NFL 2012-13 Season

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Dual possession?? Bad call. Horrendous call. Jennings had two hands on it, brought it to his chest, landed with the ball in his possession. Tate clearly did not have two hands (if any at all) in there until after Jennings had possession and was on the ground. No indisputable evidence to rule dual possession. In fact, the replay shows Tate's right hand clearly outside of his body as both players fell to the ground with Jennings having control of the ball.

This is how I saw it as well. The NFL is now saying the game should have ended with an OPI called on Tate, and a Packers win. HOWEVER, they are supporting the "dual possession" call after watching replays. HOW in the hell can they come to that conclusion after watching the replay? :confused:
I wasn't expecting a reversal. That would have set a terrible precedent, correct but terrible. At least an acknowledgement that a mistake was made on that call. The hogwash about saying the correct call would have been OPI and game over is just noise to make noise.
He had better not reverse the "win/loss" from last night, that would just muddy the already murky waters even more..........

What's done is done.

Yeah...but you know and I know that most fans... ESPECIALLY GB fans, want blood. And if it YOUR team or MY team that got the hose or I would be screaming bloody murder.
This is how I saw it as well. The NFL is now saying the game should have ended with an OPI called on Tate, and a Packers win. HOWEVER, they are supporting the "dual possession" call after watching replays. HOW in the hell can they come to that conclusion after watching the replay? :confused:

Because they have NO CHOICE but to stand by the decision of using these refs. They made their bed, now they have to sleep in it. There is plenty of fault to go around. The owners, TO ME have the most to be at fault because they thought that by locking out the refs, it would not effect the product at all. They know FULL WELL that NO ONE whether be it fans or the players themselves..are just gonna "boycott" the NFL.

The REFS...greedy as well. I am the biggest backer of unions you will ever find....but even I would not give in to pension to part time employees nor back pay.

The PLAYERS have some fault in the fact that coming into last seasons CBA, they knew this was in the horizon. IF they were so "worried" about the use of replacement refs and the safety of the players, SOMETHING sould have been brought up in that CBA. But too late, the horse is out of the brn now.
What was the suspension Harrison on the hit on Colt McCoy?

1 game. Crux of his appeal I think will be the number of fines Harrison got before his suspension.

I think we're past the warning phase on big hits though.

He's been very apologetic and stuff so wouldn't be surprised if it was reduced to a game check fine.

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Because they have NO CHOICE but to stand by the decision of using these refs.

But yet they had no problem in admitting that the non-call on the OPI was wrong. The ironic thing is, if the OPI was called, the "dual possession" part is moot.
Gee, anything happen last night during the Monday night game?

After seeing the play, here's my conclusion. I know I'll get ripped for saying it but when I watch the play, I can tell Jennings catches the ball but you dont know if Golden Tate wrestles the ball away from Jennings. The camera shows Jennings' back is toward the camera. BUT with that being said I have a link that explains the play better. I had thought it was a simultaneous catch but if you see and read the link thats not it. Jennings had possession first so it would be an INT.

I do have a question, what if while Jennings was up in the air grabbing the ball, as hes coming down what if gets it wrestled away by Tate? Would it be a touchdown?

Heres the link anyway:
As we have said earlier here, Jennings should just have batted the ball away. No need to make a catch there....

No question about it. After watching the replay ad nauseum today, I was concentrating on that and the OPI aspect of that play.

On the Jennings should have just batted it down part, the ball came right to him and all he he to do was bat it firmly forward. Game Over, the Packers win.

On the OPI controversy, one of the networks slowed it down and you could see two refs looking right at Tate (at least it appears that way) push the Packer defender down.
The POINT is DPI WAS called!!! You asked for a replay of the call that WAS made. I gave it to you. The replay shows what was called. NOT what you think should have been called.

Look, I'm not just a Packer fan complaining about losing the game. IF Tate had caught the ball and Jennings fought with him on the ground for possession then it's Tate's catch and TD. Game over, I could live with that. It didn't happen that way.

Screwed in Seattle

At least we now know where the Russian judge found a new job.

I'm a long time Packer fan also, and I agree 100%. A legitmate loss I can take but this was really bad. One of the big sports stations around this area, was surmising this morning that the ref got caught up in "fan boy exuberance" and wanted to be part of the action and if it was in Green Bay the call would never have gone that way. It's a tricky argument to make, but seeing some of these games, I might just have to agree. I can't agree with the Official Refs wanting back pay though for games missed that's really hard to swallow.
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