System Advice

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Rick Esenwine

Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
May 8, 2015
Hanover, Pa
I work in a county building that has D* installed. At this point, the system consists of a round dish with 4 coax cables coming from it and 3 D10 receivers. There are 2 receivers that feed 2 tv's in one area and a third receiver mounted under a tv in another area. This third tv is feed back into a distribution system that feeds several offices within the building, with the channel being controlled by the third receiver. I have attached photos for clarity. I cannot read the model number on the dish, everything is faded out.

With the upcoming shut down of the SD feeds, I am trying to plan a new system for our building. We would like to feed as many as 10 tv's, some older and some brand new. The majority of the tv's are HD capable. 4 of the brand new tv's are the TLC 65C807 models. I'm not sure what, if any deals, that D* would offer as far as equipment replacement, etc. I would like some assistance in planning our system; if anyone would like to PM me directly. We are located in south central PA.

Thank you
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You'll need a new dish, but you can get an LNB on that dish which will support at least 13 and probably 21 receivers from a single cable going inside. It would be a very simple install but since it is a government account not residential you probably need to contact a commercial installer like mdram said.
Please reply by conversation.

I almost switched back to Dish today, but sticking with DirecTV.

Moving a Genie to a cabin

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