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Folding about to slow to a crawl... Spring is here, the office is 79 degrees right now, getting too warm. Going to have to cut folders soon. TX heat starting to move in. It was a good run in the winter got a lot of folding done with 2 quad cores, a PS3 and a couple old boxes here and there.
I have dropped down from 5-6k/day down to 1k per day with my quad cores no longer running the SMP folding. Already getting into the 80s & 90s here.
WOW I didn't Even Notice till just now I passes 250,000 Points on 4/1

The Quad core sure is helping my Point/WU production but my Dual core keeps rebooting and I'm missing deadlines. Does anyone else have this problem?


Is the dual core overclocked ?
Either way it could just be a stability issue. I have run both a quad and dual core and neither has rebooted using the smp client for months.

Sorry not much help, but it may be just that you have a HW issue on that box

Fold on !
No it's not OC'd But it may be a heat problem. I want to get a Q6600 for it but just havn't had the money lately. I'll just keep baby sitting it. Thanks
Hello all

What has happen to all the big point generators in the top 10? Is this team going south? Not trying to dog anyone but we were doing real well for awhile. My goal is to push this team ahead of AVSforum. We have a ways to go but we can do it. GO TEAM!!!!!! :)
The weather got hot down here in TX. With it getting up into the 80s and 90s now, I changed my quad cores down to just single folding. Single folding does not generate the heat like the SMP version did... So, for now just using 25% of my quads. When it gets warmer I will probably turn off the PS3 too.
We had some family over this week that wanted to play some PC games, so I had to shut down the folding. I turned it back on yesterday, but will probably only run it for another couple months or so until the weather gets warmer.
Couple of recent updates for those of us running windows smp clients

There's a new BETA (be careful it is brand new and may have bugs) version 5.92 Folding Forum • View topic - New Windows SMP client release
Here's the log of issues etc so far Folding Forum • View topic - Windows 5.92 SMP client--please post feedback here


A few of us have asked about making the windows smp client a service there is now a post that explains how to do it. Folding Forum • View topic - [How to] Run the Windows SMP 5.91 (Beta) client as a service
I have tried it with 5.91 and it seems to work, but it is not officially supported, i'll let you know if i have any issues
what does warmer weather got to do with shutting down the program ?

When you have the heat on during the winter and keeping rooms at 68-70, having the PCs putting out a lot of heat does not matter. When you have the AC on at 78, the PCs really heat up under the desk, making it hot sitting there. Essentially it makes folding cost more since you have to run the AC to keep the room cool.
I have stuck with SMP 5.91 because there isnt much change in the new beta. Matter of fact it seems to run a little slower on some operating systems.

I understand with the warmer weather people may cut back on their folding and I may also in a couple months but right now its only 45F.
Dang, it seems I lost a couple SMP clients this week and didn't realize it. Now they won't run the 5.91 beta at all so I just upped to 5.92 this morning, seems to be working ok.
Hello all

What has happen to all the big point generators in the top 10? Is this team going south? Not trying to dog anyone but we were doing real well for awhile. My goal is to push this team ahead of AVSforum. We have a ways to go but we can do it. GO TEAM!!!!!! :)
I agree...pushing ahead of AVSForum should be a priority. Unfortunately, I don't think it is going to happen since they have something like three-times as many folders. Perhaps we should focus on doubling our number of participants by periodically advertising the SatelliteGuys Folding Team on the Front Page News, and perhaps placing scrolling banners in some of the forums; marketing 101 type stuff.

Personally, we just moved down to Dallas and only my dual core is folding. It's getting warm and I am in no mood to cool the house along with three PS3s...especially since I am currently paying two mortgages.
had some hardware issues, i tried to put a better HS on my Quadcore and it (or i) killed the mobo, had to rebuild. Also hope i can OC a bit more as this mobo seems better for that. Squueze a few more points out.

Just got it running again so should see some points now.

Using a Zerotherm Nirvana heat cooler, wow what a diffference, whilst folding my temp only goes up to 35c whilst before with intel cooler was up in the 50c range, and it's quieter.

Should get me through the summer
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I shut down my HP Athllon for s few days since we're over 70? outside and the bedroom gets too warm. The Mac Pro is still going strong (over a year of continuous Folding).

I see the SatelliteGuys.US Team broke 14,000,000 points!!! 140th place! :up I've got another two or three weeks before I break 1,000,000 points.

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