Join the SatelliteGuys Folding@Home Team!

Thanks, Scott, I'm going to give it a shot now...
(Looking at it in a post, it would be nice if the other Signature text could be set up to go to the right of the graphic)

(also, on a personal note, I just broke the 100 Grand mark!)
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Still got to work on the colors. But it works. :D
Scott, my example gave you what should be the SatelliteGuys colors like I've used in some of my posts.
It's interesting to see that a number of teams that were rocketing up the charts and had passed us like were were standing still are now in our sights. I wonder if a bunch of gamers with their PS3s saw this new thing show up in the Network menu, got all their buddies together to Fold, then gave it up after they had achieved some goal (or just got bored with it)?

We passed and PS3 - Clan Nexus during the night, and we're moving closer towards passing Insomniac Games in the next week or so. PS Forum EU is another team that signed on after us, got massive amounts of points, then loss almost half their active members for whatever reason. They're a lot farther away (7+ months) at their current rate.

Good news for our team: we're about to pass 2,500 Work Units completed! Also, we should break 1,000,000 points before June!

:welcome our two newest Folders to the Team: diu.steve & Harshness!
Geesh, I still have 4 WU's waiting to upload. Oh well, this happened before and it took about 8 days for them to upload finally.
Geesh, I still have 4 WU's waiting to upload. Oh well, this happened before and it took about 8 days for them to upload finally.
That must be why I'm pulling away from you again.:)

I came home and got my Notebook in its Folding position: open 30? and set up like a tent over a register to get the benefit of the air conditioning. After that, I headed upstairs and found my Mac had decided to take a little nap after it finished Folding a P2608 WU. I had to go through the recovery procedures and was able to upload the results. It was sitting for about 1h45m, but the other instance was folding away so the time wasn't totally wasted. I ended up with another P2608 WU which seem to Fold pretty "quick" compared to what I have been working on.

It may be time to get the compressed ait an blow out some dust. I notice that my FB-DRAMM is reporting 72?C, a little too warm for my tastes. CPUs are still holding around 51?C...

Kru83, welcome to the SatelliteGuys.US Folding Team! Even after you upload your first Work Unit, it takes Stanford anywhere from five minutes to half an hour to process the results and update the team & user stats. Then there's the 30-180 minute delay that it takes the EOC and Kakao Stats sites to upload the batch results from Stanford and update their databases. So, you could be looking at four hours after your first WU before your EOC signature goes live.
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Foxbat, hey, now I'm up to 5 WU's that won't upload. At least I am able to get new WU's while I wait to upload. What's odd is it seems that the failed upload seem to happen on the weekends only and take quite a few days to upload. I also apparently am the victim of the "Server has no record of this WU" error on a few lately.

I notice our active users appear to be down lately. we need another call-to-action.
I had one of the "Server has no record" on my HP the other day, but it cleared up in a couple of hours. We'll see what happens in a few hours (02:00 EDT) when it completes another WU.

(so, are we going to spill the secret of the colorful EOC? sigs ;))
I havent found where I can link my stats to my sig like everyone else is, I looked for it on the start of the thread and went 5 pages in on the thread, any help?