mr. McMahon,
On behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and the
WWE fans among our more than 2 million members and supporters, I'm
writing to toss our name into the ring as yet another proponent of the push to
bring back Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson). I might not personally carry the
same clout as other Bryan supporters like John Cena or Shawn Michaels
(although I do consider myself "The Showstopper of PETA"), but I am, along
with many of my colleagues, a huge Daniel Bryan fan, not only because he
humiliated the Miz and Michael Cole a few weeks back on Raw but also
because he's vegan.
Lots of athletes, including baseball slugger Prince Fielder, the NBA's Raja
Bell, MMA fighters K.J. Noons and Mac Danzig, and Olympic Legend Carl
Lewis, show that vegetarians often leave meat-eaters in the dust, gnawing on
their greasy chicken wings as they wonder what hit them. But Bryan represents
the quintessential vegan badass. He knows that unlike WWE superstars,
animals beaten to a pulp by the meat industry don't want to be there. The worst
Hell in a Cell match is nothing compared to what animals in slaughterhouses
go through, such as having their throats cut and being scalded alive and
dismembered, often while still conscious. Even Mick Foley couldn't withstand
that kind of abuse. Just by being vegan, Bryan saves more than 100 animals a
year, a feat far more impressive than any of Jack Swagger's
"accomplishments." Savvy athletes go vegan for the health benefits, too, as
they slash their risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
So what do you say, Mr. McMahon? Bring back Bryan and let him prove that
he belongs. And maybe there could even be a storyline romance between
Bryan and the gorgeous vegan diva Tiffany! (Who, in your PETA fans'
opinion, deserves another shot at Layla.)
Dan Shannon
By Mike Johnson on 2010-06-21 20:23:48
Billy Krotchsen sent the following from Raw in Bridgeport, CT:
Dark Match:

*Ted DiBiase pinned Goldust.

WWE Superstars:

*Brie Bella pinned Jillian Hall after the twins did a switch. There was a loud "Daniel Bryan" chant during the match.

*R-Truth pinned William Regal
John Cena wrote the following on Twitter this morning: “CeNation. Its amazing what a good nights sleep and a good workout can do. I am not upset about wwe championship, I will handle that…. I was just real upset at nxt, they have been just too much, sometimes u gotta say F it! I may go down…but I’m goin down swinging!”
Posted by Marc Middleton on June 21, 2010 at 6:33 PM • Comments (0)

Partial source: F4Wonline.com
Speaking of Danielson, he is expected to release a statement soon regarding his WWE departureDanielson to Release WWE Statement and More
WWE is advertising that Vince McMahon will make an appearance on Raw tonight to address the NXT rookie situation. As of right now, nothing else has been confirmed for the show, so it looks like Raw will indeed not have a guest host tonight.
WWE News: Pro wrestling legend in the crowd at Raw
Jun 21, 2010 - 07:38 PM


Dot Net readers Melvin Cabrera is at the WWE Raw show in Bridgeport, Conn. and are passing along the following note.

Pro wrestling legend Ox Baker is at the WWE Raw show. He was taking photos and shaking hands with fans before being ushered backstage.

Powell's POV: Melvin also notes that Baker lives in the area, so he's probably just visiting friends at the show.
The Hangover: WWE Fatal Four Way thoughts and reactions one day after the event
Jun 21, 2010 - 04:47 PM


By Rich Twilling

-Sunday night's Fatal Four Way show had a couple of noteworthy occurrences Three new champions were crowned, and none of them were treated as a big deal. The four way concept was predictably bad. Kane and the NXT Seven did not live up to expectations. On to the specifics!

-Sheamus is the new WWE Champion. John Cena could find himself in a feud with the NXT Seven. Vince McMahon might be the person behind the NXT Seven. That last statement could help make sense of this.

Vince let some people in the locker room know they were not going to try and turn back the attack of the Seven. Hell, heels like William Regal would agree to that. Therefore, that is why nobody came out this time to help out Cena or those who were attacked while watching the match backstage.

If that turns out to be the case, at least it would make sense because otherwise, the locker room not coming out to fight off the Seven was illogical. As for the match itself (and this is yet another reason to dislike four ways), Sheamus and Cena were the focus.

On the flip side, Randy Orton and Edge were basically forgotten players. Orton is still hot with the crowd. Edge has been working his ass off to move on from his babyface run. This format of a pay-per-view was a step back for both guys.

Since the announcers took off, the number one championship in WWE changing hands happened in silence. Similar to the World Heavyweight Championship, something (NXT appearance) overshadowed the match and the belt. Chasing Sheamus off was a nice visual though.
wonder who the new g.m of raw is?i hope its not vickie guerrrero or michael cole isnt even the leader of nexus..i wonder if vince is going to try and screw cena and the new g.m is going to come out and screw vince.i doubt this but wouldnt it be funny if the new gm is the rock or bret. lmao
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Tonight’s WWE RAW opens with the usual intro video. The pyro goes off inside the Arena at Harbor Yard in Bridgeport, CT as Michael Cole welcomes us to RAW. Cole and Jerry Lawler talk about the NXT Rookies interrupting last night’s main event where Sheamus won the WWE Title.

- No Chance starts playing and out comes Vince McMahon to a nice pop from the crowd. Vince makes his way down to the ring like only Vince can do.

Vince takes the mic and welcomes everyone to Monday Night RAW. Vince talks about the Fatal 4 Way main event and Sheamus being WWE Champion. Vince says there’s only one person to blame for that chaos – Bret Hart. Vince says he told Bret about making tough decisions as GM but says Bret made a bad decision when he fired Wade Barrett last week and dismissed the Rookies. Vince says this set off a whole chain of reactions. Vince talks about Bret being thrown in the limousine last week. Vince says that’s no reason for Bret not showing up last night. Vince says Bret didn’t hire further security or anything. Vince blames it all on Bret.

Vince says he has no choice but to relieve Bret of his duties as General Manager. Bret… you’re fired, says Vince. Vince says a new General Manager will be running things now. Vince says this person prefers to remain anonymous. Vince says the new GM will be issuing his instructions via e-mail through the computer at the announcer’s table. Vince tells Cole when he receives an e-mail, he must announce it. A sound goes off and Cole gets an e-mail. Cole reads it and it says that all 7 members of the NXT Season 1 have been officially hired and they will address the WWE Universe tonight. Vince tells everyone to enjoy themselves tonight and goes to walk off when Sheamus’ music hits.

The New WWE Champion makes his way to the ring. Vince introduces him. Sheamus looks irritated. A “you suck” chant breaks out. Sheamus says he’s sorry but this isn’t how he wanted to win the WWE Title. Sheamus says he wanted to win last night on his own but that didn’t happen. Sheamus says he doesn’t deserve the belt and can’t accept it under these conditions. Sheamus goes to hand the belt to Vince but stops and smiles. Sheamus says he will take the belt anyway. He’s laughing now and declares himself the new WWE Champion, no matter how it happened. Sheamus thanks the NXT Rookies for interfering last night and giving him the opportunity that he needed.

Sheamus says he didn’t need the Rookies help and could have won the match on his own. Sheamus says the only statement that was made last night was him winning his second WWE Title. Sheamus continues but is interrupted by John Cena’s music. Cena comes out to a big pop.

Cena rips on Sheamus some. Cena tells Michael Cole to send an e-mail to the anonymous GM and thank him for hiring the NXT Rookies. Cena says it’s only a matter of time before he settles his issue with them. Cena goes back to Sheamus now and reminds him that he gets a rematch. Cena proposes that match happen here tonight on RAW. Sheamus says there will be no WWE Title match tonight. Sheamus tells Vince to ask Cena to leave the ring. They come face to face but Vince gets in the middle. The e-mail sound goes off again. Cole has another e-mail from the GM. The e-mail says that Sheamus will defend the WWE Title tonight in the main event against John Cena. Vince hypes the match and Cole gets another e-mail. This one says that a special guest referee has been named for the match to stop any outside interference… the referee will be Vince McMahon. Vince’s music hits and everyone is in the ring as we go to commercial.

Evan Bourne vs. Chris Jericho

Back from commercial and out comes Evan Bourne to the ring. Out next is his opponent, Chris Jericho, for a rematch from Fatal 4 Way. Jericho takes the mic and says he asked for this rematch tonight to make a statement to Bourne and all the parasites watching. Jericho says if he doesn’t win tonight, he’s going to walk out of WWE forever.

The bell rings and they go at it. Jericho takes Bourne to the corner and beats him down. Bourne counters with a quick 2 count. Bourne with another roll-up for 2. Bourne misses a spin kick and Jericho retreats out to the floor. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Jericho has Bourne in a submission on the mat. Bourne breaks free and gets another 2 count on Jericho. Jericho with a dropkick and another that sends Bourne outside to the floor. Bourne finally makes it back in at the 9 count. Jericho mounts him with right hands. Jericho goes for a suplex but Bourne counters and rolls him up for another 2 count. Bourne fights back with kicks and knocks Jericho down with a spin kick. Bourne with a clothesline in the corner and a kick to the face for 2.

Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho. Bourne rolls out of it and turns it into a tornado DDT for a 2 count. Jericho with a backbreaker and a 2 count. Jericho hits another backbreaker and this time bends Bourne over his knee. Bourne fights out of it with knees to the head. Bourne runs into an elbow in the corner. Jericho goes up top but Bourne brings him down with a hurricanrana. 2 count by Bourne. Bourne hits the double knees. Jericho rolls out of it and applies the Walls of Jericho. Bourne finally makes it to the ropes and breaks the hold. Bourne kicks Jericho in the head and he goes down. Bourne goes up top to hit Air Bourne. Jericho puts his knees up and Bourne lands hard. Jericho hits the Codebreaker for the pinfall and the win.

Winner: Chris Jericho

- After the match, Jericho helps Bourne to his feet, looking like he’s going to help him. Jericho shoves Bourne to the mat and walks off smirking as the crowd boo’s.

- We get graphics for the NXT Rookies appearing tonight and Sheamus vs. John Cena with Vince McMahon as special referee. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Vince is in his office on the phone. He’s talking about the crowd liking the main event tonight. Vince tells the other person on the phone he gave them full authority but don’t surprise him again, talking about the special referee gig.

- We go to Ted DiBiase and Virgil backstage. Ted wanted to talk with Virgil. Ted apologizes for his actions last week. Ted says he’s sorry. Ted says that Virgil’s services won’t be needed any longer. Ted says he’s upgraded… in walks Maryse. Ted says he’s found someone who appreciates the power of money. Virgil asks what Ted is going to do for protection… Ted says go to the drug store. Ted tells Virgil he’s fired. They come face to face and Virgil walks off. Maryse poses with Ted to end the segment.

- We go backstage with Josh Matthews and The Hart Dynasty. He asks them about Vince’s announcement firing Bret Hart as General Manager. Natalya says Bret has been rail-roaded out of WWE again. Natalya says the Rookies shouldn’t be given contracts. Tyson talks some. Natalya says as Bret’s family, they’re going to have to do something. David Hart Smith says they’re going to carry on the Hart name. Natalya says she’s dedicating her match to Bret and “these Harts won’t stop beating.”

- We go outside in the parking lot. A stretch SUV limousine pulls up and stops. We go to commercial.

Sheffield tries to get the fans to repeat his catchphrase but they just keep booing. Michael Tarver takes the mic next. He apologizes to all of his children for what he’s done on TV. Wade Barrett takes the mic next and says the Rookies behind him did what he had to do. Barrett says he had a job with WWE and a title shot, so why would he align himself with the Rookies? Barrett says it’s about loyalty. He says they decided a long time ago they would have fun on NXT but stick together at the end and make sure each other had contracts. The crowd chants “you suck” to Barrett and the Rookies. Barrett says the Rookies have formed a “nexus”, a bond that will never be broken. Barrett announces his job with WWE and his title shot have been reinstated. Barrett talks about Sheamus now and cuts a brief promo on him. Barrett says any time he wants, he can take Sheamus’ title from him. Barrett says if it’s him or Cena, Sheamus will lose his title. Barrett says it doesn’t matter who he has to beat, he will become WWE Champion and make no apologies. A new theme song plays and it looks like it’s the theme song for The Nexus.

- Cole plugs the WWE Title match again and we go back to commercial.

John Morrison vs. Zack Ryder

Back from commercial and out comes John Morrison. Morrison is accompanied by his NXT Rookie Eli Cottonwood. Out next comes Ted DiBiase, with Maryse on his arm. Ted stops on the stage with a mic. Ted says they had a match scheduled tonight but he has better things to do. Ted says he found a suitable opponent for John Morrison. Out comes Zack Ryder, accompanied by his Rookie Titus O’Neill.

The bell rings and they go to the corner. Ryder drops Morrison with a right hand and goes to work. Morrison takes control now and throws Ryder in the corner. Morrison goes for a springboard kick but Ryder knocks him off the ropes. Ryder works over Morrison in the corner now. Ryder with a 2 count. Ryder applies a headlock now. More offense by Ryder here and another 2 count. Morrison fights out of a submission and kicks Ryder in the head. 2 count by Morrison. Morrison drops Ryder with right hands and a kick to the face. Another 2 count. Morrison counters a move and drops Ryder on his head. Morrison goes for Starship Pain and hits it for the pinfall and the win.

Winner: John Morrison

- Josh Matthews catches up with John Cena backstage and asks about the NXT Rookies. Cena talks about how they said it’s nothing personal and talked about loyalty. Cena says his loyalty lies with the WWE Universe. Cena says they made him a target and now he’s got to settle it. Cena says apology not accepted. Cena says he is worried about getting the WWE Title back now. Vince McMahon appears and says tonight, Cena or Sheamus will have no excuses. Vince says it’s his job to ensure that the best man wins. Vince wishes Cena good luck and Cena walks off. We go to commercial.

Eve and The Great Khali vs. Alicia Fox and Primo

Back from the commercial and out comes the team of Eve Torres and The Great Khali. Out next comes their opponents, Primo and WWE Divas Champion Alicia Fox. We get a replay of Superstars where Khali laid out Primo. Khali and Primo start the match off. Primo tags right out to Alicia because he’s scared. Alicia comes in as does Eve. Alicia pushes Eve and taunts her. Eve responds with kicks and a takedown.

They get to their feet and go at it. Eve with a clothesline and a 2 count. Eve runs the ropes and dropkicks Alicia. Alicia trips Eve’s face into the ropes and covers her for a 2 count. Alicia slams Eve’s head into the mat and kicks her in the mouth. Eve gets up and fights back but Alicia drops her with a knee to the jaw. Alicia throws Eve back into the corner. Eve fights her off and kicks her in the head. Eve goes to the top rope and hits a moonsault. Primo comes in to distract everyone from the pin. Alicia rolls to the floor. Primo asks Eve for a kiss and she slaps him. Eve tags in Khali. Primo tries to fight Khali as Alicia walks off up the ramp. Khali hits Primo with big chops and the Khali Plunge for the win.

Winners: Eve and The Great Khali

- After the match, Eve and Khali dance to his music.

- We see Randy Orton backstage heading to the ring. Lawler says he has asked for time to speak. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and out comes Randy Orton to a big pop. Orton says if the Rookies want to interfere in his match, fine. Orton says it’s only a matter of time before he punts each one of them in the skull. Orton says he accepts Barrett’s apology and hopes he becomes the next WWE Champion. Orton says he will be the man who takes the WWE Title from Barrett. The Miz’s music hits and out comes WWE’s United States Champion.

Miz says he hears voices in his head also and they say he’s sick of seeing Orton in the main event, sick of seeing him on TV every week and sick of him RKO’ing people. Miz says Orton has never held the WWE US Title and the WWE Title at the same time. The Miz says the next WWE Title match is his, not Orton’s. The Miz keeps talking and kicks Orton out of nowhere. Orton comes back and drops Miz. He gets ready for an RKO but Miz rolls out of the ring. Orton turns around as Edge rushes the ring. Edge drops Orton with a spear. Edge crawls in Orton’s face with a mic and says “now the real fun begins Randy.” Edge’s music hits and he leaves the ring with Orton on the mat. Edge walks up the ramp, staring down at Orton.

- Lawler plugs tonigiht’s main event again and we go to commercial.

WWE Title Match: John Cena vs. Sheamus

Back from commercial and out comes Vince McMahon, wearing his referee shirt. John Cena is out next to a big pop and finally, the WWE Champion Sheamus makes his way to the ring. They do formal ring introductions and here we go. Cena goes to Sheamus first and takes him to the ropes. Sheamus strikes with a kick to the gut and beats Cena back into the corner. Sheamus continues stomping Cena down to the mat. Sheamus drops Cena again for a 2 count.

Sheamus continues knocking Cena around the ring and throws him hard into the corner. 2 count for Sheamus. More offense by Sheamus and another 2 count. Dueling “let’s go Cena” and “Cena sucks” chants here. Sheamus throws Cena over the top rope and to the floor. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Cena is trying to fight back but Sheamus tosses him into the ring post. Vince isn’t actually the referee here. Another referee is in the ring and Vince is on the outside as an enforcer. Sheamus drops Cena again for a 2 count. Sheamus drops Cena on the apron now with a big shot to the chest. Sheamus hits the same move again on the apron. More dueling chants from the crowd. Sheamus goes for the same move again but this time Cena powers back. Cena fights his way back in the ring and they both clothesline each other and go down.

Sheamus tries for consecutive pin attempts. Sheamus goes for the big boot and Cena dodges it. Cena hits the forearms and the big back drop. Cena hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment but Sheamus blocks it with the Irish Curse backbreaker. 2 count by Sheamus. Cena locks the STF on in the middle of the ring. Sheamus makes it to the ropes and breaks the hold. Sheamus goes to the floor after Sheamus and gets thrown into the steel steps. Sheamus brings it back in the ring and covers Cena for a 2 count.

Sheamus goes back to the floor and sets the steel steps in front of the ring on the walk way. Sheamus brings Cena back out to the floor. Sheamus throws Cena face first into the steps. Sheamus brings Cena back to the ring and nails the big boot to the face. The NXT Rookies rush the ring and Sheamus runs off through the crowd. The Rookies start tearing up ringside again as Vince looks on. They throw Cena over the announce table and flip the table over on him. All of this in front of Vince.

Vince McMahon walks in the ring with a mic. He tells them to leave Cena alone and stop it. Vince asks if Cena is still breathing on the other side of the table. Vince tells the Rookies to come in the ring. Vince says to take a look at these extraordinary athletes. Vince says he can take partial responsibility for the Rookies actions against WWE. Vince asks for a round of applause for himself. Vince says next week, the General Manager will reveal something. Vince turns around and all of the Rookies are staring at him. Vince stops and looks scared. Vince starts laughing as do the Rookies. Vince says they had him going. The Rookies stop laughing and stare Vince down again. A “Daniel Bryan” chant breaks out. The Rookies circle Vince as he begins to talk again. Vince just looks around at all of them. The Rookies finally attack Vince and beat him down. Vince tries escaping the ring but they pull him back. They throw Vince into a clothesline from Skip Sheffield. Wade Barrett hits his finisher on Vince, slamming him hard to the mat. Justin Gabriel goes to the top and hits the 450 on Vince. Barrett leaves the ring and the rest of the Rookies follow. A WWE crew member comes in the ring and says to bring help down. RAW goes off the air with Vince McMahon laid out in the ring. WWE News: What happened after WWE Raw went off the air with the NXT crew?
Jun 21, 2010 - 10:22 PM


Dot Net reader Melvin Cabrera attended Monday's WWE Raw show in Bridgeport, Conn. and passed along the following notes on what happened after the show went off the air.

Mark Henry, Evan Bourne, Randy Orton, Goldust, and the rest of the Raw locker room came out and fought with the NXT rookies. The Raw superstars got the upper hand. NXT retreated to the back and the Raw locker room posed in the ring. John Cena hugged his father at ringside and left. Randy was the last one left in the ring and posed while John Cena looked on from atop of the ramp to close the show.

Powell's POV: Where were these wrestlers during the NXT assault? As I mentioned in my live report, it didn't bother me when they attacked Cena the first night and no one ran out, but WWE established last week that the Raw crew is united, yet they all remained backstage during the actual Raw broadcast. Nevertheless, that was a hot show.
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Bret Hart & NXT Plans Nixed, Update on Bret’s Future with WWE & More

Posted by Marc Middleton on June 22, 2010 at 4:48 AM • Comments (0)

- Word coming out of WWE is that Bret Hart is gone for the time being. While there is talk that he might be back by the end of the Summer, he’s gone indefinitely. Not much details are available yet but it is known that there was concern from Lloyds of London, Bret’s insurance provider, after the physical angle at the end of last week’s RAW with the NXT Rookies.

Originally Bret was going to shoot a face-to-face angle at the Fatal 4 Way pay-per-view with the NXT Rookies but when he didn’t make it to the show, plans had to be changed.
WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart will be getting married on 7/24 for the third time.
The word among the wrestlers yesterday was that the marriage was why Hart was off television. There was no immediate indication as to when he would be returning. The Wrestling Observer is reporting that the original plans for last night's Raw called for Money in the Bank qualifying matches to begin on the show. However, those plans were obviously scrapped. Speculation is that it might have had to do with the Bret Hart situation, as sources are reporting the decision to have Vince "fire" Hart last night was something that was made last minute and was not planned well in advance.BIg Update: WWE Legend Claims Bret Hart is Done With WWE
by Nick Paglino
Jun 22, 2010 WWE legend Honky Tonk Man has posted the following on his official website:
HITMAN GONE FROM WWE - 22nd June 2010
Honkytonkman.net can confirm that Hall of Famer Bret Hart and the WWE have amicably parted ways for the time being. The Hitman is collecting an insurance policy from Lloyds of London who are said to be unhappy with Bret's recent physical involvement in WWE storylines.
Current storyline plans were changed last minute following the WWE Fatal Four Way PPV which resulted in Vince McMahon firing Bret Hart on RAW during an on-air storyline.
There’s a feeling among some that a returning Triple H will be the one to save WWE from the NXT Rookies.
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Owen Hart's Widow Files Lawsuit Against WWE/Linda McMahon
by Nick Paglino
Jun 22, 2010 FOXNews.com is reporting that Owen Hart's widow, Martha Hart, has filed a lawsuit against WWE and Linda McMahon. The report notes, "The widow of a World Wrestling Entertainment performer who died in a 1999 stunt says she's suing the Connecticut-based company and its leaders, including Republican U.S. Senate candidate Linda McMahon.

Martha Hart said McMahon, who stepped down as WWE chief executive to run for Senate, and her husband, Vince, the current chairman, have continued to use Owen Hart's image to promote the business despite agreeing to stop after his death."

Martha Hart went on to say, "In the 11 years since Owen's tragic and avoidable death, I have worked tirelessly to disassociate Owen's name and likeness from anything related to WWE in order to protect our children from any reminder of the circumstances surrounding their father's death, and to avoid any misplaced perception that I endorse WWE."
WWE News: Additional footage of the Raw vs. NXT brawl that took place after Monday's television show went off the air
Jun 22, 2010 - 11:10 AM WWE Raw: Watch what happened after WWE Raw while you can, Vince McMahon stretcher job, Raw wrestlers battle NXT crew (video footage) There's no telling how long this footage will be up before WWE pulls it, so watch while you can. PROWRESTLING.NET - BACKSTAGE NEWS AND OPINION ON WWE, TNA, MORE
WWE and YouTube announced a multi-year partnership today which will see full episodes of SmackDown, NXT, Superstars and the former ECW on WWE’s official YouTube channel. Various clips from RAW and WWE Classics will also be featured.

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