Weather Channel Weather Scan


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Nov 13, 2003
Tampa Bay Area
I notice that certain areas of the country have Weather Channel's Weatherscan on their Dish Service, such as Oklahoma City.

Does Dish intend to put this on spot beams for all markets in the country? It'd be nice, especially for those who can't pick up subchannels on their receivers.
Any screen shots of what it looks like? Is it any good? Does it have moving Radar loops so you can what direction the storm is going?

I am thinking of switching to Dish and this information would help me decide.

I found this info posted by Scott G in an other thread by doing a search.

QUESTION: why dont they mapped it down and put it next to the Main Weather channel so people can find it. Now that they have ALL locals on there own Spot beam for The Hopper Prime time any time why dont they do this for All Cities? Sounds like they have been up for half year a year. Is the feed back not very good on them?

Dish Network & The Weather Channel launched a new regional weather
channel offering into each the following local markets:

Salt Lake City, Tucson (Sierra Vista), Phoenix (Prescott) and Oklahoma City.

These new channels will provide customers with weather updates specific to
their area.

Call Letters WSCAN
Affiliation IND
Channel # 8333
Local Channel # 10
Orbital Slot 119
Packaging: Phoenix (Prescott) DMA

Call Letters WSCAN
Affiliation IND
Channel # 8960
Local Channel # 9
Orbital Slot 119
Packaging: Tucson (Sierra Vista) DMA

Call Letters WSCAN
Affiliation IND
Channel # 8544
Local Channel # 10
Orbital Slot 110
Packaging Salt Lake City DMA

Call Letters WSCAN
Affiliation IND
Channel #8898
Local Channel #10
Orbital Slot 110
Packaging: Oklahoma City DMA
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I don't get it why this is so hard for Dish... All they have to do is throw it on the spotbeams, not like it's taking up precious CONUS bandwidth... Also since the scans are relatively static, they would use hardly any bandwidth in the first place.
Agree, now that they have Prime Time Anytime with the new Hopper just about EVERY DMA has either its own Spot Beam it is shared with a nearby DMA city.

This would be so easy to setup. I could do it on my home PC using a Looping HTML file with the PCs Video Out connected to a DIsh IN connector at the up link center.

All I want is looping Radar (with storm tracks), Temp, Sat, and Forecast. Stuff you can get off the web.

I already made a sample for my TV using 4 HTML files that update every 30 seconds calling each other.

Just an other suggestion, hope the D.I.R.T DIRT team reads these and puts them in the Dish suggestion box.
ScottChez said:
Agree, now that they have Prime Time Anytime with the new Hopper just about EVERY DMA has either its own Spot Beam it is shared with a nearby DMA city.

This would be so easy to setup. I could do it on my home PC using a Looping HTML file with the PCs Video Out connected to a DIsh IN connector at the up link center.

All I want is looping Radar (with storm tracks), Temp, Sat, and Forecast. Stuff you can get off the web.

I already made a sample for my TV using 4 HTML files that update every 30 seconds calling each other.

Just an other suggestion, hope the D.I.R.T DIRT team reads these and puts them in the Dish suggestion box.

I keep an old computer connected to my tv already. Just swap tv inputs and grab the wireless mouse next to my remote and I can pull up weather sites or dishonline or whatnot. Not much more than switching a channel.

Plus by going to my local stations website, I get more accurate forecasting than the weather tv show channel, do they even broadcast weather anymore? Always some scripted disaster show on most of the time.

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I don't get it why this is so hard for Dish... All they have to do is throw it on the spotbeams, not like it's taking up precious CONUS bandwidth... Also since the scans are relatively static, they would use hardly any bandwidth in the first place.
I started a thread regarding this issue about a year ago, making the comparison that DirecTV has had this for years, and Dish is still "working it out." I emailed Dish, and got a reply from the programming department about it and they basically said the same thing. "We're working on it." I think DirecTV's implementation of this could use an update (looping radar instead of a static image). Dish will probably tell you to use it's "app" on channel 100, and will probably tell customers that they already have this feature (a little pop-up comes up on the SD version of TWC saying to Press Select for local weather). This is a horrible implementation, it more than always freeze's my receiver, is clunky as hell to use, and is very slow to load any data. It's not rocket science, if *D can do it, show them up on it. It's actually one of the selling points of *D believe it or not, it's one reason why my parents have *D over *E as they live in a rural area. No internet connection, unless you like dial up.
Dish should put these channels in tornado alley first.

Also, I'm going to sound like a broken record, but when the majority of SD repeats die, then bandwidth won't be as much of an issue, and yes I do realize that HD takes up more than SD.
The Fat Man said:
Dish should put these channels in tornado alley first.

Also, I'm going to sound like a broken record, but when the majority of SD repeats die, then bandwidth won't be as much of an issue, and yes I do realize that HD takes up more than SD.

We don't need them in tornado alley. Our weathermen go crazy at the first whiff of a dark cloud within 200 hundred miles and switch over to constant coverage repeating the same lines over and over.
Look pretty good. It looks like Locals On The 8's running constantly. They need to get it everywhere. In Canada on Bell TV you have the choice of the national temperatures showing up on the regular Weather Network or having an overlap of your local area on there according to what Postal Code they have for your address. Why can't they do that down here?
Thanks BG for posting the OKC - DISH Weatherscan. It appears to be exactly the same product that Comcast offers. I use to be a Weather Channel "super viewer" watching it more than I should have....that was before they added commercials...when they were in the biz of doing weather. Now if I want to see whats headed our way I use Weatherscan. I would love to see DISH roll this out locally nationwide. It looks like they've got it right as opposed to Local on the 8s that only Directv could succeed in acquiring.
THIS IS PERFECT!! The Video shows it all. Everyone should take a look.

It has the moving radar so you see the direction the STORMS are going. It also has moving graphics for the icons for each days weather. Example Rain drops.
It even TALKS and tells you what you are seeing.

This is a very high quality weather page. Something DireCTV does not have.

DIRT D.I.R.T Team- feedback = this would be something worth considering for switching from DireCTV to Dish.

Could you please add it to the Omaha DMA?

Better yet add it to everyone's spot beam now that My Primetime is up and you have the spot beams setup it should be easy.

BIG 10 is BACK - A Deal Has Been Reached!

DISH may lose WBNS Channel 10 in Columbus, Ohio

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