Voom Installed Today

ps , the red lettering does not scare me or add credibility to your posts.

and the only thing you are showing here is you have A TON OF TIME ON YOUR HANDS to go back and check out who said what ,,,when

get a life

thanks for the one up, im a good tech and love my job.

they are supposed to call , i have no idea why they didnt!

are you in carroll county? i worked down there in union bridge and westminster during the primestar conversions, beautiful country and people!!!


ps , happy easter :yes
dragon002 said:

again, have another vino!!

you told me to quit quoting t york and if i did , to go on chit chat, now is the same ok for you???

im sure for her posts that t can speak for herself

you are not a tech, so butt out :shocked

again , im not hiding behind my posts , go have another drink!!!


Not sure why you have a chip on your shoulder but you seem to always be downing someone so why don't you go have a drink and take a chill pill.....
dragon002 said:
t ,

I have a chip on MY shoulder???????

have you read any thing by vicki lately???


Yeah i have but you started it back about 2 weeks ago..............

i have spoken to you on the phone , you are one of a kind!!

VICKI has the agenda

if she is spoken to or not , she goes on a witch hunt of all of the posts that were made by the poster.

and having credibility in her mind means nothing to me,
it probably means a lot to her , im sure!

ive been doing this over 5 years , and i really dont CARE what she thinks of me. i guarantee you one thing, all of my cx get pre called , called the nite before and i am within my window ,all the time. her AGENDA is with voom and to me it does not matter,,, i install it correctly with the eq shipped and i treat them the same as ALL my installs.

you see t i do not care if voom shuts down, ill get paid to pick up the eq , as will you. all of my cx can say they had a good install and they all have MY cell#


have a great easter with your family ;)
Close Dragon, but I'm Baltimore County. 144 turns into 795 and it'll take you right to my neighborhood.
Yeah Tyork, but girl has it been a nightmare. Still not completely installed (I received an incomplete install from DataLink's 2nd installer... another story I will share with you later.), but VoOm has promised that the installer due here tomorrow morning from a different installer, will fix whatever needs fixing, no shortcuts, no whinning because I won't let them use any of the D*'s OUTSIDE wiring (I plan to overlap my services for at least a month to see just what VoOm is made of), no whinning because installing the Dish/OTA requires getting up on the roof, none of that. And above all, no threat of up to $100.00 in charges just to do the job right. An installer came by early this morning to look at my home and property. He made it clear that he was not here to install, just to take a look at my property. I asked him why and he said that VoOm requested the look-see. He said that the 1st company reported that a 40ft ladder was required for the installation. He agreed with me and acknowledged that no such a ladder was needed to complete the install. He also said that a lot of contractors were going out of their way to call what would normally be a 'standard' install, not 'standard'. The reason? He says that VoOm doesn't pay as much as D* & E*. He just came right out an admited that an involved BUT standard install for D* would probably be a special instal for VoOm. He also admitted that he understood why some installers do this, but conceded that it is unfair to the customers.

Anyway, VoOm assures me that the installation will be completed tomorrow without a doubt and I will not be charged any additional fees. BTW, I've told both the installer and VoOm during our conversations today, that I want autonomus line from the dish into the house. Once inside the house they may use existing D* wiring to the three rooms. "Great, that will make it easier for us. What we'll do is the provide you with a switch so that you can switch between your services." Hey that's all I asked for in the first place. I wonder what kinda switch they're talking about!

So tomorrow will tell the story. Damn, that sound familiar.

For any of you folks out who are piping two services into home at the same time. How are you guys wired? How to you switch between the two providers? What am I getting myself into? What's today's date, and who is our current president by the way? LOL!
ericpd...I pretty much know what you're saying...I'm currently keeping cable until I get VoOm squared away, because I just need to have my local news or I'm not happy...but it does get to be confusing...been there twice now, and still not sure of all the facts...when I get it all figured out, I'll post, warts and all...but in the meantime, I'm with you..what day is this???

Hang in...someday things will be better, and TYORK will be VP of Installations, and all VoOmers will be happier...RSN, HD, SD, and CD-wishers alike! At least I hope...Vicki :)
Vicki said:
ericpd...I pretty much know what you're saying...I'm currently keeping cable until I get VoOm squared away, because I just need to have my local news or I'm not happy...but it does get to be confusing...been there twice now, and still not sure of all the facts...when I get it all figured out, I'll post, warts and all...but in the meantime, I'm with you..what day is this???

Hang in...someday things will be better, and TYORK will be VP of Installations, and all VoOmers will be happier...RSN, HD, SD, and CD-wishers alike! At least I hope...Vicki :)

I look at your local station again and i have come to the conclusion that you need the Channel Master 3016 or 3018 this would work out great i think for you the sensor is right on the border line in range but i have found that these antenna work great for this distance i would ask for 3018 it has a little more range on it.

Thanks, T...I currently have a Winegard HD7210, and it doesn't do any better at holding the signal than the Sensor did...it's usually OK during the day, but come night, there is no NBC, and usually early morning too.

It's really perplexing to me, but right now I still have cable for my news, so it's a lower priority for me until I have time to spell out what my setup is and when the problems occur.

Hopefully when I do that, you and others (perhaps in my area) can give me more input before I contact VoOm again. The main consolation I have is that my installer did his best, (and even came back on his own time) to try to improve things...I gave him the option of calling him back or calling VoOm...and he told me to call him.

That impressed me, and I "treated" him accordingly...if I have to go back to VoOm in the end, I'll ask for him. Vicki :)
TYORK said:
good luck eric

let me know


Oh you know I will T. As much help as you've been, it would be very uncool and ugly for me not to keep you and the gang posted. Didn't get on last nite because it took until 11:45 before my son and I found that last damn egg. But we found it. YEAH!!! Plus I had some of my face pullin' aunts over. You know, the type of aunts that get some kind of kick out of pinching your facial cheeks, even though you're nearly 40!
ericpd said:
Oh you know I will T. As much help as you've been, it would be very uncool and ugly for me not to keep you and the gang posted. Didn't get on last nite because it took until 11:45 before my son and I found that last damn egg. But we found it. YEAH!!! Plus I had some of my face pullin' aunts over. You know, the aunts that pinching your facial cheeks, even though you're nearly 40!

LOL yeah i know what you mean i was still color eggs at midnight cause we went over to a freind house to eat and hunt eggs and my daughter said it was not fair she didn't get to do it at home so i had to hide them today so it would be fair. geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee let make the kids happy. (ps. she only had be to 4 other egg hunt in 2 day but it still was not fair she didn't get to do it at home)


Hope your installl goes well. I'm also using two services while everything gets worked out (Voom and Time Warner). I'm using two seperate multiswitches. I'm having trouble with one of my Voom boxes so I just disconnected the cable from Voom multiswitch and connected it to the TW multiswitch. It's easy for me to switch since I have a central location where all wiring connects.
Hey T, Vicki & Porter,

Guess what? VoOm is here. Install went well. Just waiting for stuff to dowload. Installer says I'm gonna need a better OTAm but he can't give it to me now,... I have to call him back via VoOm. No wonder they've bled so much LOL! Wouldn't it be cheaper to fix the OTA question on the first call? Oh well, who da hell am I,... right?

Anyway, I'm fat and happy. Still waiting though. I've only seen channel 999 so far. I'll be back and give you kind people an update. Thanks so much for all your words of wisdom.

Well folks,... I be VoOmin!

Still waiting for Channel 100 to pop up though. I've been instructed to not touch anything on the remote or the receiver until ch 100 starts playing.

I be VoOmin folks!
Took a while for my recievers to get up and running after they downloaded the software. Something like 2 hours, but they are all working now.