Trust Counts... A Note from SatelliteGuys Founder Scott Greczkowski

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Actuall surprised they aren't gone already. :p I am dissapointed at the name calling that has gone on. Morons, idiots, trolls, heads up asses, etc.

Nice way to be professional.

That's because we don't take ourselves too damn seriously on this site and try to have a little fun every now and then. Yes, it gets a little out of hand on occasion, but sometimes things just need to be said. And those things were NEVER permitted to be said on DBSTalk. Scott lets us go. And that was the main reason he got my money as a subscriber, and not DBSTalk.

And really, it doesn't mean poop to a tree to me anymore, because neither D* or E* gets my money. But if either one wants it again, they're gonna have to get better, and the CE process is the way for D*. But D* needs to LISTEN and do what NEEDS to be done and not what will bring them an extra 50 cents a month, when the basic functions of their flagship product are BROKEN. I was FED UP with blank recordings and glitches and backwards-assed menus, and despite saying they were working on it, it barely improved in the 10 months I had it.

And I, for one, think Satelliteguys can do it better. Because we WILL say what needs to be said, even if sometimes it rubs some folks wrong. :)
Thanks for the invite to this site. The first thing I'd like to see is some actual spelling and grammar. Many of the posts I have read so far confuse me.

Secondly, it seems that from the posts I've read so far there's much pandemonium here.

I'm having a hard time, from my first impressions, seeing how members and moderators here could participate in an effective way in the DirecTV CE program, which requires not only proper monitoring and submission of relative information, but diligent moderating of said posts and materials, to help DirecTV improve their products for all of us.

Please enlighten a newb to SatGuys.
Calling DirecTV, DIsh, or any other company names or insulting them won't get it done any faster either.

BTW, I am a DBS Chat Room Mod and name calling by anyone in DBS's chat room will not be tolerated. This is not a threat. It has been a long standing policy for as long as I have been a member there.
Kissing D*'s butt will never solve anything, nor will telling them they are doing a great job when they really aren't.

I am NOT kissing Directv's butt! I have posted many problems and complained. But, I also say they are doing a great job when they are.

If you say we are kissing there butt's with these CE's and field test we do. You guys are asking to do the same thing. (and I am not saying you said that, it is just I have seen this in several posts)
Thanks for the invite to this site. The first thing I'd like to see is some actual spelling and grammar. Many of the posts I have read so far confuse me.

If you are going to complain about spelling and grammar, let's take a look at your screen name. Unless this is your real name, I assume you are using the Latin name of the gray wolf. To make proper use of binomial nomenclature, the genus (Canis) IS capitalized, but the species name (lupus) is NOT. It should also be underlined or italicized, but we'll give you a pass on that since I don't think you can control that in this case.

I agree that some posters could take more care with their spelling and grammar. In some cases it is maddening. There are running jokes in some threads about half, have, sense and a dozen other frequently misapplied words. We do need to be careful, however, since we all commit typographical errors. ;)
and the staff goes nuts 'elfing' Scott and Bob posts. Sometimes we just don't get to them before you see them.
Wow. OK. I can see you're all for improving your DirecTV experience. Thanks for that. That was helpful to all of us.

I DID improve it. I got RID of them. :)

But I WANT them to get BETTER. So I can justify giving them my hard earned money again. I am not hopeful though. Example: they had a perfectly functioning OTA solution in the HR20, so what do they do? Introduce the HR21 with no OTA tuners to save 50 cents a receiver because not everybody needs OTA, so NOW I have to have a good-ship-lollipop AM21 add on box, something ELSE to put in the entertainment rack and plug in, and now the damn thing is causing recording problems. They CREATED problems where they didn't have any before!

I am NOT kissing Directv's butt! I have posted many problems and complained. But, I also say they are doing a great job when they are.

If you say we are kissing there butt's with these CE's and field test we do. You guys are asking to do the same thing. (and I am not saying you said that, it is just I have seen this in several posts)

'I' was part of that too. I got a D12 and a SWM 5 to test. SWM is one thing they absolutely nailed. If the DVR's were half as good as the SWM, D* would be in good shape, hardware wise.

D* has the BEST programming in the business, no doubt. But I have FTA receivers that work better than some of D*'s equipment.
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Thanks for the invite to this site. The first thing I'd like to see is some actual spelling and grammar. Many of the posts I have read so far confuse me.

Secondly, it seems that from the posts I've read so far there's much pandemonium here.

I'm having a hard time, from my first impressions, seeing how members and moderators here could participate in an effective way in the DirecTV CE program, which requires not only proper monitoring and submission of relative information, but diligent moderating of said posts and materials, to help DirecTV improve their products for all of us.

Please enlighten a newb to SatGuys.

First of all let me formally :welcome you to satelliteguys. Don't let this thread be an indication to the way this site is as its not normally this crazy. Feel free to go over to the Directv CE forum as a registered member you should now be able to see it. I know I'm the biggest perpetrator of grammar here behind Scott. I don't due grammar. I do engineering :). The grammar elf's always are yelling at me. But if its getting you a c band signal from a 90 cm dish, I can do that with limitations. Or if its helping you cascade switches to get 6 dish network orbital locations on one receiver, I'm your man, but if its spelling serendipity, its not going to happen! (the spell check saved me on that one :D. )
Ok, now I'm really confused. Are posts edited or not?

and the staff goes nuts 'elfing' Scott and Bob posts. Sometimes we just don't get to them before you see them.

And Jason said in post #159

We avoid deleting or modifying posts in 99.9% of situations we address. Generally, unless you are hacking, totally ripping someone else inappropriately, or using the F bomb, we let your opinion stand. Something that many appreciate here.

All these contridictions are making my head hurt. Don't know who's posts to TRUST. :confused:
Ok, now I'm really confused. Are posts edited or not?

All these contridictions are making my head hurt. Don't know who's posts to TRUST. :confused:

It's a little different to correct an obvious typo for a fellow staff member. That is CLEARLY not what I meant in post 154.

You are reading too much into it, that is what is making your head hurt.
That's because we don't take ourselves too damn seriously on this site and try to have a little fun every now and then. Yes, it gets a little out of hand on occasion, but sometimes things just need to be said. And those things were NEVER permitted to be said on DBSTalk. Scott lets us go. And that was the main reason he got my money as a subscriber, and not DBSTalk.

And I, for one, think Satelliteguys can do it better. Because we WILL say what needs to be said, even if sometimes it rubs some folks wrong. :)

I agree 100%, Some times things do need to be said. I learned this in the millitary. Some times guys just need to scrap to understand each other. Once they have scrapped and settled there diffrences, they tend to be closer and laugh about it. Hell I have even seen people do this and become best friends.
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