2012 Westminster Dog Show

Bodo Fenrirsson

On Vacation
Original poster
Jul 21, 2009
While I know that it's debatable whether this thread should be in the sports section,I thought that I'd start it here. Did anybody watch the first night of the dog show last night? It was on USA Network for the first hour & then on CNBC for the other 2 hours. It'll be on USA Network tonight for 3 hours. I'm watching the recording of the first night with my mother right now.
Does this dog show do the Wienernationals? A bunch of adorable little Hot Dog dogs running over and under obstacles chasing something. It's absolutely hysterical!

While I know that it's debatable whether this thread should be in the sports section,I thought that I'd start it here. Did anybody watch the first night of the dog show last night?
It is debatable whether threads on automobile racing belong in the sports section. It is NOT debatable whether threads on dog shows belong here.

It was on USA Network for the first hour & then on CNBC for the other 2 hours....
As recently as a few years ago, the Westminster Dog Show was the all-time highest rated show ever carried on CNBC. They should have had Keith Olbermann hosting it.
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My mom told me one of my cousins, and pooch, is scheduled to be on The View this Friday. My Tivo went ballistic after I set a timer since I've only used it to record quality programing. The things you do for family.

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The WDS is a tradition in our home. If we don't go in person, we watch it on tv. This year due to heavy workloads, we are watching it on a one-day delay.

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