Wow another birthday slipped past us and SatelliteGuys officially turned 16 on Saturday!
This means its now legal for SatelliteGuys to drive!
Thank you to everyone who has been a member here over the past 16 years, we still have a lot of folks here with us who were with us from day one THANK YOU!
Also thank you to everyone who has supported the site financially over the past 16 years, with out your support we would not be here today! Especially a big thank you to the folks who became Pub Members and then decided they wanted to help out more and made additional donations to the site to help out, those folks are the superstars.
As we celebrate our birthday today I pause to remember some of the SatelliteGuys members who have passed on who helped make SatelliteGuys what it is today, including John H who wrote the uplink center software, and Bob Haller who without him there would be no SatelliteGuys. Honest Truth is I got the boot from DBStalk as I wanted to ban Bob who was a royal pain in the... so I banned him and in turn they banned me.. and I started SatelliteGuys. Bob and I later made up and he became one member that everyone loved having here (at times lol!) In addition many other SatelliteGuys members have passed on and unfortunately we don't know when they die unless their family notifies us (and some have) so please take a moment to remember our departed members.
Running this site over years has taken a lot of work, we went from being an enemy of the Satellite Companies, to being one of their most valued partners. I can't even count the hours and calls, emails and flights I made to just get DISH to put a support team here. Many of you came to turn to SatelliteGuys first for DISH Support. When DISH dissolved the DIRT team due to changes in privacy laws, I worked hard again to bring DISH support back to SatelliteGuys. This is something I am VERY VERY proud of and am happy to have them here.
I am proud of everything we have done over the past 16 years here at SatelliteGuys, while I am sure we could have done some things better I am proud just the same.
SatelliteGuys has become a well oiled machine and this is not because of my hard work, I have an amazing volunteer staff here as well, and over the past 16 years we have had a number of amazing staff members give up their time to help us. We have have an amazing group of staff members... again THANK YOU to them.
The satellite world is not the same place it once was, we know that. But we also know some exciting things are coming and you can expect SatelliteGuys to be part of it and bring all the news to you. SatelliteGuys has grown from just talking about the world of satellite to basically talking about everything, we have sports, cooking, ham radio and so much more.
As we celebrate our 16th birthday we are always looking for more ideas of new things to try, new forums and other things to keep you coming back and draw more people into the SatelliteGuys family. We got as big as we did mainly because we listened to you our members.
Again thank you for 16 AMAZING years! Hopefully I am still above the ground in 16 more!
Happy Birthday SatelliteGuys!
This means its now legal for SatelliteGuys to drive!
Thank you to everyone who has been a member here over the past 16 years, we still have a lot of folks here with us who were with us from day one THANK YOU!
Also thank you to everyone who has supported the site financially over the past 16 years, with out your support we would not be here today! Especially a big thank you to the folks who became Pub Members and then decided they wanted to help out more and made additional donations to the site to help out, those folks are the superstars.
As we celebrate our birthday today I pause to remember some of the SatelliteGuys members who have passed on who helped make SatelliteGuys what it is today, including John H who wrote the uplink center software, and Bob Haller who without him there would be no SatelliteGuys. Honest Truth is I got the boot from DBStalk as I wanted to ban Bob who was a royal pain in the... so I banned him and in turn they banned me.. and I started SatelliteGuys. Bob and I later made up and he became one member that everyone loved having here (at times lol!) In addition many other SatelliteGuys members have passed on and unfortunately we don't know when they die unless their family notifies us (and some have) so please take a moment to remember our departed members.
Running this site over years has taken a lot of work, we went from being an enemy of the Satellite Companies, to being one of their most valued partners. I can't even count the hours and calls, emails and flights I made to just get DISH to put a support team here. Many of you came to turn to SatelliteGuys first for DISH Support. When DISH dissolved the DIRT team due to changes in privacy laws, I worked hard again to bring DISH support back to SatelliteGuys. This is something I am VERY VERY proud of and am happy to have them here.
I am proud of everything we have done over the past 16 years here at SatelliteGuys, while I am sure we could have done some things better I am proud just the same.
SatelliteGuys has become a well oiled machine and this is not because of my hard work, I have an amazing volunteer staff here as well, and over the past 16 years we have had a number of amazing staff members give up their time to help us. We have have an amazing group of staff members... again THANK YOU to them.
The satellite world is not the same place it once was, we know that. But we also know some exciting things are coming and you can expect SatelliteGuys to be part of it and bring all the news to you. SatelliteGuys has grown from just talking about the world of satellite to basically talking about everything, we have sports, cooking, ham radio and so much more.
As we celebrate our 16th birthday we are always looking for more ideas of new things to try, new forums and other things to keep you coming back and draw more people into the SatelliteGuys family. We got as big as we did mainly because we listened to you our members.
Again thank you for 16 AMAZING years! Hopefully I am still above the ground in 16 more!
Happy Birthday SatelliteGuys!