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  • Users: Mike045
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  1. Mike045

    Help with the Acme Nut

    I have to replace the acme nut (V6-202) on my Von Weise actuator V76-5. Any info how to get the piece and replace it ? Thanks for your time, Mike
  2. Mike045

    GeoSat MicroHD, no hdmi ouput

    This last Saturday I used it to watch and record an opera. Yesterday, when I tried to use it to watch a channel, I had video but no sound at all. Today I changed my hdmi cable to test the connection, and now I have no longer video and sound. Are there are been any report that the hdmi output...
  3. Mike045

    GEOSATpro I want to be REALLY sure

    Two weeks ago I received my MicroHD ( a replacement ) and did a software upgrade to the latest version 011; since that time the STB has been running flawlessly. Now I want to edit my userdb file with MES and I want to be sure that I have the right procedure. (I have been there before, so ...
  4. Mike045

    Green power lights, not responsing to remote

    I installed this morning the latest software and all went well. After I saved my userdb.udf and edited it with MediaBox editor and renamed the new file userdbA.udf. I uploaded it on the STB and checked that the changes I have made were there. Afterwards, I made new...
  5. Mike045

    DVB subtitles with Coolsat 8100 HD

    Hi everybody, Recently I recorded a show with English, Spanish, and Portugese subtitles But I have been unable to see any subtitles on my CS8100 while recording, or afterward while playing. When I press the OPT button on my remote, I have only Audio and Closed Caption as options. No Subtitles...
  6. Mike045

    Coosat 8100HD: Weird behaviour

    I have a CS8100 and CS6100; the LNB feed signal goes first into CS8100, then CS6100. I have been watching NET (Nebraska PBS) on G28/89W lately and something really curious is happening: On the CS6100, all the signals are OK, but on CS8100, some channels like 9, 11, 15 pulsates about once a...
  7. Mike045

    What is that satellite ?

    I am pointing east of AMC 6, 72 W, somewhat and on my CS6100, I get on Ku ETV Satellite Service from South Carolina ETV and Radio (south carolina): 11964 V 11263, which carry mostly PBS stuff. I do not find any other signal there, vertical or horizontal. Where I am ? Jerry
  8. Mike045

    Forthcoming Coolsat 8200

    Has somebody have any info about the forthcoming CS8200: specs and availability ? I might be tempted to buy a CS8100 but I would be really :mad: if the CS8200 appears on the shelves in just a few weeks/months from now. Mike
  9. Mike045

    A question about Coolsat 8100 HD

    Is it true that the unit can do dvb-s dvb-s2, qspk and 8psk, but not 4:2:2? I have been told that CS8100 has the capability of 8psk out of the box (no need of an add-on board), but I cannot find any confirmation on the specs . Mike.
  10. Mike045

    Coolsat 6100 Private: need loader

    Hi everyone, I went to the official site for Coolsat (Coolsat USA - Official Web Site of Free To Air Satellite Receivers) and nowhere I can find a loader for the Coolsat 6100. There seems to be plenty on hackers sites but not on the legit ones. Anybody can help ? I have via USB saved the fdu...
  11. Mike045

    DiseqC Woes

    I have a C/Ku setup with a Drake 1724 analog receiver (see my sig); I use the Drake to move the dish and activate the skew of my LNBs. The system has been working properly in analog times. To use the digital signals I used for some time a PC card, and lately a CoolSat 6100 receiver; I am using...
  12. Mike045

    Coolsat 6100 Private: a true one or a clone

    I received yesterday a CS6100 Private that I had ordered on the Net, from an authorized dealer. It seems that there are some Coolsat clones floating around, so those you are knowledgeable here, can you tell me if my receiver is legit or not. In the User's Manual, I see no reference to the...
  13. Mike045

    Clear QAM via satellite

    If I am not mistaken there are some satellites on C band, maybe Ku don't know, that are sending QAM for Cable in the clear; I am the owner of a new Panny 42pz77u that has a NTSC/ATSC/QAM tuner. Is there any way to feed these signals in the Panny; I am using a Drake 1724. Mike
  14. Mike045

    FTA box with HDTV: suggestions ?

    Hi everybody, A new HDTV (TH42PZ77U) is coming home this week to replace my aging 19 years old 26" TV; with my setup (see sig), can somebody suggests a few FTA boxes for SD/ED/HD reception ? Thanks, Mike
  15. Mike045

    Strangeness with my setup

    Hi all, I use a setup like this one to connect my LNBs from my BUD to my PCI card via a 4 ports Diseqc switch. My Circular LNB is connected to port #1, the linear Ku to port #2, and finally the C Lnb to port #3. The ports #1 and 3 are working just fine. However, I get no response at all from...
  16. Mike045

    Can you confirm, please ?

    I am trying to get the nets on Galaxy 16 (99 W), tp 13 3950 H 122296 - ?. If I read lyngsat correctly, these are digital, clear signals. But my software client (Linux/MythTV) detect encryped ones. Are they really clear ? On another thread one speaks of G4 for FTA; where is it located ? I...
  17. Mike045

    Troubles getting digital signals with my BUD

    Hi everyone, I own a 10' BUD with Corotor II Plus, and the following LNBs (see attachements): C-Band: Cal Ampl Part No. 140011 Ku-Band: Cal Amp Part No. 31186 I have not trouble getting the analog signals (C and Ku bands) with my Drake 1724 receiver. Now I am trying to setup my system to get...
  18. Mike045

    Is LyngSat really reliable ?

    I have a 10' BUD with C/Ku LNBs. I have been trying to get some FTA channels with my PCI card (SkyStar2) which does not do blind search. I got the signals for DW TV and La Cadena del Milagro on AMC1 (103W) with the following: LO : 5150 Freq: 3740 S/R 29270 7/8. I am using MythTV (Linux)...
  19. Mike045

    Well... I think I need help

    For the last weeks or so, I have been struggling to get FTA channels with my SkyStar 2 2.6D DVB-S PCI card. I have a 10' BUD with Chaparral Corotor II; my Ku LNB is a 11.7- 12.2 GHz, Noise 0,7 dB, and the C LNB is a standard one (system bought in 1994). I use my analog IRD (Drake 1724) to aim...
  20. Mike045

    LNBs ok for FTA ?

    Hi everyone, Since the mid-90s I own a 10' BUD with CorotorII/C/Ku lnb for analog reception. Lately I got the idea to use my BUD for FTA reception; I have just bought a DBS-S PCI to experiment. I made an add-on on my dish with the addition of a DSS LNBF to catch BEV and DN; reception OK. But...