BREAKING: LEBRON chooses Miami

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Maybe LeBron is just wanting to see if it's possible to keep something quite till it actually happens, ya know how everything gets reported ahead of time.

Dear God, I just heard that Jim Gray will be there with LeBron ....:eek:
You may be right!

My favorite part:

Team LeBron is having the time of its life, but has no idea the repercussions of what it’s done here. All that comes to James now is the biggest burden to win a championship that sports has ever seen. They aren’t making James a bigger star with this big-top, but a bigger target.


Especially if he goes to Miami and teams up to form the "Miami Thrice".

If that happens, not only does he become the most vilified person in Cleveland, but he also will get absolutely blasted if he doesn't win. EACH and EVERY year!

It's put up or shut up time LeBoob! You wanted the spotlight, you got it. Now, if you don't perform, prepared to get booed off the stage like a lousy comedian. By everyone around the league! (if you go to Miami). ;) :)
Another interesting tidbit:

Greenwich is the home to: Jay-Z and Beyonce (Nets minority owner) as well as Allan Houston (Assistant to the President of Operations for the Knicks).


They just mentioned on Mike and Mike, why he's in the NY area today.

Carmello Anthony is getting married this weekend in NY and LeBron is in the weeding.

SO, all the talk that , "It's happening close to NY means he's going to NY" is out the window.
Doesn't mean he WON'T go there, just doesn't mean thats why he's in the area.
btw, greenwich, ct is the home of the boys and girls club of america.

gotta laugh, if he signs with the heat, hei'll be 30 with bad knees and no title. it would be very interesting to see how you build a team around 3 super stars and a bunch of d leaguers. if these guys didn't have go bigger than their privates, they would realize every championship team needs a superstar, a number 2 go to guy and a cast of strong supporting players.

instead miami will have a three ring ego circus. and you ask why i hate the nba.
That IS a good point. Let's say LeBron does sign with the Heat. If that does prove to be the case, they will have only 5 players under contract....

PG- Chalmers
SG- Wade
SF- LeBron
PF- Bosh
PF- Beasley

So, in short, they don't have a Center and absolutely no bench. They would have to try and trade Beasley, which will be tough because he has such a bad contract. Then, they would have to try and fill the rest of the roster with scrubs (minimum contract guys). That is STILL seems like a very incomplete team. Not sure 3 players can win a title all by themselves.
beasley will probably be gone in a sign and trade, so 4 people under contract. plus, they drafted 3 guys in the 2nd round.
Ramifications: If he leaves from a Cleveland standpoint.

Ok, from a Cleveland standpoint, this decision is huge (obviously). Especially considering the ability to lure a future free-agent super star to this team. Think about it...

If LeBron leaves, he'll be leaving $30 million on the table and leaving his hometown. And it's not like the Cavs are a terrible team. This team has won 127 games the last two years! The team and owner have done EVERYTHING in their power to get LeBron to stay here. So, this decision is entirely on him. And by his example, it may influence how future stars think of our city/team.

If LeBron does leave, the Cavs will forever be known as the team who can't even keep their own home-grown star. If "one of our own" doesn't want to be here, why would anyone else?

This decision will have a very dramatic effect one way or the other. :(
I keep going in circles, but in order to keep holding onto a small glimmer of hope, what if LeBron's camp is purposely leaking this "LeBron to Heat" rumor out there to keep suspense alive? Think about if he then announces he's going somewhere else tonight, rather than what's being reported right now? He's done such a good job at keeping this thing quiet so far.....
His ego can't take Miami. He will be second fiddle to Wade, something he won't put up with.
wrong. LeBron will be first fiddle on whatever team he goes to. The only place there is any competition for that is LA.
WTF? Miami?!?!?! How could he do that??? His legacy will be lessened....
I thought I read on the ESPNews Scroll that reported Bosh and Wade will take less money to make it work out.

at this point who knows. He could change his mind between now and 9PM EST tonight.
I wonder if he knows that Art Modell hasn't been able to come back to Cleveland since he stole the Browns.....I get a sense that the anger towards him is going to be overwhelming if he leaves. Going on national TV to announce the decision would just be pouring salt in the wound.
btw, greenwich, ct is the home of the boys and girls club of america.

gotta laugh, if he signs with the heat, hei'll be 30 with bad knees and no title. it would be very interesting to see how you build a team around 3 super stars and a bunch of d leaguers. if these guys didn't have go bigger than their privates, they would realize every championship team needs a superstar, a number 2 go to guy and a cast of strong supporting players.

instead miami will have a three ring ego circus. and you ask why i hate the nba.

Didn't we all say the same thing when the current Celtics were put together ?

A bunch of SuperStars playing together.
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