Newsflash: Tebow no NFL QB.

Nobody is disputing Jamarcus was Ok after 15 games. The problem for him is that he didn't retire on the spot, he kept playing, and he as putrid this year.

If you want to imply Ryan, Sanchez, Stafford, etc., will all be putrid next year too, because they had similar rookie statistics to Jamarcus (although it wasn't even Jamarcus's first year), go right ahead.

They all show signs of progressing though, not regressing. You have nothing to base that on...except Jamarcus. ;)

Raider Nation doesn't even think Jamarcus will make the team this year.


I am implying 2 things....ONE, #1 overall picks will never, EVER live up to money they are given. There have been VERY few that have come close their 1st few years and almost NONE at the QB position. And two....IF Mr. Sanchez would have been with with the Raiders his stats would have just as bad if not injured or out. After 15 games, stats wise....Russell had BETTER stats than Strafford AND Sanchez after their 1st 14-16 starts. So, before you start puckering up about how GREAT they are....put all things into consideration.

And oh yeah, it may have NOT been JaMarcus's 1st year LAST year, it WAS his 1st year as a starter. ....but I am sure you knew that two....;)
Jimbo you lost me when the guy said "he cant throw"

When he had receivers that were worth a dam he put up great throwing numbers. Last years throwing numbers were not as great, but look at the receivers and watch the games. THEY dropped countless perfect passes. All the QB can do is put the ball in the right spot, and tebow did that the majority of the time. His receivers simply dropped the ball.

Tebow will be a great asset to any team he is on. I hope he does goto Jacksonville or even Id prefer Tampa (its closer to me) Id go watch and it might get me into watching the NFL again.

But gotta remember...MOST of the offense for the Gators was run in shotgun formation. The last time ANYTHING like that kinda offense was run was with the late 80s early 90s Buffalo Bills with Jim Kelly....who was bigger a with a stronger arm AND a offensive coaching staff that is WILLING to run that kinda offense full time. And THAT will be a tough sell....
I am implying 2 things....ONE, #1 overall picks will never, EVER live up to money they are given. There have been VERY few that have come close their 1st few years and almost NONE at the QB position.

Nobody is disputing that. You can move on from this.

And two....IF Mr. Sanchez would have been with with the Raiders his stats would have just as bad if not injured or out. After 15 games, stats wise....Russell had BETTER stats than Strafford AND Sanchez after their 1st 14-16 starts. So, before you start puckering up about how GREAT they are....put all things into consideration.

And oh yeah, it may have NOT been JaMarcus's 1st year LAST year, it WAS his 1st year as a starter. ....but I am sure you knew that two....;)

OK, you're still arguing Jamarcus's first 15 starts are similiar to other QB's...nobody is disputing that either. You can move on from this too.

Also, nobody is saying Stafford, Sanchez, Ryan, etc., are great. You are putting words into people's mouth so you can argue with them about it. Move on from that as well.

Ok, now that we've gotten that out of the way...

I'm saying AFTER those 15 games Jamarcus Russell went downhill fast, and now Raider Nation doesn't even think he'll make the team this year. Dispute that if you like. ;)

Looks like Tebow agrees with the girl...

Tebow Won't Throw at Combine -- NFL FanHouse


Because he is going to litterally completely overhall his mechanics. Should be interesting. He is going impress someone enough in the one-on-one interviews to take him in the 2nd round....or maybe higher. MARK MY WORDS..... am I saying he is that good? NO! I am saying that when they interview this kid...look at his complete body of work, see that he is still extremely coachable and a credit to any frachise...someone will be convinced he is worth the draft pick.
Because he is going to litterally completely overhall his mechanics. Should be interesting. He is going impress someone enough in the one-on-one interviews to take him in the 2nd round....or maybe higher. MARK MY WORDS..... am I saying he is that good? NO! I am saying that when they interview this kid...look at his complete body of work, see that he is still extremely coachable and a credit to any frachise...someone will be convinced he is worth the draft pick.

Jacksonville is desperate enough to try to save their franchise, they may go for Tebow. Any other team that drafts him in the first round is taking an incredible gamble.

It takes years to recover from a bad first round QB draft pick.

Jacksonville is desperate enough to try to save their franchise, they may go for Tebow. Any other team that drafts him in the first round is taking an incredible gamble.

It takes years to recover from a bad first round QB draft pick.


Yeah....but does Jax have the patients to do it?

And if ANYONE knows about how long it takes to recoup, it would be my Raiders....:( I am gonna give FAT MAN one more chance....and that chance is ONLY in spring drills and pre-season to show me something.

Anyways, that is for another thread.

Back to Teabow, I don't think they would be crazy enough to draft him because they think he will draw ticket sales....I mean I can see it if he was gonna start, but I just don't see him starting any time soon.
Jacksonville is desperate enough to try to save their franchise, they may go for Tebow. Any other team that drafts him in the first round is taking an incredible gamble.

It takes years to recover from a bad first round QB draft pick.

Just ask San Diego. They went to the Super Bowl in '94, then QB Stan Humphries had to retire in '97 with concussion injuries. Desperate in '98, they drafted 2nd overall (after the Colts) and picked the 2nd QB on the board (Ryan Leaf, passing on Hasselbeck, Brian Griese and Charlie Batch). That cost GM Bobby Beathard his job.
Jacksonville is desperate enough to try to save their franchise, they may go for Tebow. Any other team that drafts him in the first round is taking an incredible gamble.

It takes years to recover from a bad first round QB draft pick.


We know a thing or two about that in Detroit. (Not counting Stafford in that comment. The jury is still out on him).:D

Harrington, Ware, Long, ........
Looks like Tebow agrees with the girl...

Tebow Won't Throw at Combine -- NFL FanHouse


But Tebow insists that he's a quarterback, and he can make it at the next level.

"With continued work, I will have this down pat by minicamp," Tebow told Schefter. "It will be like second nature. It's not like it feels awkward to me now. I'm excited about the changes I've made."

Sorry Tim,
If you could change anything wrong with your mechanics or change your throwing style that quickly it would have been done many times over for alll the other QB's that have question marks.

I agree, someone WILL take him and give him a chance.

lets see what happens in training camp when he's playing against 2 and 3rd string guys and get a small idea than.
If he can't stand out then, it's not gonna happen.
Maybe 3-4 years away.

He would be better off to go in as a H back type and play the "Slash" role.
But Tebow insists that he's a quarterback, and he can make it at the next level.

"With continued work, I will have this down pat by minicamp," Tebow told Schefter. "It will be like second nature. It's not like it feels awkward to me now. I'm excited about the changes I've made."

Sorry Tim,
If you could change anything wrong with your mechanics or change your throwing style that quickly it would have been done many times over for alll the other QB's that have question marks.

I agree, someone WILL take him and give him a chance.

lets see what happens in training camp when he's playing against 2 and 3rd string guys and get a small idea than.
If he can't stand out then, it's not gonna happen.
Maybe 3-4 years away.

He would be better off to go in as a H back type and play the "Slash" role. thing for sure, this kid is VERY coachable. I have started like this kid for some reason lately with what he has been saying and how he is going out of his way to work hard and prove he can play in the next level. One thing for sure, I do would NOT doubt him...that's for sure.
Don't worry about Stafford, look at all the championships he won at Georgia.

oh wait, he didn't win any... You can start worrying now ;)
You probably don't want to use NCAA championships won as criteria to determine good quarterbacks. After all, how many championships did Bradshaw, Young, Favre, Marino, Elway, Manning, Roethlisberger, Warner, Brady, Aikman, etc. win in college??
You probably don't want to use NCAA championships won as criteria to determine good quarterbacks.
No, but I watched Stafford play for 3 years in Athens, and he could never win the big game. He had a bad habit of throwing interceptions when under pressure. Doesn't seem to have changed in Detroit.
No, but I watched Stafford play for 3 years in Athens, and he could never win the big game. He had a bad habit of throwing interceptions when under pressure. Doesn't seem to have changed in Detroit.

Montana was a lousy College QB in my opinion .....
He seamed to do OK in the NFL.....

No, I'm not comparing the two, but it fits the subject.
Montana was a lousy College QB in my opinion .....
He seamed to do OK in the NFL.....

No, I'm not comparing the two, but it fits the subject.

...and how many game-winning passes did Joe Montana (or anyone else) complete WHILE he had a separated shoulder? :D ;)


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