Newsflash: Tebow no NFL QB.

How many NCAA championships did Tom Brady win? Peyton Manning? Brett Favre? Drew Brees? ;)


Not to nitpick, but Brady was on the '97 championship team at MICHIGAN. I know Brian Griese was the starting QB in the bowl game, but Brady did play that year.

As for Stafford, well he is a Lion now, and that franchise IS where you go to end your career if you are a head coach or QB. 52 yrs. of futility.......

Still, I have high hopes for Stafford, he does display the right tools, a big NFL arm, and more importantly, leadership skills. Now the brass just needs to get the players to make him successful - a left tackle, a top flight RB, and a good second receiver. (Funny that would need receivers!)

At least the current upper management seems to have a better eye for talent than Millen did. They did find 5 starters in last years draft, which is more than Millen did in 9 yrs. total.

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