BREAKING: LEBRON chooses Miami

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Here is just one of the many I found with a quick google search.

Benedict LeBron chooses treachery over honor - NBA News - FOX Sports on MSN

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I am talking about GILBERT'S cry baby fest letter to the Cavs fans....NOT Lebron's ego fest dog an pony show. IF you are gonna call me out on least understand what I am talking about.

MOST, hell almost ALL writers have stated that Gilbert, though had EVERY right to be upset because Lebron's leaving just devalued his team by well over $200 million by some reports....lacked like, and I paraphrasing here, 'a jilted teenager when finding out his girlfriend picked a better boyfriend'.:rolleyes:
I did say that and firmly believe it.

Gilbert enabled LeBron's behavior all those years and basically has no one to blame but himself. We now know why Ferry resigned.

If Gilbert really felt that way about LeBron why was a max contract offer on the table??

STOP!!!! LMAO!! Common sense and logic is not allowed in this conservation.;)
Who spoiled the brat and caved in to LeBron's every demand??

What prominent free agents will want to play for an owner that's liable to explode with a juvenile rant about him at any time??

He could have released a statement that got the same point across but in a much more adult, professional tone.

LMAO!! 2 for 2!
LeFart thinks the grass is greener? Let's see.....

Over/Under the Heat winning over 60 games next year? The Cavs won 61 and 66 games the previous two years. He think's he will have it better off by "taking his talents to South Beach?" Let's see! It's put up or shut up time. He now has all the pressure on him. Scrutiny and criticism will be at an all-time high.
LeFart thinks the grass is greener? Let's see.....

Over/Under the Heat winning over 60 games next year? The Cavs won 61 and 66 games the previous two years. He think's he will have it better off by "taking his talents to South Beach?" Let's see! It's put up or shut up time. He now has all the pressure on him. Scrutiny and criticism will be at an all-time high.

You still don't get it. Total wins in the regular season means nothing if you are truly a very good will win the NBA chmapionship. Many teams have proven you will not win the NBA championship if you have the most wins and you can still win the champioship if you are not the #1 seed.

I do not care if they win only 50 wins. CHAMPIONSHIPS are what count. NOT most regular season wins.
I am talking about GILBERT'S cry baby fest letter to the Cavs fans....NOT Lebron's ego fest dog an pony show. IF you are gonna call me out on least understand what I am talking about.

MOST, hell almost ALL writers have stated that Gilbert, though had EVERY right to be upset because Lebron's leaving just devalued his team by well over $200 million by some reports....lacked like, and I paraphrasing here, 'a jilted teenager when finding out his girlfriend picked a better boyfriend'.:rolleyes:

It was written in defense of Gilbert.
You still don't get it. Total wins in the regular season means nothing if you are truly a very good will win the NBA chmapionship. Many teams have proven you will not win the NBA championship if you have the most wins and you can still win the champioship if you are not the #1 seed.

I do not care if they win only 50 wins. CHAMPIONSHIPS are what count. NOT most regular season wins.

Wins in the regular season is just one measuring stick.

But regardless, are you saying it will be a disappointment if the Heat don't win the Championship next year? After all, you now have 3 of the top 10 players in the league. No one else can claim that.
Not disagreeing, but what type of things are you referring to?


According to Gilbert's AP interview, Lebron got away with murder and he will no longer hide it anymore.

"He has gotten a free pass," Gilbert said in a phone interview with The AP. "People have covered up for [James] for way too long. Tonight we saw who he really is."
Wins in the regular season is just one measuring stick.

But regardless, are you saying it will be a disappointment if the Heat don't win the Championship next year? After all, you now have 3 of the top 10 players in the league. No one else can claim that.

I expect them to compete for the NBA Championship in the next season. The YEAR AFTER, I expect them to win it. ANYTHING short of 2 championships in the 4 years here in Miami, because I think they will be gone in 4 years IF they don't....will be a failure.
It was written in defense of Gilbert.

HELL, I agree that he has every right to be pissed. There isn't a single person who does not agree that he should be pissed because Lebron did this in a classless way. BUT you will find very little to NO ONE agreeing in his little letter full of accussations and wishing of curses like a little kid.
Open Letter to Cavs Fans: From Boobie Gibson!

“As you know i was born and raised in Houston, TX,” Gibson began. “Never once stayed outside the state for more than two weeks and the time I did, that was for basketball. But after two years of college at the University of Texas I decided to make the jump. You can just imagine how fast my mind was racing going to a city so many miles out of my comfort zone not knowing one single person. But I thank God it was Cleveland! Because From day one the city embraced me and made me feel like I was home. My Second HOME. And as time went on I began to see why we connected. Cleveland is a never die city, city of loyalty, hard-workers, passion, desire, and toughness. A lot of the same characteristics I have in me and that inspired me.”

“Every single night we take that we floor We Will represent,” the guard continued. “Blood Sweat and tears. We will go hard. Just like you. From the bottom to the top, this organization is committed to winning and we wont stop now….. Cant stop now. I LOVE you. We Love YOU. And together We gone make it happen. O H I O. Hang in there.”

That's the spirit Boobie!!!
I must be missing something here. What did Lebron James get away with?


That just it....nobody knows what these things he got away with are? Gilbert has not elaborated what they are. My thinking is, he never will because it will show HE is as much fault to Lebron's ego as Lebron himself. HE, like most owners, let his superstar get away with whatever demands he wanted....and therefore he wants to shift ALL the blame of his ego ON HIM when more than likely, in reality, it was created mostly by Gilbert himself.
Enough with this frivilous talk. It pales in comparison to the REAL elephant in the room...

What has been revealed in the last week certainly raises serious questions about the Boston series and game 5. I mentioned that Lebron’s performance was completely out of character, however no one knew why. Now that he has stated that his main reason for leaving is to get a ring, perhaps he realized that if he won a ring with the Cavs this year it would ruin his reason for joining up with his buddies in Miami? I hope that some journalist will look into this. If Lebron actually tanked game 5 in order to make it easeir to leave, this affects the very integrity of the game.
Enough with this frivilous talk. It pales in comparison to the REAL elephant in the room...

What has been revealed in the last week certainly raises serious questions about the Boston series and game 5. I mentioned that Lebron’s performance was completely out of character, however no one knew why. Now that he as stated that his main reason for leaving is to get a ring, perhaps he realized that if he won a ring with the Cavs this year it would ruin his reason for joining up with his buddies in Miami? I hope that some journalist will look into this. If Lebron actually tanked game 5 in order to make it easeir to leave, this affects the very integrity of the game.

You are absolutely right and I totally agree. But as the old saying goes, there is 3 sides to everything.....your side, my side and the truth. I doubt the truth will ever come out, just like if there are more refs involved in the betting scandal of a couple of seasons back.
Conspiracy #2:

Where the hell has Shaq been?! He was in the Cavs locker room all last year, so if anyone knows what might have been going on, it's him. And ironically enough, the one dude to NEVER hold his breath, has been super quiet. Hmmmm.

My guess is we still have much to learn about the behind the seasons reasonings of the whole "decision".
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