BREAKING: LEBRON chooses Miami

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The issue was never that he wanted to leave. If he wanted out, then fine. His prerogative. As stated several times over, it was HOW he did it. And the fact that he had "help" from several directions (some of which, if proven, were illegal as all hell), is what's grinding not just Cav fans, but a lot of basketball fans across the country. I get the whole, "there's no loyalty". Both owners and players are guilty of that. This goes well beyond that.
But I think it is the bigger issue. I'm not a Cavs fan, but if I was my big concern wouldn't be the fact that he dumped me on national TV or there was some sort of conspiracy to make this happen. My big concern would be those playoff games where James showed a total lack of interest and seemed detached.

Did LeBron tank a few playoff games to make his exit from Cleveland easier, as some are wondering?? Like I said before, if LeBron won a ring this past spring could he really just up and leave for Miami?? :eek:
collusion is a secret agreement between 2 or more parties for the purpose of deceit or fraud. its safe to say that all 3 were deceitful by pretending to be truly interested in signing with other teams when they had no intention.

i hope the truth is uncovered and they all get nailed!

"Tampering is a term of art" as opposed to a legal term, according to attorney David Cornwell. That means the law doesn't come into play here, it's just a matter of accepting the parameters of the collective bargaining agreement. And in that world tampering "only applies from team to player, unless it can be shown that player was acting on behalf of the team."

Good luck proving that. And if you do want to go down that road, good luck avoiding getting the reverse thrown back at you. For example, if Wade was accused of trying to get James to come to Miami, the Heat could just as easily claim that James was trying to lure Wade to Cleveland. It's the same reason not every congressman on the opposite aisle was adamant about going after Bill Clinton because he lied about committing adultery. There's an old saying about glass residences that applies.

I called Cornwell because, as a former legal counsel for the NFL, he can explain the lawyerly stuff better than me. Let's get to why it's foolish to use the word "collusion" here. This isn't about those in power capitulating to deny others opportunities.

"It's a term that just doesn't apply," Cornwell said. "It's a matter of a player or players determining where they want to work.

"The draft completely restricts player movement. Free agency was negotiated to give players the right to determine where they want to work."

NBA free agency: LeBron James and Chris Bosh were not in the wrong in discussing dreams of playing together with Dwyane Wade - ESPN
meStevo said:
Jesse Jackson still trying to be relevant, made a statement about Dan Gilbert:

Dan Gilbert paid Lebron 18.5 million dollars last year. Hardly slave wages. It's a shame that a racist like Jackson still thinks he is relevant enough to release a statement about the response to "the decision".

Here are some MORE highlights of a great article:

"I know the Cavs have thought this was in the works for a long time," an NBA general manager said.

But you won't hear this GM offering sympathy or expressing outrage.

"Indignation? Really?" he said. "Do teams actually talk to agents before July 1? I'm shocked. It's Claude Rains, shocked that gambling is going on in Rick's Café."

"We know that's going on. It's reality. And we're all big boys. If you have an attractive wife, guys are gonna be hitting on her. It comes with the territory."

Is anyone naïve enough to think that players don't share mutual daydreams about joining forces? I once even acted as a middleman, taking a note from one player to another, requesting that Player B go to the management to request a trade to get Player A. When players talk do you think they're brainstorming ways to plug the oil leak in the Gulf? Not exactly. They're tabulating how many games they could win if they played together.

"That's going on every day," the GM said. "Players are always talking to each other. That's nothing new."

You've seen stuff like this before, from the livestock taking over in "Animal Farm" to the drug dealers forming the Co-op in "The Wire." But we've never seen players do it to this extent in the NBA, and that has people freaked out. They're so used to having total control over their players in their fantasy leagues that they can't cope when they act independently in real life. Somehow they missed the message that players can represent a city but they don't automatically belong to it.

Unfortunately, there's no way to stop people from complaining just because players aren't lining up to come to their team. It reminds me of the bad guy when Padme has the audacity to elude the giant creature sent to devour her for an arena filled with bloodthirsty spectators in "Attack of the Clones:" "She can't do that! Shoot her ... or something." Sorry, but these are the rules, as constituted.

Because it's the NBA, there's always an accusation that it must be a conspiracy. Strange how that never applies when the New York Yankees stock up on players. (Maybe it's because in baseball the small-market owners would rather happily accept their subsidy checks from the Yankees and keep selling out the ballpark when they come to town, rather than spending to improve their own teams.) Sure it helps the NBA to have a star-studded superteam. But not at the expense of two other markets, including the league's only team in Canada. Keep in mind that Stern works for the owners, and it's impossible to believe Cavs owner Dan Gilbert signed off on this if you read The Letter, which was the harshest breakup response since Ice Cube's "No Vaseline."

Maybe you don't like how LeBron handled it, or you were sickened by how the Heat celebrated the arrival of Bron and Bosh with a party so grandiose you'd have thought they just won three championships. But don't hate just because the players collaborated.

If James were a CEO who engineered a merger with another giant company in his industry he'd be hailed as an innovator, then his book "How The Deal Got Done" would be atop the New York Times' bestseller list. Among some basketball fans he's considered a traitor willing to play Donkey to Wade's Shrek. (By the way, since when did it become impossible for the Heat to win a championship with LeBron named NBA Finals MVP?)

For his next move I'd suggest LeBron hire Kobe Bryant's publicity people, because it's astounding how the perception of Bryant has completely flipped. In 2004 he was viewed as selfish because he wanted the team to himself without Shaquille O'Neal or Phil Jackson around to steal credit, and in 2006 he was called a quitter because he demanded to be traded from a team that couldn't get past the first round of the playoffs. Now Kobe is the standard to which LeBron is held, with people saying Kobe would never go someplace he wasn't automatically considered the best player and that he would rather stick it out with the players he has.

What changed? Pau Gasol came to Los Angeles and helped Kobe win two more championships
. So that's the mandate for the Heat. If they pull this off and have actual justification the next time they throw a huge party, they'll be called winners.

In the meantime, if this whole thing feels sordid to you, you're not required to use complimentary descriptions. Just be sure you get your facts straight and don't use any tampering-type terminology that doesn't really apply.

SO ENDITH the lesson....! Move along...nothing to see......;)
...LMAO!! Take THAT Dan Gilbert!

Grow up.

But the childishness didn't stop there. On Friday, Gilbert, the owner of Fathead, dropped the price of James fatheads from $99.99 to $17.41. Benedict Arnold was born in 1741.

Let's be honest: Gilbert, and most every other owner or league executive, makes a habit of being just as cold-blooded and callous as James was in making his decision. They do it with NBA players all the time, telling them to their faces they have no intention of trading them and then picking up their cell phone and offering them to a competitor as soon as the player leaves the room.

Heck, the Cavs are doing that at this very moment. Everyone on that roster not named LeBron has been available in a trade since that May semifinals series loss to Boston. Think Gilbert's told them that?

What Gilbert did was especially reckless and immature when you consider how volatile the situation in Cleveland was Thursday night. With fans burning James jerseys and throwing things at murals and paintings of James, he thought it best to exacerbate their anger rather than to call for calm.

So now, I'm told, James' close friends -- and perhaps even the player himself -- have been threatened with violence, told that their homes in Cleveland and Akron may be burned down. They've got friends and relatives living in the area, and Gilbert thought it right to stir up the fury of the masses even more?

In his incendiary e-mail, Gilbert wrote that James' decision to leave Cleveland was "the exact opposite lesson of what we would want our children to learn."

Yet in his letter, he seemed to threaten to expose potentially embarrassing information about James, writing that he plans to communicate "events of the recent past" to the public over "the next several days and weeks." Is that how Gilbert wants children to act when they don't get their way?

Gilbert's diatribes -- he further attacked James' character in a subsequent interview with The Associated Press -- were hypocritical in so many ways.

He called James a quitter, saying he quit in five playoff games over the past two years, yet he was willing to pay him $125 million to stay on his team. He called James a "self-declared King," yet failed to mention that it was he himself who promoted the "King James" brand throughout his arena. He said James has "gotten a free pass" and that "people have covered up for him for way too long," yet it was Gilbert who overruled the objections of former GM Danny Ferry and gave James and his friends carte blanche throughout the organization. If James was enabled, Gilbert was the enabler.

Then Gilbert said James' actions Thursday night revealed "who he really is." Well, perhaps James is saying the same thing about Gilbert. Perhaps he's known all along that Gilbert didn't respect him; that Gilbert thought he was a "coward;" that Gilbert thought his "King," "Chosen One" and "Witness" nicknames were a joke; that he'd mock and trash them, and him, as soon as James was no longer making him money.

Maybe that's why James didn't return Gilbert's phone calls and e-mails over the past two months -- because he knew the owner looked at him as a moneymaker and nothing more. Maybe James no longer wanted to play for someone like that: someone who, in the heat of the moment, refuses to act his age.

In the wake of Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert's broadsides against LeBron James, one thing is clear - ESPN
I did read the article. Arison had official duties with USA Basketball from 2004 through the 2008 Olympics. The Cavs knew about James' sit-down with Riley and MJ and could have filed tampering charges, but didn't.

After this all dies down it's important that Cavs fans come to the realization that James didn't want to be there and they'll probably be better off without him. I'm a Sox fan and I kind of relate this to the Manny Ramirez situation. Even though he was adored by Red Sox Nation, Manny wanted out and quit on the team to ensure that would happen. The big difference is that Manny did help the Sox win 2 rings before exiting....

i agree that cleveland is better off.

maybe, they, despite the above, they thought he would come back. maybe, that was the reason they didn't go more out of there way to give him better running mates.

is that broussard's article from sunday? he has zero credibility right now. he's acting with espn's blessing, like he broke the story when he didn't....stephen a smith beat him by 10 days.

like i posted at, broussard got played like everyone else which makes his words nothing more than dribble.

i'm waiting for stern to hit him with a huge fine but turn the other way regarding possible collusion charges against pat i sold my sould to the devil riley and company.
just read at that stern sounds like he's ready for an investigation although, both the cavs and raptors said they won't file tampering charges.

and wait for it, mark cuban has decided he needs to talk to the nba about this.
OK I'm tired of all the LeBron criticism I'm hearing. What was the guy supposed to do? He was going to get ripped no matter what he did.

1. LeBron stays in Cleveland. Everyone says he's greedy and just went for the most money, and he'll never win a championship there.

2. LeBron signs with the Knicks. Everyone says he cares more about endorsements than basketball, and now the Knicks are viewed like the Yankees who everyone hates already.

3. LeBron signs with the Bulls. Everyone says he'll never be greater than Jordan and he passed up the opportunity to win somewhere where people will appreciate it.

4. LeBron signs with the Nets. Everyone says he just signed with the worst team in league because of their Russian billionaire owner and a stupid rap star.

5. LeBron signs with the Clippers. Everyone says LeBron lost his freaking mind.

So you see he couldn't win no matter what he did. As it is he took less money to play with 2 other stars and try to form a dynasty. Since when did we start criticizing players for sacrificing something for winning?

And then LeBron gets critcized for announcing his decision on ESPN. Well, funny, half the country was watching so it looks like he did us all a favor. I guess he should have tweeted his decision like this: Hey y'all juss wanted to let you know i talked to my moms and we coming to south beech. Yeah the partys on till 3 in the morn!

AGAIN, for the BILLIONTH TIME, it wasn't that he chose to go to a different team, it was the way he went about it!
He would have caught hell for staying in Cleveland. Staying was just what you people wanted, but LeBron doesn't owe a thing to the city of Cleveland.

As far as legacy goes the worst thing for the LeBron legacy is to play 15-20 years and NEVER win a championship. I've never heard of anyone complain that someone couldn't win a championship on their own. The important thing is getting the ring. All stars need some help, and Anderson Varejo wasn't going to cut it.

And what makes you or anyone else so certain that he would "never" win in Cleveland? We were the best team in the regular season for two consecutive years, or did everyone forget that?

The reason we lost, was that LeBron didn't play up to his potential. He looked "dazed", "distracted" and "disinterested". And I said it during the Boston/Cavs series. Go back and check the threads. Now that we knew LeBron, Wade and Bosh have been colluding to join forces for years prior, the "distraction" look all makes a lot more sense now.
Why would it be illegal for 3 friends to want to play on the same team together?

Players under contract can't talk to other players under contract about their future intentions because it would bring up the possibility of them throwing games in order to increase the odds of their goal being accomplished.
Players under contract can't talk to other players under contract about their future intentions because it would bring up the possibility of them throwing games in order to increase the odds of their goal being accomplished.
But Toronto and Cleveland are being too stubborn to go through with filing tampering charges. I hope Stern does launch an investigation and something happens though. I doubt much will happen besides fines though. The Heat can't be penalized with picks since Cleveland and Toronto have all of their picks. Maybe fine the team the rest of their space on the cap would work well:D
But I think it is the bigger issue. I'm not a Cavs fan, but if I was my big concern wouldn't be the fact that he dumped me on national TV or there was some sort of conspiracy to make this happen. My big concern would be those playoff games where James showed a total lack of interest and seemed detached.

Did LeBron tank a few playoff games to make his exit from Cleveland easier, as some are wondering?? Like I said before, if LeBron won a ring this past spring could he really just up and leave for Miami?? :eek:

Where there is smoke there is fire. That's why I wish LeBron didn't get to "chose" his interviewer and soft-ball questions during his televised "decision".

If I were the questionnaire, the first Q I would ask him would be about last year's playoffs and why he looked so "disinterested". I saw it, so did millions of others. We even discussed this during the series, long before we even speculated where LeBron would end up after free-agency! How this question still goes un-asked is beyond me!

Before this announcement, it was blamed on Delonte sleeping with his Mom & his elbow. It's amazing how those stories got covered up too. Does LeBron really have THAT much power where he can basically put a HUSH on the media like that?
But Toronto and Cleveland are being too stubborn to go through with filing tampering charges. I hope Stern does launch an investigation and something happens though. I doubt much will happen besides fines though. The Heat can't be penalized with picks since Cleveland and Toronto have all of their picks. Maybe fine the team the rest of their space on the cap would work well:D

But, guess who's coming to the owner's rescue? Good ol' Mark Cuban!!! Let the investigations begin!

Cuban wants NBA to probe Heat
Players under contract can't talk to other players under contract about their future intentions because it would bring up the possibility of them throwing games in order to increase the odds of their goal being accomplished.
Unfortunately that's not true, unless it can be proven that they were representing themselves as agents of the team. As individuals they are free to hold as many summits as they want, according to David Stern himself....
Unfortunately that's not true, unless it can be proven that they were representing themselves as agents of the team. As individuals they are free to hold as many summits as they want, according to David Stern himself....

Fair enough. Just read your post from a page back. Just catching up to all the posts over the weekend.

This still doesn't cleanse them of the possibility of sketchy in-game behavior to better their chances of carrying out this plan.
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