new to fta helpu

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New Member
Original poster
Jan 15, 2012
United States
hello I am new to this site and to fta. I would like some info on how would get my own fta receiver and dish. i have a couple of questions actually. how do i get this stuff and is it through the internet like my friend has and requires no dish or what do i need or what type of programs if i decide to go the internet wise or the dish option. is it better through the internet cause some satellites go down cause of wind or rain or what? please help i am a noob.:)
Hey, welcome to Satguys! Sounds to me like you need to spend a few days reading in here and I think most of your questions regarding FTA stuff will be answered if you do that. Keep in mind though that FTA probably won't be suitable for most "family" environments as it's not like regular TV. For example, my darling Wife can't even turn my systems on much less find a channel to watch. Oh, and also be aware that this "hobby" can and does become a "sickness" after a while! ;-) It is fun though and there's always new "toyz" being put out for us to buy and play with!

Internet TV is another story though and I don't think there's anything in here on that.
hello I am new to this site and to fta. I would like some info on how would get my own fta receiver and dish. i have a couple of questions actually. how do i get this stuff and is it through the internet like my friend has and requires no dish or what do i need or what type of programs if i decide to go the internet wise or the dish option. is it better through the internet cause some satellites go down cause of wind or rain or what? please help i am a noob.:)


First of all, WELCOME!

Secondly, as Lone Gunman stated, FTA satellite TV is a hobby. It is not a substitute for the premium channels on DN or DirecTV or your local cable provider. But, if you have a certain personality that just likes to tinker and experiment and play around with electronics, FTA can be great fun!

Except for purchasing the equipment, the rest is FREE (no subscriptions) and you can learn a lot of valuable information about your other TV and radio options. Wouldn't it be nice to know more about satellite technology than the guy they send out to install it for you? Or OTA terrestrial TV and cable options?

You don't have to buy anything in order to read the advice and stuff here, so you won't be out any money just for listening, reading and browsing.

If you are just wanting to watch TV, there are other avenues available to you which are also free of subscription charges or minimal charges at that.
OTA terrestrial TV broadcasts are highly improved and more prevalent than in the past.

The first stops I would recommend to you are the SPONSORS links at the top of each FTA forum page. Visit our sponsors own websites and see what they offer. Then, come back to the discussion areas and ask questions. It will take you a long time to get the total feel of FTA satellite. You may or may not like it. Just stick around awhile and do some reading here and there on this site and evaluate it first before you jump in. You have to do this no matter what, either to find out if you want it or to find out what to buy.

You have two (or three) choices. Ku band (smaller dish), C-Band (BUD or Big Ugly Dish) or a combination (mini-BUD or a standard BUD with Ku band option).

You'll have to wade around in this muddled maze for a bit to get your bearings. So, just give it a little time and reading before you decide anything.

Not Like Regular TV

...Keep in mind though that FTA probably won't be suitable for most "family" environments as it's not like regular TV. For example, my darling Wife can't even turn my systems on much...
This is the good and the bad. My wife also does not even think of "turning on the TV". But FTA is worth the effort.
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