NFL 2012-13 Season

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Forget about Vick's way of playing getting him hurt. That offensive line is HORRIBLE! It's Vick's scrambling is what has kept somewhat alive so far. The ONLY QBs that would still be alive would be scrambling QBs like a Vick, RG3, Rothlesberger or a Newton. Any of those traditional QBs would have been in IR already.
I think this is the final straw for the replacement refs- this was on NBC, national television, and the whole country saw it.

That said.... hell of a game by Flacco and Brady. Both QB's were torrid.
I think this is the final straw for the replacement refs- this was on NBC, national television, and the whole country saw it.

That said.... hell of a game by Flacco and Brady. Both QB's were torrid.

It was an utter disgrace, and the NFL should be ashamed of themselves! The OPI against Edelman was one of the worst calls I've ever seen at ANY level. Almost as bad was the phantom DPI against Mayo. There were several other calls that were BRUTAL on both sides.

As a Pats fans, I've experienced some crushing losses over the last five years or so (2006 AFCCG against the Colts, and both Super Bowl losses to the Giants, including one to halt a perfect season). But I've never been as pissed off as I am tonight!! :mad:

Seriously, it's either these refs or Goodell!
I am a diehard Buffalo Bills fan, and I 100 percent agree with what Bill said even though I root for a different team. Complete and utter stupidity from what I've seen at times this season from the refs.

(And believe me, I will be screaming if anything like this happens to Buffalo. I'm just lucky we haven't been involved for now.)

I didn't think anything could top Denver/Atlanta last Monday night. Well, I was wrong.

Crossing my fingers Green Bay/Seattle is less disastrous.
I think this is the final straw for the replacement refs- this was on NBC, national television, and the whole country saw it.

That said.... hell of a game by Flacco and Brady. Both QB's were torrid.

BTW Sabres, trust me when I tell you this: As a Bills fan, this is the LAST thing you wanted heading into next Sunday. :cool:
Bill, you were onto something in putting Atlanta high in your preseason power rankings. They are playing with a purpose, a 'We won't let our recent playoff woes hold us down' chip on the shoulder if you will.

And Matt Ryan has been the best NFC QB so far.
BTW Sabres, trust me when I tell you this: As a Bills fan, this is the LAST thing you wanted heading into next Sunday. :cool:

I knew that. Like I really wanted to face what will be an angry seething Pats team. Just like the Chiefs had to face an angry seething Bills team in week 2.

A trend I've stumbled upon- pick the team that's coming off a loss that'll have them ready to come out with their hair on fire next game.
BillD1984 said:
Seriously, it's either these refs or Goodell!

I was disappointed in Belichick after the game for grabbing the ref, I'd prefer he would of slapped or clotheslined him. What a disgrace that crew was, they should go back to reffing and screwing up junior high games. Effing scabs.

Yeah great great game Torrey Smith, too bad you got away with OPI on both your touchdowns.

Every Raven touchdown drive but 1 was aided by a phantom secondary call.
I think this is the final straw for the replacement refs- this was on NBC, national television, and the whole country saw it.

so the 2nd to last straw must have been to give San Fran FIVE timeouts in the 2nd half today against the Vikes

seriously...they "lost" one timeout (the refs) then they took another timeout to give them zero (or was it negative one) then tried to challenge a call which the refs gave them (you cant challenge a call with no time outs left). They "won" the challenge and got their timeout back :eek:
I was disappointed in Belichick after the game for grabbing the ref, I'd prefer he would of slapped or clotheslined him. What a disgrace that crew was, they should go back to reffing and screwing up junior high games. Effing scabs.

Yeah great great game Torrey Smith, too bad you got away with OPI on both your touchdowns.

Every Raven touchdown drive but 1 was aided by a phantom secondary call.

When the Pats beat the Ravens on that Monday night in 2007 to keep their undefeated season alive, I thought the Ravens had every right to complain about some of the calls that went against them. But that pales in comparison to what happened tonight. I still can't believe the incompetance that I witnessed tonight. Again, the ref that called OPI on Edelman should have been fired ON THE SPOT. It was that blatant.
It was good to see my favorite non-Patriots player, Matt Cassel and his Chiefs get a road win in New Orleans today.

Raiders had a nice win against the Steelers.

I know its early but with the Texans easy division and being 3-0 it looks like they could be set up for the #1 seed in the AFC.

I still think the Giants are the best team in the NFC, what an egg laid by the 49ers to a mediocre Vikings team. Although Ponder is better than what I thought he'd be.

Unbelievable that the Law firm finally fumbled in the NFL. But that was a good win for them in Washington. RGIII actually looked like a rookie.

Mike Vick still blows, you mean you couldn't see the blitz before the half? 0 pocket presence. Arizona's D is the real deal, if they could get some consistent QB okay they'd be dangerous.

I thought the chargers were frauds.
Atlanta looks really good

Oh and replacement refs still suck monkey balls.
Well, a disappointing day at Mile High today.....

What a nightmare, looked like a repeat of Monday nights game. too many dropped passes and penalties at the wrong time. No chemistry on offense yet, it had better come soon. And the refs sucked again! Looking forward to kicking some Raider ass next week!!

And knocked out of my 3 Strikes game, as well, because of the Saints and the Steelers....oh well.

And picks this week, they sucked, but not as bad as some pro pickers!! What a crazy season, so far, and it's only been 3 weeks.

I hope this hit gets more than the standard $21k fine. There should be no first time offender discount or anything for this kind of thing. Guy makes ~$200k/game.

Also amazed Schaub was able to come back into the game a play later, no through concussion evaluation.

I'd be more outraged at the refs if the Patriots didn't give away the final drive. 70 yards including the easiest penalty of the night in the form of that PI call. Ugly game, and the refs are meeting with the NFL this week, but if their demands are true that they now want a couple million dollars in back pay then you can assume they're now a couple million dollars further apart.
meStevo said:
...but if their demands are true that they now want a couple million dollars in back pay then you can assume they're now a couple million dollars further apart.

If it weren't for this little bit of information where they wanted 'back pay'....the deal would have been done.

As I said... I am pro-union, but even I won't stand for this one.

Yesterday was the worst day for these refs. And as much as I would not give in...the more mistakes they make, the faster the NFL will cave in.
I was disappointed in Belichick after the game for grabbing the ref, I'd prefer he would of slapped or clotheslined him. What a disgrace that crew was, they should go back to reffing and screwing up junior high games. Effing scabs.

Yeah great great game Torrey Smith, too bad you got away with OPI on both your touchdowns.

Every Raven touchdown drive but 1 was aided by a phantom secondary call.

disagree. i didn't see the 2nd TD but i saw the 1st and i don't know where the OPI you say he committed happened. i looked at it quite a few times.
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