Journal of my two satellite dishes going up, beginning to the end

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I didn't fill the pipe on my 10' dish. It stick out of the ground about 10'. If I am on G10R ku and a strong gust of wind from the west comes through I get a little bit of macroblocking. I don't lose the signal all together but I get some tiling.

I will probably do the side support now since I don't want to take the dish off the pole.
I used 3" sch 40 steel pipe from Jabo Supply. I can't remember the ASTM number.

My 7.5' sami mesh dish is on a 3" stainless steel pole that they gave me about 4 years ago from the above supply house.
It sticks out about 8' and it is filled with cement.

With the larger beamwidth of the smaller 7.5', smaller surface area to catch less wind and a concrete filled pole I don't think that thing would lose KU in a tornado unless it was just destroyed.
I've never put concrete in any pole. When I plant a pole, I dig at least 3' down. I make sure the pole is in dirt and the concrete is above the end, so if water goes down the pipe, it will go into the ground and not accumulate to cause rust. I also drill up to 4 holes and tap them with threads and put bolts in them, to keep it from turning. One of my BUD's is 4' deep, and another is 4-1/2' deep, and then my original BUD is bolted onto a concrete slab and it is 2' thick. I'm sure the poles aren't going anywhere, although I've seen wind I thought might take the reflectors away? I have a mount for a 10' fiberglass that takes a 5" pole, I can't find anyone with an 8'-10' piece laying around. I could buy from a local steel company, but I would have to buy a 21' piece. They would cut it any way I want it, but I don't need but 8'-10'. So, I can't seem to twist my arm far enough to commit to a purchase? I hope while I put it off, I come across a piece of scrap long enough to use. One of these days, maybe........
Your depth and concrete base is fine, but what is sticking up 10 foot with a 12 foot dish catching wind could sway an ordinary pipe as much as 1/16" at the top where the dish is. That's enough to knock out Ku signal.

If your pipe is well casing, you should be fine. You'll know soon enough. :)
Yeah, I think I will be fine too. Yes they are deep and that is a less worry because I know that they are snug in the ground. Plus I forgot to mention that I also connected re barb through the pole at several places, so it won't turn in the concrete.
I do have cast iron well casings and I said that I will most likely anchor it with steel side supports welded to the pipe at a later date. I will do this before putting up the dish, and after my wallet can afford the extra expense. lol

Getting the new PU Truck took some of my mad money and I used it in the down payment.

Do you have any images of steel side supports that were welded to the poles? Would help to get an idea as to what to do.

I didn't fill the pipe on my 10' dish

I didn't fill the pipe on my 10' dish. It stick out of the ground about 10'. If I am on G10R ku and a strong gust of wind from the west comes through I get a little bit of macroblocking. I don't lose the signal all together but I get some tiling.

I will probably do the side support now since I don't want to take the dish off the pole.
I used 3" sch 40 steel pipe from Jabo Supply. I can't remember the ASTM number.

My 7.5' sami mesh dish is on a 3" stainless steel pole that they gave me about 4 years ago from the above supply house.
It sticks out about 8' and it is filled with cement.

With the larger beamwidth of the smaller 7.5', smaller surface area to catch less wind and a concrete filled pole I don't think that thing would lose KU in a tornado unless it was just destroyed.
Hey Truckracer,
Thanks for your ideas and concerns. You're not the first person to tell me about filling in a pipe. I'm not sure about doing it in my case bscause of the way the weather can change here. Well be doing side supports for the poles instead.

I've never put concrete in any pole.

I've never put concrete in any pole. When I plant a pole, I dig at least 3' down. I make sure the pole is in dirt and the concrete is above the end, so if water goes down the pipe, it will go into the ground and not accumulate to cause rust. I also drill up to 4 holes and tap them with threads and put bolts in them, to keep it from turning. One of my BUD's is 4' deep, and another is 4-1/2' deep, and then my original BUD is bolted onto a concrete slab and it is 2' thick. I'm sure the poles aren't going anywhere, although I've seen wind I thought might take the reflectors away? I have a mount for a 10' fiberglass that takes a 5" pole, I can't find anyone with an 8'-10' piece laying around. I could buy from a local steel company, but I would have to buy a 21' piece. They would cut it any way I want it, but I don't need but 8'-10'. So, I can't seem to twist my arm far enough to commit to a purchase? I hope while I put it off, I come across a piece of scrap long enough to use. One of these days, maybe........
Hi VoomVoom,
I'm decided not to add concrete in the poles. Going with Steel supports for the poles instead. Do you have any well digging outfits near you? I think you live near Macon? There's got to be some?? Maybe you can find some the size you want from them?
Also since you are only about 318 miles from me. You must get some of the seasonal storms that we get down here? How strong are the winds that you get there? With my poles setting so high off the ground so I can advoid some of the neighbors pine trees I think adding Steel supports for the poles would be a must!

On another subject: What is the normal in your area for satellite dishes, Solids or mesh? Can't find any solids down here. Wondering what you have in your neck of the woods! ;)???


Tom, there are probably a half dozen Well Drillers/Borers in the area. I thought they used concrete on bored wells and hard plastic/PVC or whatever it's made from, for the drilled wells? I guess I could go by and ask them?
Yeah we get seasonal weather, last March 1 (2007) we had a category 4 Tornado take out about 4 miles (up to 1/2 mile wide) of houses, woods, vehicles, farm animals, and anything else in it's way. I was lucky, as it hit the back of my property (woods), and I only got debree from my not as fortunate neighbors. I have no idea how fast the winds were within that tornado, but I'm glad I wasn't in it.
Solids vs. mesh, is about 50/50. If you take into account that the solids are paneled fiberglass. The only true solid is one Birdview I know about. Of course this is C-Band I'm referring to.
Well Drillers/Borers in the area

Tom, there are probably a half dozen Well Drillers/Borers in the area. I thought they used concrete on bored wells and hard plastic/PVC or whatever it's made from, for the drilled wells? I guess I could go by and ask them?
Yeah we get seasonal weather, last March 1 (2007) we had a category 4 Tornado take out about 4 miles (up to 1/2 mile wide) of houses, woods, vehicles, farm animals, and anything else in it's way. I was lucky, as it hit the back of my property (woods), and I only got debree from my not as fortunate neighbors. I have no idea how fast the winds were within that tornado, but I'm glad I wasn't in it.
Solids vs. mesh, is about 50/50. If you take into account that the solids are paneled fiberglass. The only true solid is one Birdview I know about. Of course this is C-Band I'm referring to.
Hello VoomVoom,
Well I hope you can find one that you are looking for in the size you want from one of those companies. Good Luck!

I know when its during our huricane season the storms keep going upward, sometimes heading towards GA so I figured you would get some nasty storms too. Happy to hear you never got it so bad. Me either, Thank God for that!

50/50 on the dishes!! Interesting! I'm only 318 miles away!




Hello everyone,
Here is a photo taken of my mount after getting it back from the welder! Going to put it back on the dish tommorow.


Suppose to get my Ribbon Cable by the end of the week I think?



Hey Tom, the mount looks new. Did the welder paint it for you, or did you paint it yourself? That Birdview you asked about in your PM, is at an old Motel near downtown Macon. It has a ding in the side/edge of it, that looks like a tractor trailer might have bumped into it in the past. I stopped twice in the past (been a few months now) to ask about it, but the manager wasn't in. I left my number and haven't heard from anyone. I guess I should maybe go back and try to find out something? I seriously doubt that it's being used....? I won't ever know, if I don't get off my butt and go ask. I'm sure the mount itself is worth the trouble, if by chance the reflector is warped from the ding?

Hey Tom, the mount looks new. Did the welder paint it for you, or did you paint it yourself? That Birdview you asked about in your PM, is at an old Motel near downtown Macon. It has a ding in the side/edge of it, that looks like a tractor trailer might have bumped into it in the past. I stopped twice in the past (been a few months now) to ask about it, but the manager wasn't in. I left my number and haven't heard from anyone. I guess I should maybe go back and try to find out something? I seriously doubt that it's being used....? I won't ever know, if I don't get off my butt and go ask. I'm sure the mount itself is worth the trouble, if by chance the reflector is warped from the ding?
Hello AL,
The welder just put in the new brakets and replaced the old rusty screws and put in new ones. I cleaned up the rest of the mount when I got it back and then repainted it myself.

The Birdview has a ding in the side/edge of it, that looks like a tractor trailer might have bumped into it in the past! :eek: !sadroll
Do you think that it could be repaired? Maybe if you do go and check it out you can take a picture of it? Maybe it could be used for parts for another Birdview? Hope there's another one out here close, or near me for that matter!


My 10' dish is down 4 feet in the ground with four pieces of 3/4" all thread through the pipe at staggered intervals at varying depths. I have about 8 bags 60# poured around the pipe.
A lot of rock here. A pretty good bed of rock under the pole and on the sides. It should not go anywhere.

My 7.5' is down 3 feet or a little more. It is solid as a rock filled with cement. That pole is sch 40 stainless steel. It can't rust.
I tell you what tom. you did a excellent job on that mount there. it looks brand new. your going to have a very nice setup when your done. great luck to you :)
I should fly Tom up here and let him re-do my dishes LOL. I know they would probably look better for sure.

You are doing a class A job on those dishes. If this was the early 80's, You would be making some good money doing that. Oh the glory days of all the big dishes. I remember when so many houses here in my neighborhood had them.

Then the pizza pan pimps came through with their little "modern digital" pretty to look at single lnb dish with 1,000,000,000,000 super compressed digital channels.
I should fly Tom up here and let him re-do my dishes LOL. I know they would probably look better for sure.

You are doing a class A job on those dishes. If this was the early 80's, You would be making some good money doing that. Oh the glory days of all the big dishes. I remember when so many houses here in my neighborhood had them.

Then the pizza pan pimps came through with their little "modern digital" pretty to look at single lnb dish with 1,000,000,000,000 super compressed digital channels.
Thanks Truckracer,
I really appreciate your comments! Like I was telling Stave it's now a labor of Love! Also this hobby has really gotten to me! I started out thinking of one dish then it turned to two. Those went by the wayside because the dishes were too abused or over priced. Now I have the 10' Unimesh going up. I have an extra pole now and its waiting for a dish to sit on it. It's coming soon. I will tell you about it in my next post!

If I ever get up to your area why heck yeah, I'll lend you some of my time and help you. I think you would do that for anybody here too. I said it before but here it goes again, This is a great site, a great group and its the people who make it so great!

Dish two is now mine!!

Hi everyone,
Well now I have two dishes going up! One being the 10' Unimesh that I have been working on. The other is the one I found and talked about in the Thread: Adventures in Dish Hunting 2008 post number #21. To make a long story short plus I've already talked about it there on that thread! I talked to the owner of the dish and he told me I could have it! Going Sunday to pick it up. I'm also going to try to get the use of that Dish Crane and take lots of pictures, notes, measurements of it.

At any rate there will be more to say about all of this later. ;)


That button hook looks pretty strong. That dish looks like it could stand a world war. It has some heavy looking supports in the structure.

I have never had a button hook dish but many people tell me they sag down and cause the focal point to be off. I would say you could use some small gauge steel guy wires at four points of the dish with small bolt down type clamps and center it and hold it securely in the middle of the dish.

I would like to have that dish. It makes my sami 10' look like a piece of tin foil.
Hey Tom, I got off my butt yesterday and went out of my way and took some pictures of the Birdview for you. Actually I was close to Downtown and decided to take my camera and get some pictures while I was almost in the neighborhood. I went across the road 1st and that place is a Career Center, but they had signs everywhere going around back "Keep Out", "No Tresspassing", and "Employees Only Beyond This Point", so I didn't get out and turned around and left. I'm sure they won't want to get rid of it anyway? It's a 4 panel fiberglass 10' dish. Now back across the road and to the Birdview. After you see these, I'm sure you're not going to want to travel this far and get it? The dish is pushed in, on the side where the ding is, and where the mount ring from the back is at. You can see the indentations from the pictures. I got a hands on close-up look this time. Here is what I saw:


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I'm sure the mount is worth getting, when I have more time, or I should say, when I'm in more of a mood, I will go and talk to the guy at the motel. I don't think I would pay what he wants or what you said you offered him? But you never know with me, I'm always subject to do not so bright things....
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