taking lessons from the boys (chicken wire & duck tape)

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Dee Ann, I did this when I motorized my channel master 1.0. Looks like same dish to me. Just mount the metal pole mount upside down and use some type of shim around the motors arm to take up the space in the dish mount. see attached picture. I found it quite easy.

It does look easy. :)

it's not too heavy ??

We get nasty storms and hurricanes here.
I would think it wouldn't survive a hurricane.

That metal part in the back is HEAVY.

Thank you. :)
back to the project:

Digging through pictures I had archived, I ran across this one.
It should give you some ideas.

That's an aluminum plated bolted flat onto the back side of a Primestar.
The fancy metal work appears to be a mount off a small DirecTV dish, with the parts turned around.
(but the mount off a Dish 500 is very similar)
And it's easily adjustable, though adapting one of those big elevation booster screws from some of the pictures above, is still a useful improvement.

Everything here is well within your skills.
I look forward to your personal touch, in coming up with something suitable. - :up


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Digging through pictures I had archived, I ran across this one.
It should give you some ideas.

That's an aluminum plated bolted flat onto the back side of a Primestar.
The fancy metal work appears to be a mount off a small DirecTV dish, with the parts turned around.
(but the mount off a Dish 500 is very similar)
And it's easily adjustable, though adapting one of those big elevation booster screws from some of the pictures above, is still a useful improvement.

Everything here is well within your skills.
I look forward to your personal touch, in coming up with something suitable. - :up


Well, after spending several weeks pouring over a multitude of photos of things you guys have come up with and then scouring ebay for about as long, I *think* I have the solution.

I found this thing that *looks* to be sturdy enough to do the job.
It was cheap and it should adapt to the motor I have.
It is called an at9 slimline az/el. Or something like that. Maybe that's what it fits.
My dad sad he can make a thick aluminum plate the bolt it to which will match up to the dish bolts. Dad says it should be easy to adapt it and it looks highly adjustable and very sturdy so I have high hopes that this will take care of it.

Please tell me I didn't make a mistake.. :eek: I already pair for it and ordered it but it's not due in for another week or so.

Besides, we are in for another round of torrential rains for the next two days so anything done outside is just not happening.

I still haven't been able to put the tv atenna up on the roof, I need help with that. My roommate's new boyfriend is falling all over himself to help with things around the house but I don't know or trust him yet so I will probably try to enlist the help of Dad again for the antenna. Besides, Dad like's building stuff. He really, really likes building stuff. Kind of kooky if you ask me but at least he's harmless. I think. On second thought, Dad does do some pretty shoddy work at times. Hmmm. I better think on the antenna project a bit before I get someone involved in it. Dad would just try to duck tape some wires up there and totally discard my lovely vision/design for a very fashionable antenna made of chicken wire, clothes hangers and towel rods. :rolleyes: Hmmmmm... What to do.. What to do...

Oh well, take a peek at the attachments and see what you think on my idea for the big dish to the motor. I forget what the name of that big beastie is right off hand, I'm tired. It's almost 4am, been on skype with my guy down under, my brain is running on emtpy right now. edit: Oh yes, it's the 1 meter primestar. Sorry, I'm so tired. :eek:

I'll pop in tomorrow when I'm a bit better rested. Till then my little friend can fly me away to slumberland for a few hours. :angel:

ni ni!! :sleeo:sleeo:sleeo:sleeo:sleeo:sleeo



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Yea, I recall: 1 meter Primestar, with three LNB support arms. Great choice! - :up

The ideas posted above were to save weight.
The mount you found is absolutely dandy... if it's not too heavy.
Also, it looks to be meant for the top of the pole, so not sure how that'll work out with the motor.
Possibly just turn the mount upside down.
I don't have one, and as you say, it's late, so I'm a little too dull to flip your pictures over in my mind and envision how they'd work.

My original goal, was for you to dig an otherwise useless small Dish or Direct mount out of your dish-pile.
This could wind up as a great alternative.
It's very nice! - :up
Yea, I recall: 1 meter Primestar, with three LNB support arms. Great choice! - :up

The ideas posted above were to save weight.
The mount you found is absolutely dandy... if it's not too heavy.
Also, it looks to be meant for the top of the pole, so not sure how that'll work out with the motor.
Possibly just turn the mount upside down.
I don't have one, and as you say, it's late, so I'm a little too dull to flip your pictures over in my mind and envision how they'd work.

My original goal, was for you to dig an otherwise useless small Dish or Direct mount out of your dish-pile.
This could wind up as a great alternative.
It's very nice! - :up

oh yes, I do intend to invert the thing in the same manner as I've seen in most of the examples. I looked at reusing some of the junk already here but it was all too flimsy and all of it too small for that large tube on the motor.
I measured it a few days back but I forget the measurements but it is far too large to fit anything I had here but too small to fit the BIG part that originally belongs to the dish. Besides, the original part is very heavy.

The part I got appears to be very sturdy, probably much lighter than the original and much closer to the proper size to fit the motor tube.

I did consult with dad first and he did say he can make an aluminum alloy adapter plate to adapt the new part to the old dish. He said that will be simple.

The end result hopefully will be some thing very much like the last picture you posted. :)

As for letting my rooommate's boyfriend mess with the stuff, um, no. He was looking at the dishes yesterday but I suspect he is plotting ways to talk me out of them, not ways to help me with them. Besides, I don't think he's the brightest bulb on the tree. Manual labor, maybe, with supervision. Skilled labor involving brain work? Um, no.

Maybe I can use his help to plant a new pole for the new dish. Digging the hole and that cement is just too much for me. I can do it but it kills me to death. :(

I really don't know what I'm doing or have the tools or skills to do it. Thank goodness for dad.

Oh gosh, now it's pouring down. Again.
Please forgive if this is all funny looking, I'm posting from bed again on my iPhone. It's a great day to stay in all day. Gaaaaaaaaah!!!! More mud!!!!

And heat. And mosquitoes. :(
This "thing" looks like a brand new mounting component of a DirecTV Dish. Where did you buy it separately - it may be a good general choice for stationary older dish mods?

After a LOT of digging around on ebay I stumbled on this thing, then being the typical cheap b***h that I am, I checked on google shopping and turned up this site.


They are giving them away, you're paying for shipping, barely, and they throw in the part for free. It says the part is $9 with free shipping. But really, I think it's the other way around.


Oh and also check here on google, slimline az/el - Google Product Search

Wow, Dee ! - That's some serious shopping. - :up

I'm close to the guy in Anaheim who wants $5 for his.
If I could pick it up for that, I might drive over. ;)

The $9 deal is dandy, too.

Show us the beef when you start getting serious with that lump.
I should be on the lookout for a trashed Slimline dish to salvage the mount and LNB cluster.

Give us some pictures, when you start working with that pile of metal!

Yer gonna get far worse than that when you get to the land of Oz!
Give us some pictures, when you start working with that pile of metal!

Yer gonna get far worse than that when you get to the land of Oz!

OH!! I was like what in the world is he saying? LOL!

Yes, they do talk funny and drive on the wrong side of the road for sure.
My biggest fear is the road. That is seriously going to freak me out in a major way.

The funny lingo is a trip. I've been re-watching Mad Max, Crocodile Dundee and a few other movies like that, just to brush up on the lingo. I'm sure it's quite dated by now. :rolleyes:

One thing I did learn, I saw on Mad Max the police car he drove said AFP on it, I always thought it was like a toothpastemobile or something silly, made up stuff.
Now I learn that is for Australian Federal Police. Doh! :eek:

I was telling my guy about all the stupid commercials here where they use talking lizards with Aus. accents to sell insurance, to push a restaurant chain called "Outback", hair care products peddled by talking kangaroos, etc, etc.. He laughed. He trips out on my "accent" and I trip out on his.
The whole thing is a big trip. I'm going to miss the 2 weeks of cool weather we get here in SE Texas, there will be none of that down under. Winter time there is like 55f at night. HA! They call THAT "cold"? HA!! And double HA!! Oh, and the seasons are reversed down there too! It's winter there when it's summer here! OMG! How weird is that??

Moving so far away, yeah, I have butterflies about it. But they are good butterflies. The thing that really, really scares me is flying. I'm terrified of airplanes, period. I'll have to be heavily medicated just to make it into the airport, much less shoved into a flying tube of death with 300 other people, half of them choking up a lung and spreading TB or H1N1 or goddess knows what.
Just stuff some La-La pills down my throat and once I'm non-responsive, wheel me aboard and hang a Do Not Disturb sign on my ear, throw a blanket over me and keep the windows shut so I can't see parts falling off the engines or the wings flapping. Hitting turbulence, OMG.. I had that happen once on my way to Las Vegas and I swear I thought we were all about to die. People were screaming and crying. I was too terrified to even do that.

Then when we landed the back of the engines popped open and I thought they blew up and we were gonna die again. I just knew when the pilot bashed the thing down into the runway that the landing gear was going to come right through the floor, right through my seat and I was going to be impaled on the darn thing. Never again I swore. People laughed at me when I freaked out over the engines popping apart. And when I saw the wings flapping like a seagull. That was just too much for me.

Nope. Airplanes are fatal. You crash, you die. I don't want to die like that.
Maybe I can talk him into a cruise. I'm fine with that. I can handle a ship ride.
But a flying tube of death? No thanks.


Hmmm.. I'm going to have to update my little garden and put some roos in it. :)

Look closely! It seems that the part I posted has a fine tuning vertical dish angle position adjuster, very handy whet trying to pick such a heavy dish, and your part does not. If that's the case, this small detail may be the critical key for you to successful and fan setup of a motorized dish.


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Looking through all the pictures of the mount on Brothers List, this one shows the elevation fine tune mechanism.
Likewise, this one shows the azimuth fine tune mechanism.
The mount tunes in the Ka-band satellites, and needs the delicate touch for peaking the signal.

The more I look, the more I like this thing! - :D

Look closely! It seems that the part I posted has a fine tuning vertical dish angle position adjuster, very handy whet trying to pick such a heavy dish, and your part does not. If that's the case, this small detail may be the critical key for you to successful and fan setup of a motorized dish.

I think it does have that, it's just the camera angle they shot it at, you have to look carefully.

To Anole, what is the Azimuth thing for?
Dee -
In this picture you posted, that bolt mechanism, just left of center, the one with the calibrated dial, that does fine adjust of the DirecTV Ka dish east-west (azimuth).

Tuning up their dish on the Ka-band satellites is far more touchy than our tune-up on lower frequency Ku-band satellites.
(C-band is even sloppier)
When you are setting up your dish for true south, this may be of some help, just as the similar fine-tune elevation bolt (which also has a similar graduated dial).
Dee -
In this picture you posted, that bolt mechanism, just left of center, the one with the calibrated dial, that does fine adjust of the DirecTV Ka dish east-west (azimuth).

Tuning up their dish on the Ka-band satellites is far more touchy than our tune-up on lower frequency Ku-band satellites.
(C-band is even sloppier)
When you are setting up your dish for true south, this may be of some help, just as the similar fine-tune elevation bolt (which also has a similar graduated dial).

Ah! Ok, azimuth is the east to west adjustment. Gotcha. :)

So then it seems I made a good choice in picking this item, I assume. :D

I'm looking forward to getting that thing in, my dad said he'll make an aluminum plate to adapt it to the dish so to keep the weight down.
I've shown him examples you guys have come up with and he understand what the end result needs to be. He said the adapter plate will be extremely simple and quick to make. "Sure Dad, when you have 3/4 of the tools in the universe I'll bet it is."

I guess the people I bought it from shipped it Tortoise Express.. :rolleyes:
Doesn't matter much though, the yard is underwater, again. And more rain is predicted this week. It's going to be WEEKS before the yard dries out. If ever.
This must be our monsoon season that we missed out on all year.

Why the heck can't it just rain evenly throughout the year, in nice, measured amounts so that we get all the rain we need, not too much, not too little and not all at once??? Gaaaaaaaaah!!

See, I have all the answers to all the problems of the universe. Scheduled rain, color code everything, everyone be nice to one another. Etc. Simple huh? :rolleyes:
Show us the beef when you start getting serious with that lump.

Ok.. Here's part of it. The part came in, still waiting on Dad to make the adapter plate for it. My neighbor cut a piece of pipe for me to hook the two parts together with, that was simple.

I think, fully assembled, the dish and all it's misc. metal stuff is going to be under 20lbs. I'm just worried it might protrude too much and put undue strain on the motor via leverage.

Here's a bunch of pictures I took of this part of the "lump" as you call it. :)

I estimate I'm still a few weeks away from having anything actually out back that resembles a working dish.

And there's always that one tripping point, I don't know what I'm doing. :eek:


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Usually one would unscrew the bolts and open circular mount wide enough to go around the motor mount. The wider end on the Motor mount is there to prevent free dish falling off the motor. Extra tube is not required. This particular part you bought seems to be not the best suited for this... :) The approach you're trying won't allow to reliably hold the dish on the motor, and also would create high excess loads on the motor due to higher rotation torque required under wind and dish weight, and higher shaft bearings load. Not sure, if it'll allow to follow the Arc either. You may want to look for other similar mount parts on the web, better suited for your task by their design. May be one of the site sponsors will supply you with a spare mount part from a regular 1m FTA dish?
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Future Upgrade My Dish

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