High Dollar DSR-920

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jul 16, 2006
North West of St. Louis, MO
Dish Hunting pays off big time!

You won't believe this!

I posted about some non-penetrating mounts I got a deal on in the C-Band section, and mentioned that I would now have a separate C-Band dish for my analog receiver and that I needed to be on the lookout for a cheap 4DTV receiver.

So then I had to run to town and get some things. I knew where there were 3 C-Band dishes so I thought I would check them out on the way and back. It got up to 64F here today and it was nice and sunny.

I stopped at the first place and there was an eleven footer, but it was old with a hand crank on the back to move the dish. Holes were almost 1/4" in size and it was bigger than what I wanted so I passed it by. Got my stuff from town and went home another way.

Stopped and looked at another 10' dish, but it had been neglected and was visibly warped from leaves and dirt piled in the bottom.

The third place had a very nice Perfect 10 dish just like my 7.5 footer, but this one was 10 foot. Talked to the guy, and found that he was still using it. We talked for a long while, and he told me he had a problem with his 4DTV receiver a couple of years ago and bought a new one, but the new one did the same thing so he thought the first one was ok, just a problem with his LNB, atmosphere, or local interference because the problem went away shortly after that.

I asked him what he did with the other 4DTV receiver. He said it was sitting in the closet not being used.

I asked him if he wanted to get rid of it. He said he might as well, because he didn't have any use for it. We went inside, and he pulled out a GI DSR-920 complete with remote, antenna for the remote, and power cord.

He asked me what I would give for it. I didn't have but $22.00 on me, so I said how about $20.00. He thought a minute, and said ok. :D

He said it was working about 2 years ago. I don't know anything about these receivers, and am scared to turn it on. If it doesn't work, I will be greatly disappointed that my good fortune wasn't so good after all.

He only had one manual, so he wouldn't let it go, but I can probably go back and borrow it and make a copy.

The only thing I can say is that someone wants me to be involved in this hobby, because He has surely blessed my efforts. :D
You won't believe this!
He asked me what I would give for it. I didn't have but $22.00 on me, so I said how about $20.00. He thought a minute, and said ok. :D :D
Wow Fred! Slave that sucker imediatedly. You'll need to use C-band to make sure you have the latest maps. G1/G15 @ 133.0w on channel 3. You can then start to play with it. The nearest ITC 4dtv channels I can think of are on Satmex5 (Spanish), so go to the next group on T5/IA5/G25, for Nebraska Educational tv, these are C-band, so try out G4/G16 ku. There are at least 2 channels on it that's ITC. You'll find some more C-band on GB/G11. Later I'll get you into Generic Sats, for more ITC channels.

Hey Al,

I haven't even plugged it in yet. I have read so much about bad lithium batteries, and I really don't want to pull out my analog and put this in place unless I know it is going to work.

Can I just plug it in not connected to the dish and see if the front lights come on without hurting anything? Is there a way to tell from that if all is well?

I don't know anything about the menu structure and sure as heck don't want to blow it.

Can I just hook it up like the analog is now? Probably won't do it until tomorrow sometime. I have had a long and busy day, and shortly to bed.
SOunds like you got a heckuva deal

Can I just plug it in not connected to the dish and see if the front lights come on without hurting anything? Is there a way to tell from that if all is well?
sure you can plug it in. I assume if it powers up the battery in there might be good

I don't know anything about the menu structure and sure as heck don't want to blow it.
you wont blow it up

Can I just hook it up like the analog is now? Probably won't do it until tomorrow sometime. I have had a long and busy day, and shortly to bed.

sure. Just hook it up and as Al said, move to G1 (15) and let it download the channel maps. Otherwise you should be able to go to the analog channels
Man It WORKS!!!!

I hooked it up to the spare tv in the office, and it came on said warming up, and displayed G1, can't find the channel continuing to search. The remote works too.


Thanks for the manual photoman76. I will download it now and maybe read myself to sleep.

Thanks a bunch guys!!
Here is the manual for the DSR 920:
Wow, how's that for service?
Less than three hours, and now you have your own manual.

I think you should go back and beat the guy out of his other receiver -and- his 10' dish.
But this time, carry $52 in your pocket. :cool:

With luck like yours... :eureka ...
While you're at it, get me some lottery tickets.
... here's $20.
The guy was just a very nice country guy. He wanted to help someone out, and I happened to be the one he helped.

He has a pizza dish he watches too. I told him if he ever quits using the dish and the other receiver to call me, because I wanted first crack at them.
Hey Al,

It works fine. I got the Nebraska channels, but couldn't get anything on G4, and I am still trying to figure out which of these old satellite names is Satmex 5. :D

It just came to me, maybe it is M5 for Morellis or something.

Anyway, I think I am going to have some questions, so I'll open a thread in the C-Band area for those.

Thanks for everyone's help and thank you Photoman for the users manual.
If you haven't checked the FTA Shack, I stumbled onto a DSR-920 yesterday that I purchased for almost nothing.

I have it hooked up now, and Photoman was kind enough to send me a link for the User's Manual which I read through.

Al directed me to G1 channel 3 for the updates which I did. Then I jumped over to see if the Nebraska Educational stuff would come in. I got those ok too.

Then I tried G4 for some KU and nothing.

I don't have the installation manual, so I kind of poked around and found the dish settings and the previous owner had it set up for C-Band only. I changed that to C/KU lnbs.

I have since returned to G1 channel 3 for further updates. Now I have a couple of questions.

When you swing to G1 channel 3 for updates, am I correct that you have to turn the unit off?

When you turn it off, how long does it take for the update?

Will the update now include the KU ITC channels?

Is there anything special you have to do to switch to KU?

Is what I have done above all I have to do to tell the unit that it has both lnbs?

BTW, it has a very nice picture, and I haven't even figured out yet how to adjust the skew.

I have my Pansat 3500 and my former analog Drake now 922 set up so that I can swith an A/B switch and let each unit control the polarity for itself when using it.

Does anyone have a link to the installation manual? I hate just poking around without really know what I am doing. :D

That's all the questions for now. I am sure more will come. Thanks in advance for all your help.

On G4 C-Band there is an anlog channel on 16 V

KU has a bunch of audio but it probably needs the download first
If you haven't checked the FTA Shack, I stumbled onto a DSR-920 yesterday that I purchased for almost nothing.
actually I merged the two together so we can follow along :)

When you swing to G1 channel 3 for updates, am I correct that you have to turn the unit off?
I assume so.

Will the update now include the KU ITC channels?
I dont have a 4DTV so I honestly don't know.

As for the satellites, here is a list of what was where and what it was or is called

M5 must mean Satmex 5
Now that's a comprehensive list. Thanks!

According to the list, M2 is Satmex 5. I had thought I had remembered M5 from one of my other analogs, but might be mistaken.

I'll give it a few more minutes on the download. It has been about 15 minutes now.
Did you do a master reset? its always good to do, the maps will download if the unit is on or off as long as you are on any premium channel distribution feed compatible with your 920.

Has the battery been changed in the 920? if not you should really look into doing this asap.

Once you select both c/ku lnb or lnbf's whatever you have the ku-bands should show up, the maps take about 30 minutes to fully load.

If you arm is on the right you are Linear west if the left east, this will help the easy sat locator find the sats for you after the reset if you do it.

Best thing to do after a reset is set you arm and lnb's set limits and them set 3-4 sats accros the arc limited to the ones on the small list, save them then go to download your maps, I usally turn it off to download maps after a reset for 30 minutes but you can keep it on.

Oh and do the reset on G1 but peak it as best you could so G1 will always be at 5000.

920 may lose all its authorization and activated channels, so you may need to call your provider to turn it back on.
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master reset is "options (menu) 6-7-7-8" to get into the install menu (at least thats what it is on most of the Motorola boxes I've seen)
Hi tdti1.

Didn't do a master reset. Don't know how, and didn't want to mess anything up without an installation manual.

Don't know if the battery has been changed or not. It hasn't been plugged in for about 2 years. I pulled the cover off this morning, and there is no evidence of corrosion or anything around the battery. Looks clean as a whistle inside. I will have to check Jeff's thread about a batteryectomy and have my neighbor change it for me. He does those kinds of things.

Thanks for the information about the download. I'll give it a few more minutes before exploring again.

If you can tell me how to do the master reset, I'll also give that a shot too.

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